The billboard (Jan 1918)

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bMS atAiaan •»Mnl* Ouuiljl tor Uia intemviit findltim raaOr to take adwiUte of tlM payniant of .any nuMiay to Hr. Chanar. iMit aa tlM Oovarmnant dUla't take tba lb'. Channr baa aa oOlca In tba ■■■cipaivarB Omaha. NA.. Dec. II^Maz Hoff- miTij boAand of Oertrode Hofbnan. who «■ chatsad with havUs Uqnor 1& ma "poBiavitDn lllasally' and al» tor tlw iIl«KBl tranaportatlon of the same Into Mebraska, baa been dtsmlsacd. iloSinui leitined that his wice needed i^mnlants . lallowlnE her iierronn- anroe 'Thn Hottmana while travallnx fe«*o a ear. whieli la tbeir home, and NaT Tork. Dee. tt.—'BxceMre vas the oplnlaa of the Appellate DlvtsIOD of the'Snpreiiio Court ol the verdict tor (>.*».« amffdcd to Rose I<cM«, ttaa ttbr.Bin. watnat Charlea DOlfpc anrtMiawmint ot damasaa was Maet0Ltm*iK^ to St.EM. "Itl^: Iiartb fertocbt aoH In the fln- prUM Oeoi' nnder BmplorB^ UaNUtgr Act. fbarslns that tha man- IIIMMIBI tba atoba Thaslar Wbwa A* Ml trom a lllKht of ««pa to ttao tM^'Xtpf^a on lt.:ifUa Leano cWn t&at aba waa parOr patalnoa at rMnK*4f .the nui and bcr aytM « ■0 Jariwmy ^art that iba coaM i oqramw ntr Yoeatlon aa m daacar. WlllMliim wpaalad from Um -r dloi-oi;tb« Snprema Conrfc 'i*wT«ii^ Soft 11. . rrodartafc i Now Tork, Dec. 2S.—The year Just cloalnE will aoon have passed as the most turbulent to the history of American theatricals and the business In general. Few eucceues have been recorded. Bvery line of the proiesalon ot ontertaliunent haa nndersona reirolatlonarT cbangee. ehangee that bid In the utUmata for a gnat^, and newer ■•■bow baetneae" In tbie city and on onr wondoitnl contlnont as a whole. Tho Oovortmcnt control ot tho transportation linea la eanrioK serions talk and much ■paoulatlon ai to bow it win atloet the immediate future ol " amnMaent builneaa All are voldnc optlmlttleally that the iay iH-not far distant when the traoatUon of private ownerablp to C a Ihtng that Is to tie devoutly desired by Ihosa later upon the "whims" of those now lli control of public lines In particular. Wall street's acceptance of tba' Oovermnental control ot the railroads 1: servlBK to succor the timld'and to chesr others to hold a most optlmlstlt attltudo (or the future, bellevlnE In the wlsdam of our President to at Ol times do thInsB tor the beat good for the largest nniaber.' H. P- McGarvle, preeldent ot thq^Bronx International SxposlUon, recently spent a week In WaBhtngton.DlInB dajta.and Important niemoranda with " Department ot State and t&o Dopaitment bc Commerco and Ubor.- Fred Stone entertained and banqueted Jos. mtV^oEtlM'.IU Baach '^d Weat fame, and Bllljr Burke; the vaudeville prodocsr, aHttil iuitKiWitig the' performance of Jack-o'-t«ntaFa'at .the niiiTiii Tliliaiw TIllMOifcj'nfchl The meat was buffalo aleak shipped trora.MaJoF.Oardon W. liUafa (FKwnee Bill) naidb at Pawnaei Ok., eopeclaHy tor the occMmUvn. Tb» nuuUKemaat of ..the Strand save aa' aarhr. jaanbig performance ■apadalljr for the crippled oUldian of the eltr on mdar> About fifteen ot the Fifth Arenue busies wei^'used to brlns the children to the theater. A boy^ band enlivened the parUa on lonto. ' I. Vlotor Wnsoo. Qm man who directs the pawtdty Palace. fc > minw tammt titaatm Ma wd rt! MT. Tad do Mt'haTa ta wait ammd to kum ana Mm ho torn mat siawnaaae wUh the rt*oty atfMa llta >ad . Tfca nasin ot aia l^ A. T Mn ao w ■ ■ w i I b Ba H w a y O Picture iccess in like yoD do meet ChaBoeo opaoad at the Mtt IBr U itial p et ta rm aace at It o'clock Ch ma> Bvo. It waa the Orst cbna li history at a, PlttabuFK theator i an opealnf Aow started at that i Seven Cbanoes lonowad a tM wi nut at the PIU of Iho KOa ' Hew TorE. Dec S>^—«ia Baae Hos- pital Unit, No. I, ot which CaH Bao- derson. of the K. & H. Dramatle Aaency, la a member, waa tendered a dinner last nlxbt by the Board ot TmsteeB of the Honnt Slnal Hospital at. Haatr's Blzty-rtxth itreeC restau- rant. Mr. BondMsoa (nraisiied the .PblUp Biaa took aotin oharKo ot he show, wblch' was iminoancad a lie sneeesa br the boys who are about 0 CO "oTK there." among those who v01iinte»ed their ssrviees and did • their *nitt!' were Lonlse DeLarra. Phrllss Davle^ Marr Mecord lOotle, Haaly's Oichestra, under the airaeCbm of Lew Gold, played 'the muslo tar' the show, as well as solo^ numbers, and the boys sure did like that mnslo. Herbert in Cindniiati "Victor Herbert, second snest con- ductor oC the C^nelDnatl Symphony Orchestra, arrived 111 tho City last San- day and. asked for an assembly of the orchestra for the neil rooming to com- mence rehearstsB. Mr. Herbert's Brat appearance as conductor ot the Dtchestm will be.nen Sunday after- tba PopDlBT Concert In Music Ball. ^ttons is the East nr Tork. Dec 11.—E^derlek and i, IS In Maw Toik for the pi