The billboard (Jan 1918)

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■■Fire >Brrtliiioai^al swinK THB SKI mo, WW m IB! awu xnn, BUT TOE tri txiasi ux tas imK.;^ CORDIAL REIATIONS EXIST imrEEN AGENTS AND ARTISTS Opening of 1918 Season Finds a New Atmosphere C - Peimeating Chicago Booldng Agencies TGo4)peration Has Replaced Mutual Distrust tUaad befOr& Go-op«raUini bu pbced matnal dlitruxt and everybody ron ne ot ed Mtb tlia -noderllle lleir Mama to realli* that hla axpsotatloi of mstBilBl nonlts reMa dl notly aiuD tlie nhanr— otto are In thi Mune Held have for obUdnloB their rs' . Tho very stmoaptiere of the bis book- tug ayndlcalea baa changed conalder- amr. iVkmaor boounta, enMUd be- hind Mwaf: tTfail domai la >- larca Koardad by boja. In mncb the aanu . «ay that (bar Ouanced tlm baOwKy in tboaa halcyon Oara before the per- F of doing bnal- Goise: to New York ces Benncdy To Appear Tlwre udy. Wife of Thoi very prominent criminal lamryer In Chlciso, Who hu been playing thm the Sooth on the TT. B. o. Time with creat niecem, will shor York City at *ho "color the Palace. MlBS SennedT will be remembered aa OM. of' ttae atais In The Chocolate .malar, TUra* Xw^ moi Ban* of . In Ifew ' ;r;llWr.TMlb Dm. »*-—^ard DaWrtf la changed. New acta boldly IntoRn Tom Caxmody of tba natare ' JUEt reeaiillr. Tha Slnnejr Ii the big road attraction Aow shop, ftiu Ua and Hajenie are nm aa aomMsatlOB Another Tie-Up is Seattle Seattle, ■Wa«h,. Dec, JO.—For th Kcoad time In two weehe Seattle I aoodbonnd today so far as railway tranaportatlon la concerned. The Hippodrome road (how. dne to opea at the Bagant nuaten Taeoma, today, vtn probftblir antra there tomorrow. ~ ' at Um lUgMit yei- I mad* op here tolar Ud aent over to tba Orpheam Theater. Kelly and Kelly. 'McMahon and Thomaa and Orvet will All the •pots of Frank Voerg. Fields and Fields and Vera, Grant, who are Oood. boond eaat. oE the moontalnK The from Spokane mat FACTS Mmic PnbBther^ Philectin Awedatien • <tf PnramouTit Intenst to PERFORMERS LmA foe tiim tfnty'^mlk. on Th» BBIboai^M SONG WORLD PAGE ITapoleon OfferiDf X- Bloo TO r Kettb's Theater Jeraey City Goldwtii Patten tc Coi pany In a theatrical Innovation ei. bracing important eptaodoa Id the Ufa of Ifapoleon. Scene I slalit before the bUtli lion et the nol log SehUnel- Bceoe 1 ahowa tba la- terlDT of tbe EmpcTOrTe pafauie. The Incidents dwelt upon are those connected with the eaiU the American RepuMIc It wU prove an luplriDg effort at this partlsntar time. Ooldwin Patten la wtil qaelUl^d lo portray Napoleon and Ma Imper- Bonatlona «Clh^ W«at MopMnder are aald to ba imultaHa.' A aaecaaafol. vandevtUa Basaad Xavjr la tba Offtaim Tfaeeter, •pokana. Md 'lalilv. at 'Ibe Haieitle. Id. b a m a a aaart a l capacUy, WW* taofe erar tba remaining ttwttwi ta the Xaabo aapKai eity— VtaMv. UM and othan. He . Th,iJllm _ and loratlipicture Iionaca are uoo hard ha bjTitba tla-i^_^ Chicago, I>ee. ]>.—Oeaer and Edgar Dndlcy, who ooodnoted the Hoimae ft Dudtay Boohhv Agency m. the UaJaaUe Thaatn BaHdlw ba*« "Stm "Fan" BboBe Opening Seattle. Wash.. Q>c. 10.^^—Pantages' uary T. The old hoiue will be rechrlo- tened the Oak Theater, and wUI open the nune day with the Monte Carter Musical Comedy, the same show chosen for the old "Pan" houca mnalcai-produetlbna here. Alexander Panlagea win arrive at bto Beattia baaHqnartara Monday or Toeeday In tino to be p^went at the of hli Cincinnati's New Tbeatsr conotruotlon of the flve^tory co^hl- nallon theater and oOIce blinding (Or C\« Fatace Amnaement Company bn the north tide of Sixth street. Jnat eist ct Vine, ClnclnnBtl, O. Thia compBay wUl erect a vaudeville bouse of Ihc popQlBr-prlced type, which bas_alre^y been annoanced m these columns.. The building, which la expected to be completed by next September, will r«:>rai«nt an Inveatment of approil- i nutely fl.000.000. The theater will : b^ the largAI In tba Quean City, hav- \ In( 3,000 aaats. Three floora .of the j a^ctaro will be devoted to' vvl- on offlcea. The lot proper, all to bo | cih-ertd with the Improvamant, Is ISO f«t on Sixth atreet by lit feat In \ llpth along Fountain Place, abutttsg \ ok the a Tho audltorlnm » „ ~ lhara ba aahnanaln tk* which will Hva aaa aa nMft- Bted view «t tha ataga. Ihaat^ui*: < M goBaral arrangameat' e< the ' terlath«w»rkotB. F. A)bas,.ha ' g ana ot tha ofliatri of tba Palaea Conpanir.' Thsia UaBik lofaMd, attoraer. aaoraCary and>t] unr; dlraotora, Mr. Albaa, T. Mac dick, R. K. Bynlcka, A. PaUl Kslth abd Joseph Rhlnoek. ' The' cot pur has a espllal ot ISEO.OOO, wbb ameuat la to be Increased shortly. . Uajy Anderaon, LomsvUlB, '0 Open oa niati-ciaaa TaadeiillB'' deteon niaajer will open as a high- obis vaudmllM "tteatef lamorrow i), aftoraoonf^Thls annjUiyKmpnt con- 'ii !{M0W6|t ion period oriprtparatlon on llM itart ortha B, P. CKetib-litt«r«Ui^ 'be haoBB In^charge./^ Tbi danoa, fORaarHr epentted ai %ar- tbMUa^ .baa bM# T«n» Chicago, Dec St,—Chicago vatide- iiis has adopted a watching and 'Siting attitude regarding the ne< Bllroad situation resultlne from Oov erament control. Moat of (he blg pien ■, If anything, will scrvt [orate condllloiis. Instead of mak- Int: Ihem worn, as some calamity era maintain. ' a matter of fact the situation la :oo new for anything llko del' thtt a inagers will n ; In-