Billboard advertising (Jan 1918)

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Vaudevilfe Iteviigws By Spid^ Wire St Us ladd* ntUafs St ■ ■obBiilH ■hnl TICKETS HmmIIMOH MtTL-TheM Mad* hy WIIBOI, WniUMt ft LICK FORT tHITH. ARKANtAft N«w Tork, Dee.' II.—^arah BernhBrdt. aftar brMkUc all Moorda Palaco aanag lier nm two weeks' easanmeat, asaln packiMl tlw tliMtor to- day in aplte ol tbe tembiy cold weather. There is no qoeatloii bnt tluU HM- ame Bernhardt im the sreateBt ot all attreftlons poialble tar tba.ti»^dar. biiriDK the mornlDK while tenants In flata and office bolldloce were freednc m tone contlnamia line was In evidence etmBsUns to cet to the box aStce. To attempt place any ottier act la vaaderille In ttae na Iw rldtoDloas, as ahe tit i]DiIout>iedl; the moat remarkable actress and woman of today. The abow was a little above the hlKh Palace atandard. ■atartad panotnsUy at two o'clock and was over a few mlnate* past Ave. ■ 'Path* Weekly pictures Interested'the aarlr cotoera. Parlih and Stevon Peru, In a potpaurrl of versatile vai]__ vUla, Started (he ahow oti with about the best open^ns act aeen bere Ihli ■tBson. The TetaatlUCr of thair oRerlns-—danclnr. cycUnc; concertina plarlns. Itarrel JuntplnKi etc, preeented tn true ahowmanstatp style—won for these eo- tertatners mach applause and two Ikiws. Ten nilnate*. In one. So. t —Jack ftonahue and Alice Uarlon Stewart did wondera with an audience that waa net yet aeUed. The eoeentno comedy of Ulu Stewart sta'rted them, otl at a Kreat pace, and the dancing o[ Donahue helped conalder- .ably to'put over a bis hit. They. created much laOKhter and were rewarded' with two tMws from a crowd that wbb not pamoDlarly ncepUTe. Twenty Nol 4—Haniko Onoki, the JapaneM prtm& donna, haa a v»ry pieatdne id a wonderful voice. Her aongm in KnClIah were bandied wlib crest upraBton. She Is a vtry chio little lady and won many filanda In tbe crowd this afternoon. Ten nlnpte^ In one; touT'bowa. No. 9—Robert . Emmet Keaiw cama on Areathieoi. evldntir liaTiiic JiMt arrived and had not yet wanned np, but Baraetlled richt down to wotk n# dupllealed bla last weck'a •ueeea. Be hib no peer aa a stoiar taller at BniUsh Tommtec* yarns and was v«BtlT enjoyed. This clervaitlst Is due m beatarraS •omewhere, sometime aoon. ntte«n mlnntaa,' la bnat thiae bowa. No. s—^Psul DMtar and 'OoDtpaor, In Tha Unooln nW O w anu an, hay* * very melodramatic e lWfrl WI Hll Mu- »qt <T tha-^a«fadld actteB Ot laaa Plnm- met. would prohabty b*'to6-baaiViMlBrirtxMii!dUat-tat;her delUhtful raadlnc UpMt worthlAna. Panl IM^mvw'vwtMdMT •M paqpte^^^ dactetbaaoL .gwityiiJilwa intnim% ia tal ata«p»t special N tUs little playlet ei fcr^tijwtet* *hat^ttay, titxtr wfc toced TSo. : Bflnihardt In- Jean D*Aro. The ^ DiTlne One woanivaaOm trituapli today In her wcm- W dflifnlpiwsentation of tlteFreDcli Martyr SaiBt. VTIiile perhaps the Tahiele-for tiie disi^y.of Bemhardt's art was not M ai^ealin^/to the am'&aeiit-c[ the women follEs aa her last week'i Oamflle y«t sevnrQiflUis the audienoe^Menwcl to %9aliie that In all proliiRliUUiy It \TOQldtbe their last chance to see or hear this remarhahb ^omaD and sbotTed its feelings in no uncertain manner. Bo'hhardt stands on a pinacle.of solitary and isolated pre-eminence. She hsa no peer, and the crowd today nvelad In the Eaet that th^ w«M aUe. to be in hw y Pox. with Low Pollock at the p[sna and stage hands I-i C w*d MedameBernhenltandwithhisdabonaTr mannsrancl S nallty was a rlst. Hii lonas, fl>B*. quips and sayings are fi air hsndtsd in tti whola .secnt cf r..m caniinuga ranuiinty- baina that th>m cnaR K an twsnty-flve itiinulai'lo rtf'tt snVmorl'snco^^ •t^h'is'ute hour, fn one. Cailcago Palan ET pLi» tlua cloflllC poil- Kok I'-ITkjii. niiekrw sod VwtuD. In s tmB- uiDc act tnn of iDMiutma ■lajnicK leto- katics, Al^^l^ 1° ■ tucivlofa enilnD. flutlc mrptlim Inordi^ sa 'oDealof icl, t»- '*~ —" 'joniiy mHqiivd to put AOOmONAL REVIEWS ON PAGE S (TISHTS, UNIOlTiSl^ , tTMMETIIGUS ANDTHEATIICALSUPKIU