The billboard (Jan 1918)

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TO ARTISTS: MR> B> F. ALBEE: ■ ^ . ■ ■ . ■ Juat read you are to bave "Agents' Set Rulea." While yon aie inaldng them, do Bomethmg aboot tbe femn^ per Mnt Gominuaon we are paying. If you are tied up with a Umted agenti and you have a few weeks open, he booka yoa oa Ihe Loot or EVn tiine, thnugbanotbor agent. HegBtsbiB ten per cent, Uwoffli»fi««, and the oUio'^ent five. With the mrtax on our sidiaBdfiBH^.aBdltn^tBdni>wUtinodwin9^ DoaooMlliiiis ebont Oii^ and joa-irflfamtlie (Sicned) "Twen^ Per Cent.'' ^nteabovea ■iMar Aoold be iJiren no consideration, as tliewiit^ didn't have tbe eounsB to attuih In*naaie. I And in this, however, on o^nttnpl^ to a few {hings to the artists in this reject. If you book throu^ tbe United Booking Offices, you pay five percent.: -'U yon have a perHHud representative, custom and reasrat donands that his fee abonld not be more than five per cent. If you pqr mors Qian this, yoii are doii^ it on your own respondbility, and have no right, morally or I^lly, to complain. If a tepresentalive or agent that serves the United Bookii^ Offices finds it impossible to book you here, then you are under no obligation to him, and if you go to any other booking office, such as Mr. Loew's, Mr. Fantages', Mr. Fox's, Mr. Moss*, etc., and the agents or-iqmeentativee. oonneeted with that office bocdc you, your former representative in the United Book- ing Offices should beghraa iK^muUentkn i rti a t i ww; In/ddi n^fi'joii mnld Dot bepajing tinntar per een^ if siidi a tidng e^stsas per the above Mtn^' bat wodld pay 7^ lepteMntallTe ftn frir eent. Aiqrtt^ mm timn ttati jma Toanelf are to blame for. - . . * , This office is open at d^tiotet to ejqr eomplsint in reference to a violation on ari-nnnt .rf« ,ilMi>MMiii»«ii —■■Win an agent or representative. Swoli a eoskBtitn eztsts, and you icomphun of the same, I will guanuitaa that ygn will be protaeted as far as this office is concerned, and I am very sate all tlie other manaaers will do the same. If, whoever wrote this letter, had given me the name of the repraentative or agent, and the amount he had p^d, he would have been domg hia share towards rectifyug xrtiat Bome artasta contend exists, but never complain of to the proper authorities. Instead of unng It for SMlevalk gasap, if yoa want to help eleaa op aUcgcd conditions m vaadeviH^ do yoor part, and you will fiiiil IImi iiiaiia g iii iiiai|j iwl ■iWlin.l'i jim iiiil liiglie jmi iiiiaj iiiiliiiiliiiii iim miiiiiij In ■ifi m iwiil jiiiiii ii i t niials ; E. F< ALBCE. A FEW DONTS The Boys in Brown (THiT-ii atT me lutilint «o«t) ' TO LIVE PERFORMERS THE OKENE WnW 00. STAGE WOMEN'S WAR RELIEF NEEDS YOUR HELP IN WHATEVER LIWE TOU . MAY BE—LEADING WOMAN, VAUDEVILLE. CHfaRUS GIRL—COME IN AND GIVE A FEW HOURS' WORK EACH wEtK WHEN m wewrowc ' 366 FIFTH AVENUE eONTUT MATERIAL READY t Hh uunt or B W 7«« tmk la * ACT^LAHDIMQ UUM AFRICA. SOUTH LEONARD RAYNE HO. 1 THEWPE CIHCUrT AFRICA. SOUTH PLAYS \