The billboard (Jan 1918)

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: The ' B- t 11 '1> e a p d Dramatic Stock SlOa COMPANIES REPUCE UPAD SHOWS iMffieuItias ef Transportation ' CauM Maw oS Latter To Init > Onwm UHE coH|iulr> ML' l^n' lU EDi-t on Ud ibaRV aiMr.iM mt s( t mSHMlI fur l>[M^ and It I* pnflctnl br KING OPENS IN FRISCO THS WILKES PLAYERS ■ IWHII M Km Ttt niT- anr* n Ins mK mra pla^ IwIl Odi L Btw -rog^ Owll* CWwUn*. KiM WALDRON ADO* HOUSE wllwr pliftoBH Is Ui Nnr Esflud ctreott tbe CuEBIBf* Tbratfr «t ntdibarc— vUeIi vI ofientHl u a tatfh-cTaB inA booB Intc •TOOK FOR PROVIDENCB SOMERVILLE PLAYERS SCORE wfM.. k wr uttti nfeBDT loi ■n t«pl> wM to aAM t> tto ooput. kMI M ■ MMl MMtr Md>li« k IV DsFOREST FAMOUS PLAYERS STOCK COMINQ BACK ACrrORV HOMB .XMAS PARTY ■TOOK NOTES HaEPL BltHM tad ^ULHI ptuiiir 111* craM Hmm. k^HBrtlu al tt rbvm mt ito' ■ Ilk i^nHltn a ^ w .a* vnun OVER KOpSWAR TAX tC Ib^t'ttna tu tea ntUt BOARD WALK GOSSIP le fiKr. tHr. =r.—Th> ]t(ttl« iiitin allba II U an mnsB tn lia PROHS^NALWOMAN'SIMGUE > CHIMGO COITUME WOllKt.iJgi.'SSS^ CHIMGO. IlL WANTED STOCK LOCATION QUICK By "HAPPY" LOU WHITNEY STOCK CO. WEUH ft WALMUBM. Bi WANTED STOCK COMPANIES, MUSICAL COMEDIK nil AUBITpaiUII THCATflE. HOT S?III>IC3, kRKlNStS ■Hni-LUr flMW PUTB MUSICAl COMEDT PEOUE WAHIH) AT OHS " IM neater Pn^imes Far Salt JACK DE FOREST