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Krw TBt. Dk. n.—A itMrfut M B iift hil^twia ilMa-dnsrM Ntv Toll lk« doj Bmr GkrMBH. Iti ilann oa CiftounB dllB't t> tt» Itut iBIcrfMB Mib tbe ToTe- lu* rlHt <f tkt iMUtK* at Ovntaan Uial. ruTTlu Ibrn 111* Mtb M fttr-lfltH <b> i.>»«T. BWM to MUM HhU hM<^ ckaiSMi tor tb* telTi < lt M<lll fMlBfi DwattBiBt of tbr V. -W. ir hita tt tn WMk* at Lwnm lbs Im* iM bu ttta tirnc mt ■ ipw p1i7< wUc 111 imliiitv U pmraMl in Kir Tori laicr ■ ^' M n« IM «Mr ftM ttr B OH PUT. wblFk !• IMIiw ctuDgn] • wUkt tt 111 I will jU tW U mo^ iBfBt cut of irfoy™ fuinin na pmMfd ib ua pIciir. pUr. nM It )■ uti* ^?Bt (to Ms f* ▼Ipu ten- bu Bdofind a n na tot __rd.aofi wMfh ibf faiiii4 Is the dm tt *«■ IB Hojin «rM» A* wu «■ MMBB IR ^ Vl^lBE XcBD tbBt lOlB III MufVia ta ptt BBd na ■ alnM dec. I » pnvBlviva tlvn «f crtPDM Ebbv miritD'a rlBJ PdbrbbIbb. Si > trm to lift BBBM (TOI VtBO UflT- STftB miteBToutl"*™'™ Xdiu Bioirr'i vut* Timet pMdip. nnirr. msTB, *Bd UiM Ttlianm li ■ B. F. Keith's Circuit oir Theatres UNITED BOOKING . OFFICES lYDU CAN BOdC^DBICr BT AUNIESSiNO S. Ki HOB BoaUnt Mutv •( Om I ' . ' oirriciia B. F. KoMt't Paiaea Tbeatre Building HEWYOBKCRr VARIETY flSS THE SHOW WORLD BRENNAN *. KCRR,250 Pitt StrMt, Sydney. Au«tralla _ —-'Kft'cL^ tar(. M. T., wlrk tbr mU RMb N. T. If. g„ vUck »f»n lar lOUb gt tu BalBbn 0? rcHl Unt 1« back vllb Toe"!* la ton. OiTtt wiutr at anHt nd tarr n* woBdHlBC aad Ootog a M of tan Jtt&tiK Sew << tbrm ai# luiUw ta a* [aMiif M> _ ^Sfab^sJEa^tMa SllllB^ U S2 "»*ia5* tuft!? aSlIf «•* i^'iiHr A Han* RiH, ^bv'^l^Aaa "i K Salor. K. r. Backma aaiBm