The billboard (Jan 1918)

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UWERPEItllRQiniE: Tinrf. sir, l^wrr nwat mon ot Ml Ittc A. BltlWiirKnK'^ I Mtlmon. Ml., tn MMM mum af^v^^Ss'uT^flin.'aiirj S|in«> at <b> H«l<l Rii^U. CliiriDiiill. hit K-SSISf J. JHM IM iwt KWMh wKk Urn M Ml tW DbIu. ». a ARcr a Uw dm w^SStr'ct'ttTwSa^ nm> tar *(■ »m» P; HaiMB It topt pnHT taw at Ctmt Onm, oa„ lanoc liart & Tattas* Mttrlala ■WU^^AH th*^pnr*BrtDBaE taUt ■( daip <aw' Eb« Arnj EBtprtalnm' Lmbd^, E*rl Wli^larriH, B Ira MMMl, MR, AND MRS. VEO POWERS FOR THE nc smw Rrst-dan borlasque produecm. All and every kind (tf acts of every nature, dtlier singles or groups, novelty acts or eshibits. The idea being anything new, astounding, mystifying, whether it's ever been shown in - a~ circus' tent or not makes no difference. . A big illusion'would be entertained. CLOWNS- We need 40, especially those who write, giviiag detail tt/fh^: play any initnimMSt - and wh^.pKopB'tbiv,magr/lmye.. SO CntLS fm: spectacle. Tcfl eapoclMiee, .tf: ypu do an act, whether you dance, rid* menage or races. Side-show freaks, novelties,' illa^CKiS' or any unu- sual object or act. All above' iilease' send photo and permanent address. BIllPOSTERS, car managers, l>anner men, 8,6,4- horse drivers and others ' in. every department. First-class circus cooks, seat men, assistant boss Season opens about April 2d, and, SO'YOU MAY KltOW, Sells-FIoto will ptay its usual Western nmte, California, Washington, Oregon, etc. Mu- tf^ans write C. L. BROWN, 2638 Gladys Avenue, Odcago. All others address HENRY B. GENTRY, 236 ^nnes Building, Denver, Colorado. WANTED GIRL ^WiU Weit Wiidam & Frontier FriToVty i THE CORRAL FOR MKOGNnKD ' TIGHT WIRE TnOUPE Must be fast ninn er. Agt booked tin November, 1918. Address WIRE TROUPE, Billboard, Cincipiiati, Ohio. JUST RECEIVED -THREE SIBERIAN LEOPARDS Russian Sun Sear. Qlant Rheaos Monkeys, amall Flc-T*ll*d Monkeya. Write for iDftTn a TM nai. ROBINSON BROS, IBCl Marka* Str«e«i - 1" k A. K p. A », LOOAL HO. 8* Elmrt RDaniaa M iMVlMttk* «y Iw ii mhi Pria CMHar. ite. ifeav U doio Mb nilM h tW MmrtMiw «e* Ik* n m Btevfulki, w ka Ma kM intii but oi IM innlUr limit. He rrMail, aid ai •fHon Bin ^b^m, U. F. Ttnrr ■■>! CtaiUi AUrl^*. UiH wm Uca pminlr It ma, iSria- turn* vttk n at Xnr OiMm: raw t* m. iMla will Bh IMBifa Eos, IBIO MttoC 33^^ (Sr***!!*^ Inh ^1 J^^^^ adilrrBFd Ia'f^*BtB'i1D j«i ira and whiB jon ■» ddnf, lo4alrl« at lUi offlrv far nnnr of jon^ j4bBDj UdUlDii. tlirt B,m, Ptm QBTTetl, 'Tm" AollD, TDB- DurUFlL BaffBlD Vnv«_ Juka Hila. >ll»ifl.v una,. Tn Frig. E>lmB CVaMML SnI Hart i^n BiDDnti, rwiM UM^. a im^ i"s,A ?i.5gfcA Ejsses Brd, Bark Vafbangk, aufiTlMaB oi Tmr to, HlfUO, B<Utii nutlB, «!■ ia Mu at Mn Vu> roi^u for ibrm a fr*r ririit rrmr^u^tt* ^rtj^Wr pntonartM wITk WM ITnl iMir,. f, of riiFFi-nii^' wy.. vQB tlv Amt lidT id rU« kmd ^^Q.<^{U|^^^^ dWMa_^aii^« i B«l GeUDAo openM irltfa BuVbIq BID In TBS!. CiDm Gallndo nja aka nvr OMicIt Dnffr