Billboard advertising (Jan 1918)

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CIRCUS AND CARNIVAL JOSBPH O. PBRARI AiMotineM That Psrari Showi Will G -. M Mm RomI Nnt S«an— Nm - Vaf4c Bniwb vT ShawiiHn>a . SHORTAGE OF COTTON DUCK llg^jlWJWCT IgWrtKM ttwjgl^tB^ ROSEN'S SILK ARMY CORDS 3!S^ .^^ 1iil!^'iS;;1iiBic!g" 111 . K.a, rill TT Timm i - — —I ««^ wHill fill ti» M. . t MI KtoK wba my plsjr m WHarBj^Ni M .y fct JucMn r, boir la EmOjl 8ECKMAN IN SEATTLE C A. WORTHAM Expected To Take Over World : MRS. WHITNEY IM HOSPITAL Tsllswiu Uu Rrarnr at A. p. VUtin BUttt^ Ilie WMnw huowo, »u irice in SHOWS NOT LISTED AS NONESSENTIALS Owine to tha eooi ofSeea ot G«trga CreeL chairman ot ttie Coi mlttee on pabHc DitannatloD. Tbe Biuttoard Is able to present tlie (i lowing reaAsurlns lattara to tha Bhowmen ot tho coimtryi \lz~% WubJnfiton, C> Q-* Pecem b er S9, 191T, To Mr. W. H, JJonolilsaii, Pobllaher, BIDbdard. New Torlc City, _ GEiOBGEI CREEU Cbalrman. nn, D. C, Bec«nber S7, 1017. attaciied papera, I aza «olta . , alonff tha linaa au^sested ba the letter which accoinpa)nled foart, and penonBUy I shonld be opposed to It mlEht wen be tbat traTellns' ehowB would be aaked to reduce the amount of bsRBOEe which thay tranaport from plan to l>!ace, hot I would supiioEB tbat in times like the preaeut it would be desirable to continue amnsamenta of tliat oliaiacter. Ot conrsa^ I anpiMaa tlia.mAttcr will tiDW rest in the handa of the Dlreotor-Qenail Of BaOwan aiv- thine that I may say about the wjbject WlH b« nndanliaad •« rtqir «• expression of my peraonal Opinion. Tei ^b^^^aw m.- WaahlnBtoE!, D. C. E against the reportB that abow eqnl^ment^Di , ^^a^d 'cSrenlvy an^e^'" K)D S3 the coal sltoatlon ia c1e> >or peorls "^y rrst r"rfecay «l COD tracts and they will set then S^p (which will be ahortly) : a. Uvins price. Da] at I ^^scdhbU. n KAPLAN A VISITOR COCHMAN dhCUa CAkS WJUrTEP-ZOO ANIMALS I milQ aw] fimab <^ tiw loDinri^ Efapbimts, CainelB,9cwBtX«Pp9i!49,I4(n!s^ Cfl«e of McailECTB. Can alao.nae BidnigP«mn luw Iffi|wt<^ By- road. , . . wmiM- JD w wu^ a fci^ iiwr iw. ALLEGED KIDNAPER i by Fedanl ilt04 atmtv* JVd RUDIIt a CHERltr SHOWS iljtt d^r*wH*^«t p E wBl l j aad Hjs c^ot far ti Mrt of it >ir. Orabnr will im™ trail Ai- sssirss:^ mis ^£tss liiiill BlH.MumtbB«eBtte*oir.ttBoae FIRE AT LONG BEACH W. DAVID COHN FramlnB MMaat Show at San Antonio MIKE' DUFFY DEAD OYMHAST e»RAINS AHKLK