Billboard advertising (Jan 1918)

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JANUARY 6, 191S ' ^Tlie /B 11 l-l> o & v d TWEHTV-FIVE CARS HOW BOOKING SEASON 1918 OUR OWN EQUIPMENT BERNARD! RREATER EXPOSITION OOMPANY SEASON OPENS MARCH 16,1918 WANT—15-FSeoe Unifonned Wlute Band, also 15-Fiece Umfonned OolenedBand. WANT—Several good, strong Sbowa, alao one Flatfoim Show (will WANT—Wagon Maker who can haSA vagoo fronts.. WANT—Two good PromoteTB who can pnnnota. 'WANT—Worlangmen in all departzDento. Wl LL SELL—45x90 BlackTop; coot Sl^OOOOO; 125000eadi tabes ft. WILLSELL-OnsBmiflw Or, ate one HraMoom Stateooiai Car, cba^ We have pknty of Waifons—we ^Sy nottrntg. All ConceBsiaDB are open. Address all communications to BERNARD! GREATER EXPOSITION CO., Box 604, Palo Alto, Cal. Now pkying Liberty Park, Palo Alto, Cal. Can pLice Shows for Librrty Park; all winter proposition; uO,lX)U soldK-fi^. tfoBD m otter ime pay man to bnild saine; 20x80 Mods for Fit Shows, f ottier siinilar 2Sk100 Top for CCOANGIi HCHIZA KCTT. cn*t BH tlHt word txpodtlon^ Jm Intt^gto^tlA Tliit mold ut iac *lSMn Mn Im tt* CUM. Cu ]«■ Wat NOTICE, CONCESSIONAIRES! —CAN PLACE— All Klmla of LeglttmaM Concessions for Season tritb RUBIN & CHERRY SHOWS ATTENTION, AGENTS! Have several A-1 Ston« to let on 50-54 basla. Faddle Wlwel Men, write. Must furnish reference U I don't knon yoa. Address L. R. VAM DIVER. Bok 92. HarroJsburg, Ky. GOVERNOI MACV AnMCTHMIS OM DitM 41cltadr, at Ikt fete ,(aM « :iU, la an BiB (tat. Sa la Urnat ba. EMiBfc -aiA tMtfhm M Hiwal 9|itiL^ ira timwtibiK ta pnt DDI s c ato t a4 lukialid ^g^^j^t^joMiH U ta JMk JacMl LawioB irilb rail Doc PUcfe Is tmDioTtu «mr IM> A M Kmunaltn Km aUolbr. Ommt mak. Mat rt'a nlltj. . ' E» O. TiDiMt—Wkat'i aOm «■ KM aM IDD RtltlDf tUa Ttsrt , BEimia aoitt la w» (ctlbic riek MMttr It PtaBt. «■ rfnn* iK *rW. T. riav. Bnr B s tmm l raa t« ntazaluto tba TVv tfantlt ^^^^ '° Uarlon. O.. ffom ^^to^ata!^^^^ " " C A. jontT. aflvaMKirtttniX OMn AO SiHiRl. ll sliqbB » l IlsV lI M a WMA rana. Tei., irllb ■ liagimw afta utt ag taUarr ^ama ]. B^iu*<^ Iba ni^^^^U^^ tts WMadv la Hatabai, lOaa, lU* IW. a A.