Billboard advertising (Jan 1918)

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The Billboard MNUAIiy Bh 'IMi BIGGESIIINDOOR) WAR BAZAAR IN AMERICA HELD IN PHILADELPHIA, PA., BY LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE No. 54 FOR PURPOSE OF RAISING A WAR FUND FOR MEMBERS IN l^E SERVICE 7 BIG NIGHTS—From Januaiy 26 to February 2 (two Saturday Afternoons)—7 BIG NlGHtS $1,200—FREE PRIZES AT DOOR—$1,200 Nomraoaa Fiee ActS) Attzactions and Mode every n^t. Bazaar opens with Par&de and n^nng of Service Flag iritii 1,842 Stan. The L. O. O. M. No. M in ]nulBdelphi& is tbe largest euborcUnate Lodge in thmiririrt.'Trith a ipsirtharihip rf-nrw MjIWfl red ttwodeJ" jimmi 'iFhiladetpIiia, booBtiuB llie Bssaar. Record atteDctence aiBsured'by fliSO,OOp.tqhce|it-aAniHi(m tl^c^' iMBiban for ition. Held in our building. Booster^ meetings, conteets, oi^anized conumttees Bitd ffinut adv ar o dn g nawipiJfn to membenbqi WdQ promoted. Should be better ttrnn best Bpot this year. mU mU three or four Wheels, also Gaines like Roll Down, Spot-the-&iot, Hoop-La. Fish Pond, Flowers, etc., Ate. { also Ic* Cream and Soft Drinks. Program, Free Acts, Music and Decorationa alreadr contracted (or. No Concessions sold after 20th. MICHAEL HULNICK, Bazaar Dlroctor, Loyal Ordor of Moose No. 54, 131Z-14>16 North Bread St., Philadalphla, Pa. BROADWAY SHOWS orve Holiday Banquet In Jaekion UgtaH, Ur. nd OIn. Al WBUubi. Elm Olu- kLp, itt Bnm. rmk Fin], nr. n4 art, E. C nutk H. B. Boil^ Ur. •■dlfn. T. A. ImuJiH NUUlu U>. au Ita. Jim Uus. "BABY JIH" I ' KMaAROO ON RAILROADS ^H^^^^riiit^tttnT nil ^rrlDK teTilti to Dili BETTER eONDmONS (CoanmiM tnn pais 01 I Ii tnMiplalliic nnr caAinar to V It Vvblscton DDtu atthati ROSY-POSY WishesYogJI BappyNewYear REMEMBER THE NAME OF THE DOLL THAT It UHUKC ANY OF THOSE _ MADE IN AMERICA '^l^^^y Oflnuine tmqae finish. Boau^, daata end «r- tutio fEstoroB can only be snndsteairiieB you Bee samplea. ProclaimBd Iqr all a TREMENDOUS HIT. ■dn m TKo Bniboard and you ST* nm to faatai* Roey-Po,^ the coming season, tampla, $1.60. ELEKTRA TOY & NOVELTY CO. 400 LAFAVCTTE ST.. HEW.YORK PENNANTS *"|S,i:Sffl'.«"» PILLOWS AH iIms sad pcicaa. tp^ Wllltll Kt bU oampB. HQ HOIIEV—Send mnail d^oait fo^am^ea to tako funded at any timo if not ROCCO EXPOSITION SHOWS Can place danceni and tisii dnimmi dian B For plant, nfaow, le^tunate c CHAS. 8- ROCCO, DeeenibCT 3lBt n outfit for cabaret iibaw, good co of bU kinds. Winter rates. Add J January iilb, Bloomburg, Tejiwi. -WANTED FOR- BNWR & BOWERS' FAMOUS MIRSTIELS rtn 1UDU7 10. wnu UUBM rtnii iB ,11 iiKH Bncriillr wiDt Orrkwn Ittta i»« mi ■iiMii xitito Bwil. nl Tn> Dnamicf. « THBhoob tto nMnUi naoUiliii toBlAid w u. Mf HBlT. Kb Wlimnnm loImlBL IWr-ddit i»W If m It, Ajawi T«>MW»TMNjfc LAST WEEK'S BEST VAUDEVBLLE kOS m MEW TORK . I entered bus a nmsliic emsQr dsBaa, Konokn'Jt. FTUoy maUnee. John B, Hymar, who acts as well m tks writes, and who wrltu Mtw material than most people oRerluK tbelr 'acrlpta tor VBadevUle conmnnp- tlon. has a weU-plottal vehicle, repleta with tdtUoBOphlcal Udbb. whleh Bot lansbs. In Tom Walkar In Ulxfe. FsIbm, Mond^ matbiM. IN SAN FRANCISCO (Bo^s SalBotiona) Jack Wyatt and Hia Scotch Lada and tlaaalaa are enUtled to the palm aa tha clustcst act of the WMk. SIrslsht Scoteb Mngt&s, iIBnclnB and basplpea; beautifully .ooatmnedi truo to clan; sa full of pep aa w&en shown the first timo. Every member ap;iBrontly enjoys hIa work aa mncb aa tho aadlcnce. The act wna accordnl IraoL nine to twelve cnr-. taiiu at every Bbow, accompanied by an ovatlDD. The company workB BO bard tbat encores are ImpoBslbla. The ottarlnv 1b sbBolutely clean, free of amnt—the Bassesttve or tnuleotpie—of any sort. Orpheum Thea- ter, Friday night. —'— Witheri, wllh ten people. In a travesty on melodrama.'en- •5K]^j^^ftn™«iii?WMtVir7Po"^^ for nnbvlllB w,m^t -4^'^ .lUKKR CORDIAL RELATIONS EXIST Bl,^ TWEEN AGENTS AND ARTISTS . iS'sim ^ t" nntMM ■b»ot Ua rviwuHtj tbit niikn im ^ {■-Ml. now njajiisw 'Sji™ fljf%i£^ - b* 11 •» a?na*ta» M .In nnit^**FlM!* ■SUw M SSt'aoflr& Baii lj'aiiit K " M^wiN*' 'at&BSKljir&(*'Mi''^JSSi" ef ^ ■CHTlltM U* MB (M ibmbUM. >«■ III llH Bat Ibt ni»a nndsrHDI > Km toM- BotUni nnr iBOe nudUI nUHouMp lieti Cnr ■« Ik. WHt,'' ^ mind wlul mMmI MMTnultlwfmtaM taw