Billboard advertising (Jan 1918)

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OQITUARY jSro?%lli!«.iBi 'JKwir—iarli«rt nntc) trf tt» (un S^fifMin^'nrnl^itn^ iml trei ■Sm: Wt ac Ite plir, na TlIl«r-MU> HU. Smot or Ma id>m^^W«rtOdgHlllKM *ijli-rt!> lorL. Id ttw XHl MFStkk ■) •r «i»ir^ I W in mBM. dIM l»t inM.-fa'' «w rau it ku ■(* at Ma. baM^MUn;, JPNKEH—Wnl Jmkn. IMmMt an wta. Or Al O. flriil Wywl Bllrw, « tUa In «M na at Mnmoali narntar H at nanl'sfwlBn wa'artolnMlS' I ■Hii&'iii'iy'iZi' a ir* Bm&'rw'^'S' ATTENTION, SHOWMEN!!! READ THIS EXTRAORDIHARY OFFERtll mMfcHUii ^_ mm, m ■owmwht whw — UKsmnmii OR CIIBBR CASH OR IIMS PAWEBTS. TERMS TO —- — ™^ — "--^Cil- _., oDrcamsvBtD n)t tmmm WI&CTOAI COSXol Ulm «iid mateiiia. VB .ina GO ItntTHER THAU THIS—va will 1^ an Hflu btrii iiMlilBC in 'I^^M DariOMi ITeiTy-Oo-Boimdt, CanneBllB, Carrr-OB-All^ FenU WhMb (an; l^nmm Ttii Trlnlntri- rnrr-n-*- ' Swings, Aerial '— " Koolalte TbiNltp or waf ~— "— ' —- In Ih* «av d Uacbanlcal FMnta, Tants, Seats, Sc Tath or DnuMtic Sturm. YOU GAN NOT AFFORD TD PASS THIS BYIIIl DOIPT FOKOBT—WeBDT, SEIXorTRADBBiiTabsaiid aiMTtllfllctBOilt- iuanire luumiaaafUaKi owings, ncruu Bwiags, anmaj ma, Box Wagons^ Flat Vanna, Staga T7agqiia, a»tldai Shnra, araiydiiiic In tha l£u of Wagon, puiel or p-nntr £007, StBcea ana State Eqnlpmeot, comfilete ontflt (pr CEHTRAL SHOW SUPPLY COMPAHY PEKIN, ILLINOIS WANTED FOR THE BIG PATRIOTIC CELEBRATION ANO BAZAAR MononKabdla City, Peiui.~8 flays mi Kiglits Starting Saturdajr, Jan. 19, to 26, st tha Big Raglmaiital Armoiy an tha main atraat, the coal oaiter oE the woild, irith 20.000, woAing days and niihts. WANT ConoeeakniB of all kindi, abo a fen Flatfotm aiowa. Billed like a Circiu and promoted by ax iirpuuiations. Foi spsee aad particoIarB mita or wire HAROLD BAKIOW, GenenJ Agent, Migb^ Doite Sbowa, Cit? Ball, Mononga- belA Citr. Fenn., or B0ME8T JOHN BRXmEN, £17-510 Homawood Xn, Pitts- biirtfi, I^nn. - ■_ UlAMTrn POSING AND If Hll I tU DANCING GIRLS FOR INDOOR MUSEUM Osn place le^timate CooataatmB. Also have window space for mod Noreltiea. Yfite, don't write, WONDERLAND, 826 Bart Federal Street, Youngstown, Q, ibi. went M tka « IZS. JSir*"^ a™in«iit acci*|u7, icmilM •r Si lad hrm mpprvr^ hi ID tte Bed CnM. . At a ifMk Ut'tMiBNg' Bia UmM. natSMOat attr pvnat w» (b n lo a* Lril^ir^n^tb* juwdna of a lav Bv^alM BD T^Ma^wwM^^BTWii^^fafa ^atm^ salbsrilj^ ant vltb pgnar to canptl (Bf cIbtIIt u akk C^Ttr^A;^" b. ™. far tl« (ntaH-a anaat aamm la WubWha. H. TUnttr. till lu wM bnoflit bvk t> Ktir Toit -nnrnlar. nlibt. Bta tenia la tki Bhbi bga »mi artttstfjntnta, lafl hi via 1 (BTj^^popjM Of a ^avtdajttim pruvrjaprr, ■ rnil'BajBr. «f tht Dtatrlf^ .(ttpnivr'i >tarf trrn ■urrhlnf for t±a leul; !_>> Mrc'^i. T.M. A^NEWS AtltB Hcronliu. ttHt* irand prnMaat at ibe atsu or Wrtt Tlniala. tii aiHtail DTHMnt It Ibi WhHilu IiDdit. Ha. SI, £ ulDiiKDt%iai^nK'ai%H^Wk»!t^ ^mHM RluM aUT In Nair, Tailt Ottr. „ Bn>. Bllon DQV nti"— "- Hit kHp[ll( hlDHlt imin ttr 9 caats a McOrew la at CiBp ancrtiKB, Ala., vtaarv t>>*n la pIntT of WDVI an4 lola or aqua para. EL A. Dawllt. of Spokua Lain, tit 1ia*« »I»t«iJ taroidiu wnatirj fop iDotticr tmii. Giig to iKir of mr anccau aad wuu m > ^[KmH^ ^k [O TIM. VlFdl O. HialHT Cblcuo lAliH (tltaa Ikat LIU* uVfT'l^ n r^iiT*?i^i^ii3litB%SC na aliatal pnahlaat. Tn* WUl«t fluuuUI •astatiix, O.. WtlHr racordlas Hetatarr laa ChillHUTalr. Imianr.' ninxtiinilr:/ona oC MaDln" Anoriitlnii. in MrBc belli at Cornani^^^l l« aMtllnc. at Itw Of fltttaa p tefW. a aaaJay eTHgfc .. 'Sttt- i^^afK iSS^ui^, Bos nGToi^ to 3>r. S«aL lod' «lll *m tbutt <a a» U- niM of tea new.atam^. , ^_ , «I. BoTil left IW Cbtearr tnlAt tj ^i; s|| ^ ^ »*Ajyci SS i^i