Billboard advertising (Jan 1918)

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jANUARy.VlMB Xtie Billboard ' BYWillIAM»J. HILMAR to WUIAM1, TT* / "'" . on it Tl 10 U ID joUclB V Ounlt r. Enrln ■Ut lk> tun 01 OM Hntnr UDHlna Dr Beit M MIm nut M m cilMnile of em tb> niim or eliii.iHa Is bBDk nncki oi rurtMn. mucB, vblli onln bli laOonMi >M tnwO-nn W Urn, ohIoS ta M M ' KMlotf iMiM mm kU m Mm* •WiiM U H it-IlMni MHMi W* M tH VNMIai Ot IMrtH ■■• fKMd H ' RNM via iMi&a M WMin MM ant «Ma ■' oH -H owrt lyy nt^ tL s Ul>.: wii Uw OBIT Ml Oh tkNr* ■kit aw «n* U •* Uk W W, wiN BHrif i l l m ill Ik* ttur — — M Mm* «• an MM c«|ilil(I]r MolM in IBa (clntini - -oic neb aiSMt ptopli ■ I Saidn. AIM B. Willnf ul*a IKl tbanlr •xpofd )o bin St AUvstcnn), « Blen, Oemls I^tdx, TO OUBBIBS . Iin .WblK B« MS, SIbMO, N. a: ^ Toc«. Or «ka ro* WMt 4MBM t. I«N. M IMhr BMBK Dau ■Mw, X, T.t I tan «M )w MtD to 1 NOTICE-IMPORTANT Tha Wlboard-will not ■eeopt far publlcatian TELE- GRAPHED ADVERTISEMENTS UNLESS tha ■anitar has ■nvtaualy^-aatabllahad a satlafaotory aradlt'with ua, ar ■MMBd. MwqM«boM aMsmpanlml by Mah vrith crdap. EmiH Bbimck, tb« mlndnMUic ntitid b lb* Fntlj-foortli BI«»t Ibnlcr Xoot T»—— nciBtli nad tlia mM xt a (Braij lUn TU iltUni In lb* ontntrn. ITltlnst miklni a» UHofkM IB Ik* iluii'B mlna pntOle *-*- Sbmock npoKMI It to tM Mm mm^ (bo IIIBD wil IDIcr polntN sot to tbg ] ■ModplMrd wltb On mm at tkt act OMI ■ Allin Tmke. B. A., i I. JL C: DiTtd P. Abbott ol Ooklia. ^ IMt bsDA Si SMnifi. VAUDEyiLLB IH PROVIDENCE Trarafanad Plf^ljHigmii ta Emory mnUtan; B. L. Dfr. a^^TUi to tbc li HINDUS WANTED EAST INDIAN MAGICIANS MAGIC TRICKS, BOOKS AND (UFrUSS. (HMDcilFFKINfi Maeicairrr.?,' I 'SPORTING t I ^Z'!,, K^'SISI •Goods I ^al^rNrv^L \ "MAGICIANS" MAGIC. TRICKS. STAGE ACTS MAGICAL APPARATUS Tnhxtal CuafapH Hd Bunk lUb Ub THf.O. ■eVD CO. MAGIC ^^J^^ BIQ UPHEAVAL LOOKED POR Alfr MINUTE IH^Tgg PlOmlU ^^iJ*tm <>B*bim^^^^Ma It b h b> bcHd tbu ibr mt PH*» Jf dBtir mar OU Kirilr DHr tbi UIIIIUIU qnniin aad *ark Itvit (Ato On ftntliL 1¥ (talbit II tt oHvuiT tut^lka wg at Ma nu alamp l> alnalr plnoglu (iTTXIbtai ta Ilia MbQw liin lata ■ iroin rata. »t wnrti™ la tb* Blie^ btlac Mt with nrb ftaf** » u