The billboard (Jan 1918)

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the First Week! Record made by W. T. ARCHER in a small Georgia town with three alleys of The New Automatic Bowling Game Gtf Started mTlus Big Pa^^^^^ With Ten-Pinnet! What Mr. W. J. .An^;^^ has .done;Euciyj3^ ■ CBnj£b>T-gm candovit. Tafa-ia-im ordil fi^-' tiii i ln finii ' 'wiffi-^ieb^Pinn^ Notice mm.iSstraafy xeo^its how Qi^IiiidCHBSS lias gnwn fincn'^'flife;.- , stE^ I^ternpomsbaWa'stiUeratCT^^ tMok of it,'this is, prae^cicdfy ott-prb/^^'The snail amount needed tostart and our plmwhe^rfy-jf^ for your alleys'oot of the profits, makes it'easyfor-you to get some of this big money with'Ten-Piftneti A Sensation EVerywheye! TB O-Pii M fft ■ is ^te kia ig - tii e cpuirtiy, ly >lotMu ■Bveiy wliega^iiorodygnmte^^ ImbiHw flir ftPHi tte iBgalar btatea p^iB te'fli>^' lifgsM meln > jJ o tit ft n ' cUi e a |,yoo"wHI'fii>d'~TcO" ' Pimet in ftiH swuKiandlniiitfngJnlttw.'man^. for its OWUCfSa- A w^^wiM^wt^ tmmt^ Mtin^ fl^Flg that 't&e voUBk. Eyeiytx>d]r;:^PWB-tt-f-.' motfaer, bther, the cWldTwi, jijod. efea pamy.. Tlie Mg aeaaen Jar .Tan-Fiiiaet ia fa,«re... How.b your o p po nun i^ to get fa-andmv^e bar- . vest- . Tfie o rt g in fl l -inwstoiait. in .7flii--Piiinet aBeja tomn «ndtiar,qiedal {danof fjaqn^it: flBikfls It ^MQr to M&ttcda" Swid'cou p o n POit^' Facts Abont is tbe harvest;'Season; for TCT-Pitmet - uvciliosd - fiv np^BAp 'Oc o pflffatk wL . ^^o^bniflt h ui D" mirtSwJTr.L Nb'^fln-ldya^are: needed. Tlie boMer spots Us owo ^iB'aod retuins Ibe ball tiy.umply palling a lerer. Teo-Pinaet 18 a proposltiba for live wires er^ywbere. Our special pSo-. inalces it easy for jroa to get started at once. Fin in the . obapon and send itin ricbt now. Doa't otiss ttiia oppoct ani iyn ■ I $3.000.00 'In 15 ^ «!F*n. Aregplar bowl i n g ga m e; No -' . wri^'.'^AcmU bs vary.apvmBa r^ i^m^ ——— — ■ • ■- o^rtuad. :'0)a'bC'Operated —'-ronvas ^ wdl'a9;ia. BOOK Do. not wait another .minute—^fill in and send this coupon at once. Get this l^lfine book explaining Tcn-Finnet and oiir speciiA cSsx. xiM incur no obligation by vxitii^i and it may be the means of putting you in touch' Tvith just the kind of a b^ •noD^-maldi^ propo^ticm you have been looking for. : This is, without question, the greatest attraction tiiat has been offered for many years, dssi the public is taking to it like inldiGrB.' You l^ve read what doe man did in a small Georgia town. You can do 'Uie'SBibe, but it means getting bu^y right away and sending in this coupon. JoA t«ar it but, "^ it inlud a^ JENJINWiT.C^ In dianapolis. Ind.