The billboard (Jan 1918)

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30 The Billboard FAIRS^naExposITIONS ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHERN FAI RS AHD E ffOSmONS Td Meet laramy 17 and 18 at Aflanla—Rafln>ad Sttnailon WlB Be Given Especial Atten- tion—AssodaUon May Be Enlarged by Addition of New Members l I M I iU li mrrUm tmiUt tte nr puM ttat nAol dVBgta mul be Bt^- la tlx wanH- Id snto F«ir. Btoturiij ( (t Ob Baud. BARTON COUN TY FAIR >po» To Secur* Mora Frm Acta DIRECTORS TO MEET ■rUIr T. .liar. Shna. ^T^Unce. Ii ■H«M >■ larititkiD to be pwimt 1 ■ talk, not in ■ niBiMr of Mtft DECIDE ON TWO'DAV FAIR ShmccB Bar, Via,. Jan. s.—Tha huhi nplidaa at tu aouial nuatlnC oT Uie Dc FINEFROCK RE-ELECTED eoASTAL PL AIN A 8BOCIATION Hm Amutfled Dates far 1918 Fair L S.—fl^ Caillal FUa NOTICE-IMPORTANT! Th* Billboard will notaoeapt for publication TELE-I aRAPHCD ADVERTISEMENTS UNLESS tha Mndar haa | pr««lou«l]r •Etabllahad a satlslaetopy eradit with ua, ar 1 ramittane* to aover cost of suoh •dvaptlaamant is mailsd i or wirad to raach publication offlca by12:00 M. Monday. § He •rtvartisamanta centalnina only HOTEL, GENERAL I DELIVERY or POST OFFICE BOX NUMBER Will be can- | aldarad, axoapt thos* aeeompanlad by eaah with ordar, i ALABAMA STATE FAIR Wiii Hava Kaw Buiiding* and Othir usaied mat TauUaM, naca aa.a M bK taia kai taae I taa anauKd plna. Ottar Impieti aM nmnlnltui tmn atnaor Mean. BI.CENTBNNIAL'POSTPONED Baing KWM Bvayr nOF 1 and pton^^cta i NATIONAL. LIVE STOCK SHOW 4ay Ba Attandad by Pesd Admlnia w. A. acoTT nn ran H. Ik, JM. W. JUWeott. fi>n»r pniMat ^ tka IHrIk DaMa ttita Mr At- OSCAR V. BABCOCK MMa ai laaa al M taMW M k ta (Mint a FULTON COUNTY BOARD laaati I&r, aajteaanuw r crooada wtn bt tree ta tM a at PBTlaV ^owa and rldn ta M. D. URMSTON ' Re-Eleetad Sacratary Sutlir Ci I t na^tfc faiiali BUa laa^ •9ETTER THAN EVER" ' - StTil Ramaina ShlbboMh of Saoratary KATHEB IHE 8 TIN80N Worlcina in Intaraat of Dad Craaa W.S.S. WAR SAVINGS STAMPS ISSUED BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT