Billboard advertising (Mar 1918)

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MARCH 23, 1918 3 The Biilboard ‘145 ton Taeater, Stock Ca, George D. Oren. “i me Rew Yorks fader” ut ttock Co,: Ridgefield Park, N. J., inape i Lester, Players: New Bedford, Sase., wie susteal Comedy Co.: (Lyric) Portland, Taulize, Stock Co.: Jamestown, N.Y. i iticttan Stock, Co.: Connellvill, Pa, indet. HMPA Brock Gog Grand taod, "Neo indet, der’ wager: Providence, ity inde Mergeg. Wallac, Stock, Gos Blots City, 16. Moroseo Stock Co.: (Mofosco) Los Angeles, Cal., ortt Stock Cos, Bimiea, N,. inde Mary. Horace. stock €s.: (exibres) ‘Los Ane sfisontn “players: Northampton, Mass., $n Reading, <fo.: ‘Wulte Pl Pagh Block Co (Park ‘Waltham, Mass, in: E. V., Stock Cos Lynn, Mags. indet, Eee. indef. as vee Stock Co,: (Shubert) St. Paul, Minn., ne co Go gn, 8, SEEM SITS Sea, wa, sila meter Stock nt Wong, We Ye, _¢ftork Cor (Grand 0, 1) Piggerss irobakens Ny 2 indet, Po Biwin, Stock €3.. Wichita, Kan,. tn Hey ares Pets | sm BS Jeckson, led, ind ‘Witkes Plasers: Salt pe Utab, atta. BURLESQUE AMERICAN CIRCUIT Americans: Altoona, Pa,, 20: Harrisbo Tork 2a; Heading 20; frist 2620; Weise town, ‘Ns Jn 2150 aray 400 Iles ren werk 38:23; (Cen a) “Braskign 18-23; Amsterdam, henectad) TGayery) Chieego 18 23; (Gazety) ee 23 30, lew: “CEmpire Chicago 18.23; (3tawie) New York 18 28; St. Louls 1823; 1g Wide os) a polls 18-23; wreet Hnyets1 Mloneapolls 18-23; “Ster)*st. Paul 25 30, Daclines of, Parler emplces Hoboken, N. J, Bar ary Brooklyn 28 90 Falla of Pieanare’ iGenturer: Kansan Clty’ 18 S31 chtandardy St, Lote 3 30, Fry Th 20: Oxwego. 21; ‘Ni ata 25 90. Frat “Eonienond ‘cuieago " Grown Up Rables: Wiese” 10:20 Springdeta S138: (Romani Boston 25.0. Morning Glories: “Weigtistown, N, J., 20° (Gayety, Baltintace (Savoy) Xe 20} Benenectaay ‘25 St; Springtela 2s 90 2g ai a an say Buceat jayety' hd 7 se Te ES, amen lumbus, O,. 25.20. : pa ry Maxds: net ter, ON. TT, 1820: Sa Hi HS aie Won 9S Mou e Carlo Gira: (Majention Indianapolis 18. 34 nem week 26-0; (Lyceum) Columbus, 0., 14. Mile pAMinute tries ¢s Can, cemakers: (Gayety) Milwaukee 18-23; (Gayrates ar wis Cheaeo agar Breer Eee, Pa TE eae: og tyat? Brooklyn 1828; (Gay =|FIREMEN'S BiG SPRING FESTIVAL 4 ‘erated tn the heart of ‘wan been nothing ere a WANTED, TO OPEN APRIL 15, “] ED A. EVANS’ GREATER SHOWS ‘Riders for best equipped Silodrome, Working Men for ‘Train Crew over the draft age, any new or novel Shows, Plantation that is real, People in all lines, Italian Musicians, Concessions. ED A. EVANS, Wyandotte Hotel, Kansas City, Mo. Glenn Co. Live Stock & Agricultural Association GLENN COUNTY FAIR Orland, Cal., Sept. 16th to 21st, Inclusive Second Largest County Fair in the Famous Sacramento Valley. JOHN J. FLATHERTY, Director-General EDWARD J. FALK, Gener Manager. E, A. KIRK, Secreta: H. M. KINGWELL, Treasurer. WEIDER AMUSEMENT CO. OPENS COLUMBUS, OMIO, CARNIVAL COURT, APRIL 27-MAY 4 PRST-Clak SHOWS AND SILO On 3oTOR. Hocwle sack an Heap . Fo WiLL Ws WEIDER. Manns Bt br, Gaston: oe ‘Auto Photo. At PENNY ARCADE MACHINES FOR SALE AND WANTED—FOR SALE—Two We Gent Vending AMachine aches. ‘Brothers’ ‘Cylln ‘and ouy Bingo Fob and Ki puis aid a Stencmcupe, coe Ailia Sumatiae Diver Late Ter Seod Ws Stamoer, oe Rowers Brothers, Name Plate Stamper, Tat ‘curren. Phonewra Tho cet ‘boro foe ‘sale ‘machines, 1 328 Heat cognate ny of tho aboro fe silica, ARCADE AMUSEMENT €0.. 325" Nonnepl at 3 want ‘Bip Milly Novel Co. 10-inch ‘Ting Stamper, ve Calilo Bare other mache alsa, Temptes Pa. 20.28; (Empire) bois, Ned White, Pat: Boston, 18-23; Ma goer St; Worcester, Mase., 2 COLUMBIA CIRCUIT Bast Show tn Town: (Orpheum) Paterson, N. J, 36-23: "(Maseati Semey Clty 2830, n ar ‘Toronto "18-233" (Gayety) Burlesaue Revue: (Gnyety) Buffalo 28: otuen) Tocbester Barlentug, Wooler, Show: | (Cortathlany | Ri x. ‘Syracuse 25: Rosh. 3, Diatons Stag fe Garter) Chleago 18:29; (Gaypay) Deve 38 Reet Bryadway Prolice: (Murtie & Seamen) New| York, (Empire) Brooklyn 25: Bostonian: 18-23; (Palace) Fook ipsopie'y Phila. SGulemtln) Cetego 3.25 (Orphevin) Bultinore 26.30. rt ric) Dayton, O., 18-23; (Olymeras eh coat sea Bcarters’ chicsge. 25: i C ork, Des Molues, Ia., 17-21; (Gayety) ee ino, Boston 3823; (Bante) inery Mouauers Gages) Boston 18-28; (Col“Ber eee SE et ey pane ana Gime) a ‘New York 18-23; rt ‘Cunloo) ‘Brovklyn 25:30, Maida of) America: (Gayety) Montreal 18-23; ‘(Supire) Albany, N. ¥.. POR chyeay! Wasidgton i823; (Gayptyy Bitesbarg 25 Puss Grand), Hartford, Conn, 18-23; bury 2 3, ans fe) Newark, N, Js, 16-23; igeport, Conn., 21.28; (Custuoy Pu "At: Reeves, Couiniad): Providence 3950 sgt ‘Rose, Sbow: (Miner's Bronx) New York gige week 2890; (Orpteam) Paterson, 16. step Lively Gitte: sSasets) ‘Pittsburg 18. turd Cleveland 25 30, Star & Garter (Olympic) Cinctnnatl 2835: 30, 19) Detroit 18-23; (Ga; 25 30, Ser Malis: (Empire) Albany, N, ¥., 18:23; 17) Boston 2 He ACazings, Boston i sicher Eupitey Brookiyn 18-235 Seas $8 a 18.20; Spica an g3; (Gayets) Mostres! 2596. A WORD TO THE SHOW TEOPLE rast: (atest), Jersey City, ‘Gacaues), Wa ‘Conn., 285 NX, jen, Conn, bu Newb ‘MINSTRELS Ken, 20; Bartles‘x 24-25; Fort’ Smith Ark... 2 Oklahoma City 29-31, Hits, Gos: Chatham, Ont. 21.33: | Woodator) Gi Petersburg 26: Ta j Duytoan 295 St. Augustine 90. BANDS & ORCHESTRAS Neet's, Carl, Baod: Edenton, N. C., 18:23; Co 25°20, Tand> Petersburg, Vs GERCANS! Musicants aa sipsone: Ne peme, diok ea eed Feet, Brooks, Ne ‘Band: Charleston, 8. C. Sy ent (rra sages, ese Dens x et ee Bom nen on aes ante HE sette shows, De. HL Traveatt, pert Miles Cy, Ment. 17-495" pilings 24° ALI BEN DEB EIGHTH PSYCHIC WONDER With THE GREAT TRAVELUTTS Nickola-Saona, Hypootle Show, X. J., McDonough, Pe Pa ae say Seat: Nixon, R’B., Sows: Glouster, 0., 18-23; Marray “City 28:90, | sow ‘oe Orlental Herb Co., Frank Beach, mgr.: Newport nictos's Sh Shoe: Ind., 18. BELO Bee nom, Seb Mig eG ae Melos: ; Ensign 29; Sublette 30, CARNIVAL COMPANIES Brynn & Dyer Shows: Florence, 8, ©, 1822; Columbia 25-30, =< aigtewey, ows, Die Cure, pnt dackmn Cliton-Kelley Shows &,.% eetey.. Musee: alone and for Season 1018, Addon BOX ‘2, alemphis,Teobessee. Bernardi Shows, “W. C. ernardl_ Show: ‘C. Huggins, mgr.: Palo Henson-Berger Shows: Petersburg, Va.. 25-30. ALL MAIL AND TELEGRAMS FOR VICTOR D. LEVITT: Adidress care Bernt Orcan 316 West 200 See Ree Nort. Phones Cheloen aa Campbelrs,, H. W., United Shows: AMcAlester, Delmar Shows: Humble, Tex., 23-30, THE WALTER L. MAIN FASHION PLATE SHOWS ‘Now doing business for Season 1918. Winter Quarters, ro de Grace, Sfaryiand, oe ay Tend, Of 18-25; avant 259008 Mau’s Greater Shows Sp Daxten, lerhone Maio 463.90" ? ito Nts Be, Xenia, Onion Grays, Roy Amoeemrat Cox: Tusrumble, Alm, 18-23; SheMeld 25. Great. ‘American Shows, Koei 30 a8 areas Wit. W. SEAU, Metropolitan Shows x.teass eee for ‘Address CoE BAMFIELD, Manager, Box'823, Slncen, Georgi. Greater Sheesley Shows: Norfolk, Great’ Hotchkiss Shows: nctlonn fe Seuage 38. ‘Spear dee pil 4 alors Gao, Kye BAT reat White Way Shows C. M. Nigro, mgr.t Columbus, Ga., Kinuse Greater Shows: Atlanta, Ga., 19-30, ROBERTS’ UNITED SHOWS eee Sa rae Attra. ‘Aaaress 316" Exchange. Dank BIde., ian, Gear — aplan'e Greater Shows: Koorvilie, Tenn, 23 Metronolitan, Shows, ¢. E. Barfeld, prs Ma con, Gi ; LaGrange 25-30, SHADES BROS.’ UNITED SHOWS Now Shows and Coocesslons, 229 W. Oolumina'st., Springneld, Obi. ‘Moss Bros." Shows: Okolona, Miss., 18-23; Boou‘ville ‘25 30. Murpty, J. F., Shows: Augusta, Ga. Sols United Shows [apter quarter, Scranton, Pa, Adare P, 0. BOK Tam aopennt Cor aes, On ‘Wortham Bros.’ Shows: alam, Ariz, 18:23, UNITED AMERICAN SHOWS king Shows and Corcestions for 1918. Want io bear frou peop ta at Seogpioent.” Fer, har‘eo ada ater age Hen ‘Sane som St. Philadepbia, ry ‘Whitney-Roye Shows, AP. Ghattanoaga, ‘Tenn., 1823 Wat alurtrecsboro 25 ZEIDMAN & POLLIE SHOWS | HiePare Ate, Grand Rarkdey Michigans ‘Wortham & Rice Caravan: Texarkans, Tex., 2 2 SEROUS & WILD WEST al elm, Cal., 20: Los, Angeles Ani PUPS: Hhcaster dis Wakershae erzeie ae, Portenstile at; Visatia, 2; Tulare 29; Han ‘Sermanent addres, Hiradavia rman 2 ire 835,