Billboard advertising (Mar 1918)

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The Billboard “MARCH 23, 1918 ) a € O76 68 FS AND EVERYTHING THAT APPERTAINS THERETO CIVIC ASSOCIATIONS ARE FOR SUNDAY PICTURE BILL _| ulna. Removal of the extravagance of duplicate Will Join Effort of Film Industry To Get Favorable Measure Through New York State Legis-. : lature—Present Law as It Stands _ ah Is 130 Years Old wast New York, Mash 16.—The bill for Sunday mo‘Hon pictures, which will be Introduced into the State. Legislature by the allied interests of the ‘fim industry, i recelving strong support from ‘the: pablic. "The Asbociated, Cirle Associations of Brookiya Tian fast placed Siself on record as most-beartity favoring ‘mation pictore exhibitions on Sunday, ‘The “held by the organization, and the picture resolu‘ton ‘was presented and unanimously carried by riding vote. Tho action of this body is parHealarly alguificant as it" expresses the public dent Sunday closing edyocates. prove, vestigation, to, be people who know nothing about ‘modern motion pictures. ; CENSORSHIP FIGHT Probably Be Faced: by Bay State Exhibitors Sagiiaw, Mich, March 16.—As.9 step towards opinion of Broaklya. Tho organization repre-| {ff sents. over 100,000 taxpayers, ~ 2The ‘Agsoelations further appointed Louis 1. tine ‘and Dr. Edward J: Megarr a committee te. represent it in furtherance of the resolution. ~'Mhe ‘present law. which the picture industries rourd amend 1s 130 years old, so it is obrious “Tig motion pleture industry clams that at this particular time the matter of Sunday recreation 4s vital to the successful conduct of the ‘war. ‘That contention is embraced in the £0 lowing, eleven. reasons which the picture indus‘try. gives to show why the bill should be favorably acted upon by the New York State Legisature: L_ It is necessary to the Government 23 chatinel for war propaganda, since Sunday 1s the ‘when the whole family attends the theater. “1, Progressive ministera and teachers thraont the country are motion picture enthusiasts. ‘hex sre pxing the film in conection with thelr services andthelr classes,.The most ar adoption by the State Legislature, the Michigan ‘Federation of Women's Clabs has been conduct ‘@ survey of the motion picture theaters of the State. Print. The report by the Saginaw. Federation of Women's Clubs, presented by Mra. James C. Graves, proved very gratifying to,both the ladies and the theater managers. The play, plot, ventilation. sanitation and local conditions were investigated by forty-six ladies, representing seven clubs, and they visited ‘eleven motién feal_ anchor. for safety for the fature. The exhibitor discerns. the convenience In getting the, whole of’ bis house program from one reUable exchange, the wide rance of producers, ‘asd product “represented, the intensified service available, and the reduced overhead’ expenses! to be charged: to service all spelling benefit to exchange circuits was enough Instantly to de serve, for Bis-part, ‘the notice of the mansfacturer. ‘General-Fiim's pollcy of furatsbing the maxfinan of service! at a euielaeas of exprove bot ‘been followed with a period of. progress and Prosperity which.has never. beca equaled In the Igter 2ilstory ‘ofthe company,” said a General ‘official. *, FOX FILM CORP. wit Handle Distribution of Bud Fisher o 2 Cartoons “Wow. York; March. 18—Becanse Bod Fisher, the’ cartoonist, ‘expects. shortly to leave for Prance, where be-will serve'for the duration of the war ase captain in the British army, =n arzangenient bas Been completed by Bim with witam Fox whereby the Fox’ Film Corporation United States. and the foreign field, of the anlmated cattéons, “Mutt and Jeff. ‘The agreement, according to, an announcement: fest made by the soterested parties, becomes effective March 24, “RECENT GOVERNMENT ORDER Apparently Has Marked Effect on Motion Picture Industry “Washington,” Match 18.—The Ive order teaued. recently, prohibiting foreign experts of ‘any kind without frst obtaislog’ a ‘cease from the War Trade Board for each individaal sbfpment, promises to have a matted effect upon the: motion picture industry, especially as fer ‘a8 tte export business to the South and Central! American countries’ is concerned. Bicduse, of the war shipments of fms to forelgn countries sve, naturally, been materially intesfered -with, picture houses. Out of the forty-six reports only | £ nine were unfavorable, showing « marked improvement in the class or type of picture shown, fo Saginaw. FILM CLEARING HOUSE jos Achieve Success‘Results General Exchar New York, March 16.—When a number of|~ months ago’ General Film Company lauiched ts campaign to “make the world, safe for the jexbibitor” its exchange facilities. were ‘thrown open to motion picture producers ‘at large’as the first step in conservation of costs. Recent events have shown that the General Pim clearing bouse idea appeals to 2 host-of ‘exhibitors ‘and’ manufacturers allke 2s the log Gaport articles carried by them ‘do not operate Xo interfere with the’ shipment of soldiers. and munitions abroad. 2: CRANE WILBUR " {Te ‘Build Owe Studio and Produce Oskand, Cat, March, 18-—ctane Wilbur, who ie: plaving’«elock engagement ere: tn bis own theater, ‘site in Oakland, where So"cipaca to bald nate aad prodsce tee. tare plays, 4 7 ‘thldigIke $50,000-a-yeari: WITHIN THE LAW Is the Vitagraph Picture by That Name Rules Appellate Court—Gars T Chicago, IL, March 16—The Appellate Coutt bas roled that’ the Vitagraph production, Within the Law, may be shown im Chicago ibeattm, overruling the recent mandate of Major Punk. houser, the film censor. The‘ producers begas ‘mandames procecilings upon Issuance of the ‘ceneor's ruling, and ‘askel for an ‘injunction restralning Major. Fonkbouser . from Interfering ‘ith the showing of the plctare while the appeal was pending. This was granted by Judge Frederick A. Smith. The Appellate Court also issued a roling.on The Tiger Woman upholding the censor im bis stand In not allowing this pictare to be shown. “ALL'S WELL IN VIRGINIA General Assembly: Adjourns Without king Action on Censorship Bill March 15.—For two years, at picture industry in Virginia lx safe from fonatical legislation and the censorwith which films were threatened. The General Assemtiy bas Just adjourned withoat taking action on the biIL Exhibitors had bat small hope for such a favorable ending’ to fhe fight they have for long waged against the measure, as drawn by the Rev. James: Caunos, is it has previously passed the Senate ty a ‘unanimous vote. However, other bills :callet for immediate action in the closing bours. of the session, and this prevented a ‘vote on tlie censorship bill. But 1 is not dead; it merely leepeth. AUSTRALIAN SERVICE Extended by Famous Players—Lask Appoints Executive Directors iy York, March 16.—The tnereasing: business of the Famous Players-Lesky Corporation in Australia Las led Alec Lorimore, managing alrector of that branch, to appoint four executive Airectors to. assist in the general conduct of the organization. ‘The men are FL: W.. Wynne. Jones, C.-H. Gltbert, Willlam R. Hogssa ani D. Lotherlogton. The new arrangement reVeves Mr. Lorimore of a great deal of the detall work and permits him to devote more of ‘is personal. time to Important affairs, as well to bulld up’ the branch offices to Keep pace with the requirements of the expanding business. ‘The main office is located in Sydney, with the principal branches at Perth and Melbourse. Paramount and Arteratt pletures are exploited in Australia the same as in America, on the basis of stars-in the productions. JULES E. MASTBAUM Takeg, Charge of ‘Affairs ‘of the est Stanley” edt die” and Its |. { pumaaciphe,.Pa,) March 1¢-=lee B. iter ‘baum. one. of, the members: of -Mestbaum Hros. |& Flelsher, tis: week assumed the “place ‘left Yacant by the death” of ‘bis brother, Stanley ecthanm. | Te. Deowaee_ president aad. ma aging director of the: Stanley Booking Corporstion and’ ite subsidiary organizations. SPANISH ACTRE! ‘To Appear in, Pictures’ Under Manage ment of B.A, Rolfe ° New York, afarch 16.Finita De Soris, ow appearing ‘a Carmen {a\ Flo-Flo at. the Cort ‘Theater, .will_ enter’ the motlon pletere. feld under the management of B..ARolfe imme @tately following ber preset engagement bere. Sto will be featuréd In a nimber of “Span! ‘Sting, “among them The“3ald of Serle, = seren-reel production. .-~ “THREE ROUSING CHEERS For Jack Pickford—Movie Star Mak ‘Transcontinental Trip. To Enlist Chicago, TL, March 14.—Jack Bickford, the motion picture etar, and brother of the univer sally: koown Mary Pickford, stopped of bere yesterday on bis way from San. Diego, Cal.,.to New York, where be will enllat tn some branch (active service) of "the army. In doing this he is foregeing ‘earnings which amount to eome