Billboard advertising (Mar 1918)

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MARCH 23,-1918 The Billboard. 1471 AS THE EXHIBITOR SEES IT jon we propose to publish the views and expressions of opinion of exhibitors:from. all parts of We confidently believe {hat the personal-and-candid ‘opinions of representative: exhibitors ‘as to’ the present status of. the motion picture industry, and especially suggestions for the betterment of present ‘conditions affecting them, will be read and appre-| ciated'by exhibitors everywhere. YOU’ do’ your part by sending us a brisf right-to-th of your. views, together with a short summary of conditions your locality?. Your ‘co-operation in this connection will result to, the mutual | ; exhibitors readitig this column. t expression they obtain in ‘Your. letter will be published in ‘the order in which it is received “as-space in this.department ‘permits. Address all communications to MOVING “PICTURE EDITOR, éare Bill board, oe eaotet. Q. . : city are apw carrying Liberty Loan editerials ox thele weekly proxrums. . ‘They call. attention, fa aterse; neway style, tp the necessity of standJog Lack: of the: firing line and.glving freely, of (erlul-possessions,, so that the ,enersy of, necessary: monitions and equipment: ‘The -programs of the: Rialto, Rivoll abd. Steand carey. column readers,” weil’ displaged,.,und. no patron can pin. Spt tr fact mt the Gay et ‘drive Is “April @. This is an {Sta that it would-be well for all-motlon picture tiegter managers te follow, The:program 1s a splcndid ‘urans of Dribging many things to the attention, of patrons, and the Liberty Loan is urtlyof all the publicity you can give it. ‘The interest of exhibitors in New York State 1s at present centéred in the Sght for Sunday moring pictures. “A digest of the week's news shows that every arm of the tndestry in the State Is belug mobilized-to work for the passage of the meanure, Which will be-latredured into the State ‘Prodacera, "distributors “and -ex business,”for if the penal Iuws are aménded and Sunday’ performpncés’ allowed as the measure prupesra the Way for. similar amendments of the penal laws of other States will be opened. The Gectsloa of the lawmakers, for'or against, wil geba beris Min pasiages that tm they were appereatiy com vineing' to. the Joint Judiclary Committee of the Sraate andthe Hoiee. of Deiegstes. for the oppourots of the, DU fad. particular stress oa {De by the solons. «However. the final~decision will soon be forthcoming-and Maryland exhibitors will ls of, passage it looks like eternal censot‘hip for Makyland. + F Micndgan’s’ecks, to are Dein. lett for ‘action. ‘The Feformers there are tery active, and it will_prabably-only: be a question of weeks or ‘months unt{l some soft of meaaire is drafted by one of their represgatatives Yu theLegislature. Already tiie. Rtate fs being canvamed ‘and reports belng.made onthe Class and type of Sims Michtman motion plcture theaters are showing. . ‘The ‘have been all in favor of Grauman's atid Quinn’s are’ reported as ‘the Duslageagetters in'Los Angeles. sai tebe ablent £10,000, ‘The Reel was In 1914. ‘The presentation: of The -Planter, the .2evenFeel-Mutual special, -was made the occasion of 2 public celebration at-Oakland; Cal.,-thebome of Herman Whitaker, author of the novel from whlch the pleture Was produced.” The Planter Kivema Theater, Onkland, Ocean Grove Association operates a. chain of| theaters in New Jersey. Mr. “Falkner, who 1s Tat addition ‘to the Orm, is weil'Gnown In motion pleture circles, He is now located in the ‘frm’s “Newark” office ahd" will bok “the special features whlel‘are to be given by the company ‘the Temple, | Mansiger J) MeDonald?of the"'Strand Theater, ‘Walla "Walla, Wash., reports ‘jor business in connection “with his showing of ‘The Zeppelia's| Lavt Raid. Altho'it is a wondertal picture, be] says; the publlé'te inélined to laughter, and not Luorror, ‘at ‘this'time, Tho, Love’ Wolt continues to draw extraordlRary patronage Wwhierever It fs shown. Its sequel, ‘Tye False Faces, or the Lone, Wolf's Returo,.as At: probably wil be. titled, will: shortly: be. released.” ERhibitors who book it should make capltal ut of the fact that At io a eeguel pletite to The Lone Wolf, laying great stress on this point in thelr advertising, and the people Tho ‘aw the first one ‘ill undoubtedly ‘dock to nee the seconds * Frank J. Rembuseh, secretary of the American, Exhibitors’. Association, took a ten-days’ rest at ‘West Baden, Ind. He ls feeling. well again, and is back on the job at Indianapolis. Exhibitors ‘hate a hard time of {t in Tampa, Fis,, with a, $200.2-year’State anda §100-2-year cqumty Ticense t6 ‘pay.. The. theater owners in ‘That city formed a league’ to fight the high l‘cénses, but 1t was not supported by thelr brother exhibitors. thrnout the State. . . Mog Mark, Max'Splegel-and Walter Haye, of the Mitehell’ Hl. Mark Realty Co., owners of the ‘Strand ° Theater, "New" “York” City, “fast week started oa 8 tour of Inspection of the principal | . HONOR ROLL... = OF M. P. Exchanges and Distributors Who ‘Are Absorbing the Fifteen y y eres oe. Cent Footage Tax 3 < If you are absorbing the fifteen-cent, tax instead of it on to ibitor send your name to THE. BI ARD and it published each week without charge. * ‘The folowing iames of exchanges, State-ights companies and producery are now on our Koll of Honor: MUTUAL FILM CORPORATION. . THE TRIANGLE DISTRIBUTING CORPORATION. : HOFFMAN-FOUR SQUARE. a: GENERAL FILM CO. > OMAHA FILM EXCHANGE (State Rights). SEY ‘WHOLESOME FILMS CORPORATION. eos? ae, GLOBE FEATURE FILM CORPORATION. ‘MASTERPIECE: FILM ATTRACTIONS. ..> QUEEN FEATURE SERVICE. : KING-BEE FILMS CORPORATION. © ~ ° ** ‘which la owned by the Messrs. Kehrieln. A-Civie Night, Writers’ Club Night, Ad.Club Night and California Night were promoted” and, successtul fore the war, but the war las changed everything. Diversloa was needed hy'the misses, aid In‘Amuscment It was, to, be “found. So laws ‘werepassed thra which “Sunday performances tm the picture theaters became permissible. Today no volce 1s heard in Englaml in protest. Hiller & Wilk, Inc., selling agents for the 8. A; Lynch Enterprises, Inc., have disposed of the ‘Northwestern -rights’ to “the “Hart, Fairbanks, | Keenan and Talmadge’ reissnes. The territory Jembraced Includes the States;of Minnesota, North and South Dakota-and Wisconala. ‘The New Garden Theater, Toronto, devoted to high-class. pletures,was reopened last week ‘under the management of H. B. Stonge, formerly manager of the Oakwood Theater. It lias. been renovated thruout, E Business 1s again picktog up with the thea. tera in Kansas. For a while things were very Dad fon the-movle houses in that State, wrny of | them: ekalig down. “Now some of the theaters are even ralsing their admission prices, ‘The Garden Theater, Lockbaven, Pa., was bad-|' ly damaged recently in a Sood. The entire interlor fixtores and scenery were a total Joss. If ts doubtfal 1f the ‘house will be able to open ‘again ‘this season. Mesers. Rociafelier, Hogbeca and Falker, of {De Oren Grove Strovition of Anbar? Par ve leased the Young. Peupte’a:Temple and cction of the Soath End Pavillon there, and will ‘show motion ‘pletares the coming season. ‘The clties of the United States preparatory to balldtng a, pleture house at Fulton street and Rockwell. Race, Brooklyn, N. ¥.,"whleb will hare'a seating capacity of 4,500, “With them Is Thos. Lamb, architect. Manager Charles Q. Carlisle, of, the MeceaPalace Theater, Saginaw, Mich., is original and ‘energedic in providing tbe proper kind wf public ty for bigh class pletures. He is planning to show A Son of Democracy and.-wanting the publle to Know of its educational valne and .exccllence lie gave a private screening of several] ‘of the episodes before the East and’ West Side school boards, superintendents, principals and | teachers and’ club women. ie isubmitted = Droposition that in return for a, modest guaranteo he would give special. exhibitions of the Picture fn the morning .for school -ebititren, who’ /-might be admitted for ax low as two for 5 cents. One episode ls to,be shown cach week for ten weeks.” ‘The picture hax deen Indowed by the. clubs, and a plants being worked out for its ‘Production. Me. Carlisle is not very well pleased. With the recent releases of the Paramount prouetlons of Marguerite Clark. He declares the popularity of this star will eoon disappear unless | ‘the company ceares putiing her out in fatry and PROJECTION HINTS By WESLEY TROUT CARBON SETTING, CORRECT AND INCO} ‘RECT—In all caves a short afe gives the results, ‘The old Jackknife set {s not used any more by men who are getting high-class siren results. I do say that you can get a-better light with a very modified: jackknife set I have’ tried this out and have had other operators try It, and they find it the best-yet: I advised other oper ators to give it a tryout for A. O. current only. using the straight setting for D. 0. current:'Onesixteenth 10 uneeighth-Inch arcs are. the Dest for steady burning. This length of are, ‘malntained thriout the trim, insures maximum Ught om the screen and no flcker., A POINT EVERY OPERATOR SHOULD REMEMBER 18 THAT AS GOOD‘ CONTACT AS POSSIBLE SHOULD BE MAINTAINED AT THE CARRON HOLDERS. KEEP THEM BRIGHT AND CLEAN AT ALL TIMES. If you do this you cam be sure of a good light. CARNON SIZES (FOR ALTERNATE CURRENT ONLY), 40 to: 60, 5-8 upper and lower: GO'to 75 amperes, 3-4 ‘upper and lower; 75 or less than 100 amperes, 8 upper and lower. CARBON SIZES (FOR DIRECT SURRENT ONLY), 25 to 50 amperes, D. C., 5-8 upper and 5-16 Silvertip solid lower: for 50 to 65 amperes, 3-4 upper and 11-82 Silvertlp lower; for 85 to 100 amperes, 1-12 upper cored and 7-1 Slivertip tored lower. NEVER USE LESS THAN 30 AMPERES D. 0. AND NEVER USE LESS "THAN 00 AMPERES A. 0. If you do you won't gets good light, and it is very hard to get. ‘good ight with A. 0. current at any time ‘um less you understand your busines. DO NOT" FREEZE YOUR CARBONS AFTER ONCE STARTING THEM. IF YOU DO YOU WILL DESTROY YOUR CRATER, I have seen many operators freeze thelr carbons, thinking they could get better light. You can't. It will make ‘matters worse. “Set the upper ‘carbon at about SILYERTIP CARBON, CARBON HOLDER IS TOO LARGE. I have i 8 Lh aan Han i Gin Charles A. ‘Trafton, manager of the Colonial ‘Theater, Sanford, Me., was arrested March :8, ‘on a complaint sworn out by State Detective Ei Sunday. ‘laiut was belog brought under the old Blas. Law. ‘Act, which pertains to Sanday -closing.._ Sr. ‘Trafton vas, ron bis Sanford Theater on: Sunday evening for several months, and states that the Proceeds have been given to charity and thar he was operating -his theater for the sake of the. Mr.” Ewery stated that the com fant capper followed the Srst show, whlch preSeated Mary Plektord i Stvlla Sfaria and FAtty Seeckle ‘The fllowiag ‘Sim ‘the Greater. Features Exchange: H. G. baum, Arteraft Paramount; C, F. Hill, Goldwyn; James M, Tally, Vitagrapd; Joba B. -Meldrma, Untversal;. Mike’ and AI Rovenburs, De: Tare P. Peck, Bxbibit Jot at the back of bis theater as am automobile ciate ‘stories. He played Miss Clerk's The parking place the coming summer to sccom Seren ‘Swans list, and says Gropped during the several days’ engagement, formance. suet Dariness! modate suburban patrous. "| while suany people, walked oat during. the per-| The Eagle's Eye has been well received by ‘New England exhibitors, and ts now Delos shown at a number of theaters in that section. ‘ove of the most progressive of ibe concerns | Holtman Foursquare I rearing the serial, and aperating motionpicture houses in Seattle, Wash... In tho Greater ‘Theaters Corporatioc. ‘This concern Jost recently took over tin. Strand a that city, opening It with an admistion price of 20 centa. Uniler two other regimes the house ‘was a fallure, but with the Greater Theaters: Corporation guiding its destinies 1t ia. doing splendidly. ig uring a lot of space In the newspapers, ertising the names of the theaters ths: Booked the fim. ‘The Liberty Theater, Spokane, Wash. broke ‘another houte record last week with Bill. Hart im Wolves of the Tall. There were 7,000 pald admissions for oue day.