Billboard advertising (Mar 1918)

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The Bi liboard : “MARCH 23,1918 | MY FOUR YEARS IN GERMANY < Story from Ambassador’ James W. Gerard's book wagers that be will work-a. week <n’ simply that be may. bive wine three. tines. day at meals. 5 ‘Tho young atiutocrat’s jarrival’ ts thoely. for those present. were Major General J. ¥. Bell, tue | Home Archblebop of York, Cardinal Fatiey; " Dr. Stephen 8. Wise, Hight Hoa. F. “T. O'Gounor, John McCormack, Right Hoa. Berl of Heading, Heart Govian, Coasul of France; Mons, 5. Car avis, Consul ‘General of Tialy; Mons. . Jansen, ViceConsul of Belgium, and many’ large “bor parties, As an attractive piece of propasanda this ‘magnificent picturization of . momentous events will blazon the torch of patrlotiom across the country. ‘This realistic exposure of the bro: tallty of the Hun gives an authentic recital of Prossian antocracy. Overwhelming in its horrible revelations, it will.fnform those who are igorant of the real cause of our war with Ger ‘many. In rapid succession are shown James W. Gerard's reception by the Kalser, the meeting i the Palace Gardens, the protest against the elak= ing of the Lusitania, the investigation of the Dase hospital, where fnterned British soldiers are driven mad by filth and disease; the Billing of the ucless old, ravaging of innocent girls, the Banquet Hall in the Hobeasollera Palace, the attack oa the U. S. Embassy. "Each scene exposed the intrigue and plots of state, the atrocities of the treacherous Germans and thelr pretense of ‘cordiallty, which, however,’falled to deceive Ambaseador Gerard. ‘A company of truly great actors gave lifelike portrayals of the various familiar characters, the Impersonation of the kalser by Louis Dean being ‘very good. Also Halbert Brown wan perfect as ‘the unrufied diplomat. The direction was a master stroke of concentration, the interest never lagsing. Thunderous. applause greeted. Am CARMEN OF KLONDIKE Five reels. Released by the Sclexart Picture, ‘Company. Featuring Clara’ Williams. Story by ‘aaiploee | o ing than-in vampire roles'that it ls quite ensy to lore her. ‘Monte M. “Kattarjohm, Directed by Reginala | her, Dalerates Joe 2This. gripping tale of Alask scant “tells tg. vivid fashion “of the rush’ of fresaied gold. seekers “and the dangers eacountered in thelr search for the elusive. metal. Dorothy: Harlan, Eastera vaudeville dancer, seeks only Stewart, lawyer and miner, whom she-ts to marry. Her Deauty.attracts the les FILL THIS-OUT AND. MAIL TODAY AMERICAN EXHIBITORS’ ASSOCIATION: National Headquarters, 407 Indiana Trust Bidg., Indianapolis, Ind. ‘MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE ORDER “NATIONAL TREASURER A. E. A.” ‘Mail to American Exhibitors’ Association, Indianapolis, Indians. ‘Schenck. NGdell | Soeeeeeeeee eel eeeee este settee eet Te TPP PP PPTtootoeee dassador Gerard's refusal to drink the ling} the grand banquet given in his honor ” A representative audience packed the KnickerBecker Theater Sanday night and eagerly listened fo a short speech by Ambassador Gerard, in Which he extolled the value of moring pletures ‘as 2 means of enlightening the world, Among —— -¥You Save Money Grand Rapids, Mich. ee or Onee E H o fawning hypocrites, for he sces = vision goblet of the victims of the: Lositania—mothers ‘with babes frozen at thele breasts. ‘The bold of passports unless he algnéd'a treaty agreeable to the kaiser, and-his reply, “I'll stay here till hell freezes over,"” is’ expressive of Tacle’ Sam’ henchmen. Again is sbowa miles of mutilated Lodies of those who died that might live. Some slight conception of the twisted pay‘chology of the ‘Teatom mind ts displayed in thelr foolist boast, ‘America won't fight," and the United States answers. by sending millions of our boys over the top. A traly great photoplay, deserving the highest pralse—3C B.0 =.” ‘THE WINE GIRL Fiveeel Bluebird photopliy. For : release ‘civious eye of Silk McDonald, a potentate of the mlsing-clty, and be plauis-a ruse. to thwart the lovern meeting. /Upon Linding from the steamer Dorothy. Gada hdr Sance in the arms of a lewd woman hopelessly inebriated. Her pride hurt, money exhausted, ake accepts an offer to dance in a notorious cafe. Stewart recovers his memory, but piqued; sbe corms his’ love, bellewiog bim:-unfaithful. A game at, bigh stakes ix played for ber fever, ber life ie ta. constant Jeopardy, but abe retains her good name and ty ‘sacrenoful. in defogting:the alms of McDoasld. ~Souads 1ke=the" same ‘old-stuf! But it’ greater und better-than any screen play of ite type ever sbown. -Director Granville Barker, master of bas adroltly bandied bis subjett. “infusing”: new fe and fasctoating charm ito this sordid ‘tale of srenle grandeur. Palsating. with: swiftly moving life, thrilling ‘moments, this golden Eldorado ebiets. bow law. Tere ts the ‘With frowning glaciers forming an open arena the hero and villain fight with bare knuckles, while the circle of Howilhg men clove .tighter Werisg | about the struggling -combataats, brute force ccaraing the victory. The many;startling effects incioded a potthera bitzzard, « deluge of spring rain, a mob of stampeding miners, gambling halls, ‘and laWiers revels, This somewhat differeat picture “will have large chentele—and will <deverve it. Hershel Mayall fused bla dominating personality In the Tole of Silk McDonsld and presented a vivid char. acterization... Clara Willlama sustained the interest Jo. the heroine, lier danciog being’ expe ffir i i PF t it clally pleasing. “Lighting “effects perfect and | camera :work: deserving..usstfated ;pralee:—M. 7. Look thra the Letter List In this isue—there may bea lefter:for yous = >