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JUNE8,W« The Billboard 27 UNDER THE MARQUEE lid il cleat TactcC.' bwi G.i raits (Ddr orat ippMiun Imrs sasss >'■•«. Ml" Said"; Dirl W.LU.m. aad «10>.»A»-r will, (be Dorla cirnl.il. and tmiini ■ -MB. tackle » fl ftw (t>e Spirt. Circu.. Wllllim B. Watt, mm Wanboau So. M. liiud,. ft. jr.. Man, rerarta to and n-,t tunas lb 0 tn ; WRITE TODAY FOR FREE TRIAL OFFER NEW DEAGAN ELECTRIC UNA-FON TRY IT BEFORE YOU BUY IT PLAYED LIKE A PIANO Cut your Music Bill in half and double the volume of tout music, by uaha, the MEW UNi-FON a. a Musics! Ikv«rlrA^»S Fun has the volume of at big Brass Band. Tone, Clear, Brilliant, tune and ready for use—[Htm or Shine. J. C. DEAGAN MUSICAL BELLS, Inc. DEAGAN BLDG., 1760 Barteau Ave., CHICAGO. BILLPOSTERS WANTED FOR SPARKS' CIRCUS Can use several fast union billposters, bannennan and a good programer. Highest wages, long season, good treatment and the best of accommo- dations. Address, JAMES RANDOLPH, Car Manager, care Planters* Hotel, Chicago, HI. ' SPARKS' CIRCUS WANTS Iron jaw act, novelty circus acts, aerial acts, solo cornet and trombone for big show band, blacksmith, assistant boss canvasman and working- men in departments. Address CHAS. SPARKS, Manager. Route: Tiffin, Ohio, June 6th; Defiance, Ohio, June 7th; Angola, Ind., June 8th; Kendallville, Ind., June 10th; Goshen, June 11th; Laporte, Ind., June 12th; Gary, Ind., June 13th. Sparks' Show Wants Cornet and Trombone Ind., 10th; Goshen, Ind., 11th; jui., 14th; Roqkford ™ JACK PHILLIPS, NET FOR SALE BILLPOSTERS AND FOR SALE FOR SALE, PONIES, EDUCATED CHINESE DRAGONS ON HAND, $2 a Foot GILA MONSTERS, $6 Each BUCK IGUANAS, Very Big, $3 Each PIT SNAKES, $10 Dens and Up tiers shipped. Wean SNAKrf FARM, Bra. J. E. HENRY'S 8HOW ■ 11 |!t..r-t 'iTnl-hf* t; c n. v., i . Tin: !)!e ih.'-iv nrturtita of th* following doihIiphi row pour mu. irr.=|i« of .ten. Httn^ 11™.. ^J^JJ, 1 * J™ LOY'6 TRIAL NEXT FALL frvatiL? oecBffed, and hu all tint 11.000 ol i artM "tr could hsjj. hi Lot can bo PMrM In CIRCUS WORLD By WILLIAM I. STUUB I MOTT ami hKj an flolra Ttrj loll lUIng let wlUi lit. Waller 1* h AlN. for raara IQALVa aic t l i fcn t HUB A BalltT Slde-Show. but wUo T Taa ™oai™^!ii.OTBEiB. •no tat on. of I Keli battel . In TJtica. K Y., bavs it-placed ""oSI'^OBTBl,. wnj <Eiln't too nUno nj- J '.^ri .VrM^'*"^ 1 ™' 1 ^™^*g^S BoalaBBlil ^KBS. TALBOTJ^JHBJ.^" ££7 on^. P «MULll box* ami girt* wltk PIODINQTON IN BUFFALO Oootwo PUMlmrtOB. form KIT Willi loo Barn t EJa;:.l fl:5if. la now pb,fln<- Brst rromw rltb lb* ■jaey.ploe-' all-Americaa OarrMa A i. N. Wooii iDa S. Ro"". Tbo barm n „