The billboard (June 1918)

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The Billboard WAKE UP-LIVE ONES Showmen, Concession- aires and Park Men THE SHOW OF SHOWS. CON- STRUCTED ON PROVEN LINES. NOT SIMPLY AN IDEA, BUT A REALITY. BUILT IN A REAL FACTORY. THREE BUILDING. CAN HANDLE BUT TWO MORE. IT'S UP TO YOU. Anything for the Outdoor Showman and Concessionaire HIGH ART BANNERS CONCESSION FRAMES COMPACT AND PORTABLE BEST OF MATERIALS AND WORKMANSH IP 'JUt Of-TO-THE-MWUTC ~ BALL CHME THEY ARE ONLY TOO WILLING TO "KNOCK HIS BLOCK OFF" IT ATTRACTS THEM Write, Wire, Phone or Call G. F. HARRIS CO. 505 West 42d Street, NEW YORK CITY Phone, Bryant 9432 s^^ww We Make Anything in Paper Mache AERIAL JOURNEY ■□a into net it Bneesihend ««r et» Bon m .kthi. ID 1. eirellna (ne mtk t-Ue, nidi ■ f*Tleet laodlQi In the Inner fltld. JUT !*. aat, attar wiltag'arendiuaiire ret 2ii5'*M'2n7"7 ^Bn« JtV^y CStt^S TBS i W i • j r«Hl ■net mJ 'tSj? b " _ THE HAPPY HOUR SHOWS WILLIAMS' STANDARD SHOWS r. I., llnr CL—After 1 1MB hit in^hi'nUeni of thin I UM cllr, were nrrtablr enrprlaed to aee - ' C c!j!il lEie, and Ihej hale played a] ;■ n,■ Ill™ " 'ai'be"!SS""t"pUj In™ M -• i 1!-: ..I attraction.: Al T. Holateln'a T xsvrss, wa-sa u WANTED, QUICK For Hugo Bros.' Two-Car Circus, E. H. JONES, Manager- WANTED—SUN BROS.' SHOW pable steward. Camp Cook, icrs, Musicians, Clarinet, Al ho driver. Rout.: F.I mouth, , i, June 10; Circltiville, 11; Bt Capable Steward, Camp __ driver. Route: Fnlmou'th, June 7; Carro'llton, 8; both Kentucky. Wilming- ■ n, 12; CrookBviUe, 13; all Ohio. WANTED, TWO or THREE-ABREAST SWINGS Also one Feature Show. Address PAIJLENEH. EXPOSITION SHOWS, Hopkinsvflle, Ky„ June 3 to9. Wanted for Howard Bros/Shows THE J. FRANCIS FLYNN SHOWS WANT WANTED—On Account cl Making a Change WANTED FOR TWO-CAR SHOW IM^liu Ptrfornwra. Tap Art. Comedr Acn*el* Ladr rrrfarmm. Clown*. Man la handle Sli-Fonx TTTI .: ■ Mb. ax. . i. l. L, B^crien, ITopMti Han. Musklana. Want paonlo "ho can >oln al imrt. HOWAR CHRISTY SHOW WANTS luslclans. Acts, Boss Canvaaman, Seat Man, Light Man, Side-Show Peopli fanner Advertising Man, Band Leader, Dog, Monkey. Goat and Pony Acti Ilowns, Aerial Acta. Piano or Calliope Player, Jugglers and Billposters. Am penlne the Original Christy Hippodrome Shows near Omaha June 15. Always tay out until Xmas. Ail former employees wire. The old, home Is open again. Q. W. CHRISTY, Saratoga Hotel, Chicane, June S and 7; after that River Sioux, Iowa. i lot lite the bis t™ w aaya »ara n f-t oar this -111 interot of the ban iiiit -ill be lt*S5e» Jtm —■ «C s»JB Sm^MM KEYSTONE E XPOS ITION SHOWS fSSSjtlJm, 1L £*KUef and Ba Wet ba Dh-, iS»7 ^Tw?jjatn$Bnl tor the writer faction'' ol ™ths* t ^^ 11 ^^SminunenI L B ROOD AW AY AT THE FRONT Be sore to loot t9m Inn Letter List this week.