Billboard advertising (June 1918)

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t Register by July 1 tfellector of the Third District, hu ment companies that they must i tcr with the MM authoritie: later than July 1. All of the big [heaters and dim houses have com- piled with ths law, but some of thi bailor- ihttntpm nnd' dpnrp hulls hnvi Draft Net Gets British Actors According to the new treaty tween the United States and Great Britain all British and Canadian isae of Irish and Australian i, the draft not as yet having ■ ■ o those countries they prefer. If they do not come fo «ard at the end or sixty days th« be drafted into the service. All those between the ages of 20 and tt are included. The carrying out of ' treaty la In the hands of the Brltj Canadian Recruiting Mission In I country, who will be backed op by executive power of the Governmen' the country. The same ruling applies to American aubjl ages, now resldii ell . between the as mi uetaeen the ages M between ZD and ti will be registered and will be exempted only by the diplomatic representative of the i encased by Marion I68S.44S.*-! Of this sum (161.1 Caruso in Pictures Is Rumor New York. June JS.—Negotiations e will appear Is S Fancy Free Closes ran or this piece at the B BROADWAYS BYWAYS By William Judkins Hewitt New York, June 23.—Things theatrical have fallen Into a lethargy. It would take a score of chroniclers of events days and nights to gossip, rumors and even a. few of the actual happenings ol the theatrical profession, and even after that not a sensation that could be s seriously Important by the The weather is One. but the heavy crowds that s are not in evidence this day of our penning. The Brat news of the Hagenbeek-Wallace disaster reached The Billboard office this morning about nine o'clock, when Clyde Ingalls of the Barnum & Bailey Circus called up William J. miliar over the Ions distance pbone and parted to him the sad news that has cast a gloom over the entire show world here and all over ths country. ' The Billboard office was ' League of America, as of old. wan ai to the sorvtvnra of the wreck that proved so u soonel vt the Hagenbeek-Wallara-Clrcus. The announced official opening or the New York Exposition starts th< national exposltlotuUra, may soon be in our midst He hi at present In San Francisco, and may be found at th» headquarters of the Lincoln-American George W. Toombs, known, as it • and down-Broadway ibis morning louking for a csjittve balloon wbl. i employed in the filming of a picture This otDce referred him to Leo S f balloon man. now of the West, and Kd H. Hutchinson of JShnlra. Harry Dull, the man who wrote the Fool House. In which he starred tl famous lour Huntings for years, as well as haying on the road Quit's Comedtai ears past Is now In a commercial line, bin head quarters being at the KU Bernstein Is one of the busiest men In town at present as the result of being a progressive Impresario of amusements for the countries south The report going the . t specialise in the exhibition of -Feature Films" la trying to gobble up thea- ters of the first class thruout the country Is likely to cause considerable con- ng theatrical producers and managers. One story has It that the big «r^"™rn^eWesr d Ho'p^\^l 1 |d V New York ut an early date. George H, Frltchett. past sea. called at The Billboard office this ellect July 1 is not expected to hit the amusement world as hard as It will many other trades and professions, but there la still more or less specula- The regulations, as given out by cupied In and in connection with games, sports and amusement;.', except- ing actual performers in legitimate operas, concerts or theatrical perform- ances, are engaged in, nonproductive occupations or employments. ft Is provided that local boards shall exercise Judgment and common one week, and also the ases: where there are cum- in estic clrcun Id not permit change of employ- nun t by the registrant without dispro- portions ta hardship to his dependents, or where a change from nonproduct- ive to productive employment or occu- pation would necessitate the removal of'the registrant ITom bis place of residence, and surh removal would, lu ueual hardship to the registrant or his family, or when such change of em- ployment would necessitate the night Washington Manager Dies Washington. D. C "Jnne zJ —Nathan Stein, for twenty years manager of the Columbia Theater and for tbu past Passing Show Follows Sin bad w York. June 24 —The ran of JU w York, June 28.—Errlns. Irwin, lied suddenly yester-lay et her home lo West II4th stri ;L Funeral ces will be held Tuesday and burial will be made in Evergreen igenue roles with her father, las Irwin. This season she played lends with the Bay on tie, N. J., stock Lambs Gather in $24,000 New York, June 22.—The receipt Cross, S^^Wom™'" War Relief and ^