The billboard (Nov 1918)

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The Blllboara SCENERY ■ Id nt«r eoior, 6ym or oH. SHOW BANNERS of sD dcKiqjtiona. BILLY MONROE She widely known "FoAet Edition" Tbe- >trial ArtiEt. Got our prices. fBin StIVICE SniDIIIS, inc. BELDING, MtCH. SCENERY KUETBIOPSaiCTME lEniNSS " ifii ii'm 11 im fiM III III' CHEWING GUM AT LIBERTY THE JAQUINS _ VMUN AND - mm tOna irlvl A-1 aiitfc gBfcB Three Musiclaris AT LIBERTY uj/iunim aa opera Place, CINCINNATI. OHIO WAIHO FOR AL8.FIEU MEItTBI MIRSTRELS E;qierieiiced Dancen, dicee donUmg Aam pfcfcned; Clarinet, Baud and Orchestra; Uiiioii Property Man. Alw^s opomig for fint-dma Hmabd People. Addreas AL. G. FIELD, 50 Broad Stntct, Columbu*. OhI«. WARTED-ALL 'ROBRD MAR ARD WIFE TO DO SPECIALTIES, LEAD NUMBERS AND PLAY PARTS IN MUSICAL TAB. SHOW. <aa WHITE'S RAIM-BOW GIRLS. Sun Tlwati». Pgrtamautti. Ohio. De Rue Bros.' Minstrels Reopens Wanted at Once Heavy Man and Gen. Bus. Man ■ Joubie buitooe 3 poemble. Yeai'a work and salary ab- One to double dmnis, o ev ery w ee k. If you dft raiKialties say so. Wire or write. Ai WAHTED-niiiiii cnKna w BBnon forMudcalCome^Boadaiow. riiJu B u u B riTwto«rfii—< A BM ■injaean iFork in rbonis. Can also QBa two eipefMseedXSnni C&tfc. Bend pho C og ^ Ji, age, weiglit and height. Sbjw opene Nor. Q. Addrcw A. T. KIHSOW. Plantara' Hotel, Cttteafl«, lit. Wanted Quick, People in All Lines WANTED QilCK-DRAMATIC PEOPLE FKUOC L. MADOOCKS, Boa it IHi limiaiil. Va. IIOjWMM*W\ 'J FORSALr AT LIBERTY JOHN DALE FOR SALE—COMPLETE POSING DOG ACT jtfit cam. win .« am * WmiTE^ DRUMMER ^AGENTS WAJTreo^ ^ I. WIIENDmF IT LIBEtn CURIOSITIES FOR SALE HARRY K. MAIN SHOWS has not closed the season, simply laying off two weeks on ac- count of flu. Will reopen week of November 11. None of our towns canceled, simply postponed. Want good Plant. People, Cabaret Dancers and Piano Player. Concessions of aU kinds. Manager for Allan Herschell Merry-Go-Roimd. Address HARRY K. MAIN SHOWS. Macon, Si. WMIESBOR0.N.C,GRaT l»LORED FAIR Sbi Day* and Nights, Commencing N«v. 4 IIII T BlMlwii ri liiwi . Tliiilalliiii mill TlTiiiIiiiii lliii [ iii fi iii il f fiiii frninnn nf i^eoneim; nocxctavTe. Rfroember, Wadeaboro is the Cotton Outer of the llienonlelitBnllrlBKmanBvloban. We have Uuee other Fairs in Nitfth and Soutl) Canuiita and Geov^ to tcmm. Unii into Alatnma and Mr«""'°° rl" to'' the winta. Write, wire a'au. AMn m HMHHJD BARLOW, Manager, "™H.W.Canipbell's^iJgXi m, cabaret girls, pit show attractioi^ Cwi cj ibRtt. Cki use more coacessiona. H. W. CAMTOSI Mif ., Oct. 28; Columbus, Miss., wocfc Sot. 4; < wtA Not. 11; Tuscaloosa, Ala., week NOT.'Ui T we* Kor. 3S; Scatiw, Ah., weA Deo. 2. WANTED WANTED Central States Shows