Billboard advertising (Nov 1918)

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BostDn Open—Many Other Cities EipictedTn Reopen mis Weeii—liberty Theaters Resume Now York, Ool. 38.—Slowly the ban on theufn. mDtlon picture houces and fitber ■nnoMnient placM ia tMlns Utted. From vathnu partB of the coantry come reportA' of the rciwenlnff of ttauters, and the Indlc&UDtm *r« that by Snnd^, Nonember S. n larKe portion of the Gonntry wm be freed ot reatrletions. This 1> Gontinsent. of course, npoo a continued UnprovemeDt in the aituo- tlon. Refwrts received by the Public H«llh S<rvlco pt Wuhinston Indi- cate a farther subBldence of the in- Quena epidemic, altho the sltuallon Is atlll serioUE in some localities. Over tbe South and East eeuerally improvement is shown. Boston and EUrroundlne towns, which were the first lo darken their theaters, reopened lure houses opened Sunday night, play. lug ID capaclt}' bnaliiess. Boston man. ■cars are of the opinion that it will re- qBtrc ■. HMinlb to set the tbeal^ca nnsi conditions. ■ttUHtion is H Ereatlr inprovBd thai theaters and mo- lion picture bouses will reopen tonight, but for the present no mauneea are ( be held. From Albany, N. Y.. comi word that the closine order, which hf bi!en in effect for two weeke. 1 [Blsed on every place of pubU except motion picture houa stifaools. On tbeae the ban wll in forca until Novcmtter Z. Theaters PlayInK UglUliiate attractions, vaude- *Ula and bnrlaaque reopened Thursday. A trttcram received from Chlcaso to- day.Mated that the situation there la tmiBoTliiK right along, and. tlona continue eood, the allow houses and public meetings will b lowed to resume north of Dlvaraey Blreet, On Thursday all theaters, eti can open aa Cur soutb as Twetfl street. This Includes the loop dlstrlc Oo pMdav every part of town can oix wUli the poulble eneptton of Soul *^ i '»» o . TMa plan of otienlng IB got IUMA Mid Should there be a Oarei; ■t tta 4mm* every^ns will be kept ■liny, lo be efleclivo Wednesday, he Health CommlBSioner later de- not la allow (he theaters lo open this week. Fixhlbltors of Dauphin ' In Harriaburg to frame resolu- for presentation to Siateand tocal health officials aaklng tor permission to •Inlns In the appeU for lifting ot the quaianUna. tt was annotmeed Saturday at the headquartera ot the Military Enter- tahunent service here that all the Ub- theaten In the cantonments would >en this week except those at Camp er, N. C, and Camp Sheridan, Montgomery, Ala. The theater at the (dnlliiBed on luie (□) B been ced to, lay off otter they have considerable expense for rail- road fare, only to And the houses lure aoltered jmad mmmr- ot them —Riunors of a gi- Qda are. out along the Riatto. It la said that'Uie so-called theatrical ayn- dlcata toimed U ISSB wUl Two Weoki' Notioe Oluue aCtowanf lliM'nidr«t»ilii'aM /lin> New York. Oct. II—Tbe two en notice clause In actor^ contracts la the cause of considerable contention now becauae of the unusual conditions prevailing. Uany actors have asked the Actonf Equity Aasocfation If un- der their contract* they can give two weeks' noUce becauae tbey have ' laid on on aeconnt ol tbe.liifluenu epldemlo. question IB genamL Th* only sv Ing dedaloa tttat ha* been made by the council Is that actors under tb Equity contract are not entitled t aak for salaries duriiw the layolf. beinE held that In the present Instant the layad la daata act of God." Tt la haM Omt Mtan who have re- ceived «awBtw*jy^M^qr-frMt ] notice and IcsT* Aa.Mmpany tn the INaUENZAJITUATION SHOWS IMPROVEMENT Enwaging Reports Are Com ing From Many Sections Skeptical t t^it*Uie t Interests and other capital- Brlanser. This dates back several years and all efforts to effect a recon- ciliation between the men having failed and the poMbDlty ot thalr Jp- the Garrlck, Princess and Siudebaker tbealera. According to rumor Charles B. Dillingham Is to be head of the ne^r arGBnlzallon, which, it ts said, la to tn- AFFROIIT RESEBTEP Ifisutt to stage Women Contained in Y. M. C. A. Statement Hotly Denounced by Profession— Apologlesfor Biunder—Need of Theatrical. Defense Society Emphasize We can not commend too highly the hot resentment felt by K. H. Bumslde. 8he^erd ot the L^ba: Prancia wu- ccupled by tbe moat r in France, the Bed Croea nnrsaa can1?pn and Y. M. C. A. work- U. C. A. The letter was written an R. H. Bnmside by Geoi^ and, after reciting the gnovances, o "nded as follows: "Mow. air, the T. It C. A. muat me tfato attack or withdraw It. -The T. H. C A. TheEatioiiofTlibissBeofTlie^^