Billboard advertising (Nov 1918)

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4 UBER H BOND TOTAL Of »br Yofk Tfaeaten Goes Over $ti^OOO- Wodd Have Readied $50^000^000 Undor Nonnal Conditions RESULT OF TEAM WORK Bvexy Branch of &e Pirofession Cave Hearty CoOp- mtion and Did Marvelous Work—Chair- man Alt>ee Thanks All Who Aided New York. Oct ZS.—B. F. Albee, chabTnan of the Theatrical Allied tereats* Committee 'of the Libarty Loan, baa annouDced tliat tbe total at sales of bonds turned into beadqnarten tained tn spite of Uie InBaenza. pi talk and the oppoalUon ot rival c rheatrlcal Committee is sore it woald have gone wen l>eyoncl the t5D.DOO.000 tmiJtr to thank every theBirlcal In- ctndl^ The Stage Women's War He- The hoDSBS manased by Klaw & Rr- tolallns tS.SSO.3S0. Tlie Sbnlwrls tnniBd Id f3.B9E.SE0L The Colinnbla Ad ito wneot Company sold t340.SS0. which laclDdes a flOO.MO aabrcr^tton br the atmOMt tt tho cunmMa 8e^ Vtdnnteeis Ine thra Chicago ai« reg peet ftfllr aaksd to volnnceer their ■ernl c o to ezrtatain the boya at Camp CiiMer. , for the Artny T. UL C. A. niose pertmiueiB irtio find that they have some time to devote to this taaxUent cause can ad- ilims Sobert K. Kay. director of en- Y-M-CA^ Camp Cnstcr. Mk^ II joa aknU trap In at the MBP ■M ^edMdlr Mr. Kar wffl be Scandinavian B splendid work as i^eddent of the American Theatrical Hospital As- sociation makes tbeee members of the leacne confident that his election as president of the Coontr Board and be at the head of the Conntj" Board. This will do much to for admlBsloii to county Institutions, which worked great Injustice toward show people in the past. Y- Oct. 26.—The ConioBwood Opera Honae here was last week sold (o the corporation controlling the XJberty and Stratford theaters. Tlie GoUlnswooa. wm be oondocted as & Orat-dis thMtw, with legitimate attractltKi^ >nd. wmiMr,' wnderllle. Goodnow League Starts Work Chleaga. Oct ».—mo the "fiu" epi-: demlc bu otnaed the theatos. it also seems to have openod np a new field of activities for prominent Chlcaso thea- ter magnates. With the State and coontr elections slated for early in Novemlter theatrical mer ~" with poiltlcai organizations ir political favorites, ■anch ot the Charles }npartisaii I^eague. mes. of-the Finance turned bvm Freneb des many prominent B. who. now under the manatcement of B. G. Codds, who wlli have cbarge of all three thea- ters. Many improvements are being made in the CoIIlngwoad. whli^ will bring this tamoas house up to a high Frank Gould Seeks Divorce New York. Oct. 26,—Frank J. Gould Mrs. Edith Kelly Gould, alleging incompattbiUty ot per. Mrs. Qould was Sdilh E«Hy. an actress, before her'marriage. Slie la Oonira aecood wits. Ounp Hfdabird loiaaM ttw «M tMim> mm mmat- srtnm Ufc ittmm SaMfMll 'M W pie for the Uggest oaeaalQna. ThaUb. erty Theatir at Camp Maafla a.TO», ao the men ot HA>M ifoM be congratalated on the m«|HIII»iiiii ling that la being arecttd In their Llf. The interior of the bnildimc has I laid out in the most etDeient ner possible. The rear half of the esira, Qoor is to tw sloped and able chairs 11 be placed tn this sec- can be cleared for dances, athletic ex- hibitions, etc. The stage la to be built like most ot the modem theater stages, with curtain, apron, wings and scenery ovcrheaiL Holabird has several scenic artists Of conslderatde experience, so there should be no dlfflcnlty In staging the most elaborate prodnetlona. The camp also ssiims to be nnoamlly wen. supplied with eDtcrtainan of all kinds. Several male quartets an also bebv forme± Lieutenant UcElnxle. who or- Esntzed the famous Holabird Minstrels, which organization made such a big id arable experience in directing pro* nd (eels that he can OTganiia a Bnt- lasB eompeny trtma local Holabird alent New AmuieM Mi t Oa rp i MiiUoui Albany. N.T. Oct. SS^JUrtlcieactf n-ere filed this weak with an aserccaHe capitalliatlan ot |US,O0«. AU ot the companies are located in New Toik J. McDonald. The Eddie Leonard Com- pany, with a capital of tlS.OOO. wlU produce and present plays, sketches and motion picture productions, Joseph a Co., tonneii to carry on the busi- or directors and managers ot opera «9. theaters and other plaMS of luction of opetaUe a Hipp. Show Draws Big Crowds New Tm*. Oct 2C—Cbsries DIIIMC- ham's spectacle. Everything, at tb* Bippodrome, continues to draw huge crowds to the maBUnoUi pla j bO Hse twice daily. The Two KelsOM. Amm- trallan comedtana aa •tDts. aca ttm latest ecquisitloa to Oa Taylana ssi n sb' adding greatly to the bUertty oC tM To Hear Souaa's Sailor 3 livened by the music ot A band of IM pieces, led bf I