Billboard advertising (Nov 1918)

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'rtue Dtllboard HOI TOB TBI ma TDD, HOB TEt IBB SUUi IIUE, BUT I<OB TBE ABTIST ALL XBB TIMB. NEW M ATERIAL NEEDED h Novdty Act^ Says fVonmieiit Booldiig Agen^ GMng TUs as Reaion So Few Vari^ . Ofiafags Are in Evidenoe v'YAinNEiUtnsr TAEES DIFFEIffiN^ Ifaoiet Variety Acts Which Have Had Much To Do With Evolution of Vaudeville-Defends Novelty Entertainers Entire Orphenm Circuit OkMcd for tbe Flist lune In Its BiBtoiT Torfc, Oct as.—Newer since baa the entire Orpheum OrcQlt been eloied tintll the outbreaJi ot tbe prennt InDnetiia eptdemlc Bv- «iy one ol the blK cbaia ot vauOeTllle tbestera bu been closed tor parlode TBTTlOK for from one to three weeks, and Martin Beck ■toUd' Saturday tbat he did not knowwhsn ttM7 would and improvement. It possible, of tbe averaee vatidevtlle show of today, mtmber of the atatC of 'Oa, Billboard b»3 a Icasthy Interview tbia week with ft ntomiiient booldnt; aeent. a man irtio book! some o( the blgKeat atlractlonB tn the two-a-day. This gentleman frankly sdioltted that novelty 1 why e t. but, robatic Be said: "&very 5 prac , Ucahy the same tricks—with but one or two Exceptlona. and the "eiceptions" are worklnf ri^ht alon^, A monoloBlat, A singer, a. sketch artist, or even a dancer cats new material when their veblcla eonunences to wear, but novelty act aa. a role aeema oontei .CO alonff with the aame routine After year, and then wonders why - II are difllcnlt to obtain." ' A well-known vsndeartiat. a man haa pnAablr playvd every thaatn ritSaoa te vary ttt bera of B worittBS with Miaa Goodwla im- qm team. Tram of DreauMt and idwla for the post elglit years. They « forced to doae tfaelr roiite on Die itaeea Circuit on accoimt ot Vs. Stetson and Hnber Qttit Tande. canceled their vaodevlUa time to Join Oliver Moroeco'c So Long, Letty, ■ pony; ApoOns at Attaitta. Oa, Ootober Jbacf 0^ Bdhreck Ketonts RtlatatK, Oct. 26.—AftET SE^vei •NWC^ Banr C. Schreck, of this city, la sadlcg. Pa., by w Kutall KmoT Roll ordlBK to a news item appearing Ifatboume (AuBtralta.) newspaper, jiDta has arisen amanB the heirs of tha late Harry Bickards, founder and owner ot tbe Rlckards Australian Cir- cuit, and. ap to the time of Ills death. of the cleverest artlata on ti tlpodean stage, over the poaseaal leasehold properties, Includlnc Ibi oil Theater, tbe Opera House and tbe Opera Boose Hotel, at UeUxnime, uoA. ' 'a coutlKUons pn^Mrties; A JudB- nent was slven by the First Civil Court. ot Melbourne onlerinc the sale, ot the disputed leasehold properties and a "button of the proceeds. Two itera ot deceased are Interested In to the extent ot sIx-tenQiB. They have been unable to acres with the policy of the widow, who owaa-a t0iir>tentlis Intereat, ehleOy as tp deta- Ing with the hotel, and a suit in which thev were pbintlBS elalmed that there shotild be a sals at the lesaehoid prop- erties and a dlatribntlDn of the pro- ceeds, they and the widow, who was made one ot detendanta, to have leave to bid St the sale, or, altermtlvely, that then ahould be a. partition ot the properties between them. The court held that it luid power to srant parti- tlon, irat ordered the sale ot the lease- old propartiea with distribution ot pro- ceeds aa asked, the receiver previously appointed remalnlDB In iMMsession tin- tll the sale, which was ordered at Dob* lucUon. raCCtam AOir. with the !Mm. HiuHMiIIIIJ' .it wiu I Mnla «e tke latter B. F. Keith's Circuit of Theatres A. PADL KSITH. Pieddent B- F. ALBEBt Vk»-Pm. and Oen. Hir- UNITED BOOKING OFFICE S '%DU CAN BOOK'DIRECT BY > fADDBEasiHG S. K.HOr OFFICES B. F. Keith's Palace Theatre BqiMins NEW YORK CITY $5--NEW FRENCH HEELS--$5 Waiting for Lifting'of Baa liOnls, Oct. ae^EUKht burleaqoa anies, eevea theatrical troupes, reda ot vaudeville pertortBora, aa as many carnival people, are Id St. IiOulB on account of the inSueuza. .epldemla A Imtte number of the cbo- ua slrlB of the many companies lay- ne oS here have gone to work In the djncent munition factories. This Is oliig to work hardship, aa many cotn- anlea will leave this city short ot oom- lEte casta. Seven carnival people eft tbe city this week to work in Cov- Opont Ncnr Toric (MBeM New T«fc Oat ttwT-Oa. S»A OM X Mr IiovaA b WrM; I 'V Friars Entertain Service Men Br and sailor dH Broadway, took ( Into their hftH and gave them a. jn-act vaudeville show, ^opbie Tuclter, Bert Levy. Bddte Cantor, WilUe Weston, Jofanny Doolay and Irvins Ber-