The billboard (Nov 1918)

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The Btllboartf T Vaudeville Reviews By Special Wire MOM DRAMATIO DI rectors . And OBiM'^Utwrg^ ThMMr Appolnfr PAUL WEST REPORTED DEAD Ifet- Sanaa tt aim ■ HENRI RABAUO ARRIVES SEEK MONKV FOR ACTORS' FUND IB BoBTfl Dt TnstEeE. 11 MR. AND MRS. VOUNQ DIB TICKETS I COUPON MD snip W Thera li but On* BEST~Thaia Mada by WELDOH, WILUAMS ft UOK FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS (Raviawid Monday Matin**, C Ifew Tork, OcL 28.—Probably the most dlversUled bin enjoyed at the PaI«<M In many n day was the new ahow that atarted this afternoon. Not too much sInclDK. Iiot too muoli danolns, but a BcaiUne, honest to soodnoaa biU ot tha ohBiutar that made vaudeville famous. Comedy and novelty galore stucli out oU tbcu the ]hvg>wii, every act doing spleniUdly. Hoiue Oiled to capacity. Soma llttia confiaicin wna oBaaed by Uie aonappearance of tha usual proenms, owing to a prlatec^ sbrtke, and the boy vha brought out tha aimoancement card* OA tha ataro aeomad to be in such a hurry to vet «wst tbat ha save the of th« noma. However, the n*"Tr™t"* VA tlM pro* • tha E- thromi from No. I—Klaas and Termini, in an ftct on the order of Bemia and Balcer. got Atray with this itKit In sood ahape. Their vIoUn and slant accordion playiBs scored heavily, and they had to respond to an encore, after which «lved t No. 4—Charles Grapewin and Anna Clianco in their sequel to Poash- keepsla Jed's Vacation, have a worthy euccesaor to their old classic I3rape- win. minus hla mustache, romps thru his lines and extricates himself from ludicrous situations In his own inimitable manner, while Miss Chance has more opportunities than in their last playlet, and abe mafces the most of them. Twenty minutes, in full stage, with lauglis fast and fnrlans. Several T/Stt. G—Mile. Nitta Has Jo. I>a GlEoletto ParMenne, made her flrst appear- ance at ttie palace and H. B. Marlnelll Is certainly to be conBratnlated on una encasement. Mile. NItta Has Jo is one of the ereatest finds of recent yean She Is possessed of all the abandon of the wildest Parisian cafe chanlsnts, the Monlln Rouge or the Hat Mort, and throws every ounce of Iter peculiarly fascinating personality into every song she sIdkb- Her rendi- tion of A Soldier's Praam ot 'Victory received vodferona applanae. Slie sang ■ongB in Bnflliin, rm Sorrr I made Tou Cry, Over Itier^ ete. TUa French artist, poaaessed ot a weird macnettan, oddly dreiMt can not be called beau- tiful, but tlie Miue moivelottt characterlntini M ««iaeiit In her every — . ■ londed to an eneorak Md with the aadience HUe. mtta Haa Jn owa leader eondncted ■ Creator, and Ixvetta IpPenaott« ■ M BtR Stfure No. big haiK. Jais Baad. No. 1—Al Shoyne, the singing beauty, with- Xo* S - —— » ridlcnl^ ■- '- * _ , which bi-_„ „ after ttia intermtsoion taughed as tta^ walked down the . tnE' by tha tine they reached th^ aaals. giiaogaJ, .8aM>» did hla I n dia n chief bl^ and after many aiiti>i»a1>i1|iiisiiiB aaoipalled D. ■' 1 liliaa aasaalL Oa aaaBM tante «b mi . — Wpareatly l» Jost lier ea^y ' after which ^ ' _ _ ereeant ot Marines and retnmed ti quad of the his neat tailored _. . Ike to call it that she delivered, was a gem. She explained that all of hi alary was going tor the boys ""over there," She thanked every one for thrir — ..Q^^ worry, you'll find m* back on the stage No, 9—Harry Watson, Jr., in a Jack Norworth oRering. was the langh- Ine sensation ot the program. Hla telephone budneas and the liosing scene created Iillarlty seldom indulged In here. Watmn received much applause and many bows, > MO. l^-Charley Chaptln ImStaotllder Arms closed the rhox ACTO RS' EQ UITV- Protesta Agabnt A d JM aaal Tbk * ftf tbe ridiawiDr n tea. )aAa »a-*M ■ EepafM SdMMid TMa WMc *r Ita- W«^Te(fc<tefc M^-jlt !■ ri a iiri^< ^_t>— im III! nili iiiiilil mil \m iiiiTIiH ^"""''^ Oundes snl Piwna^ S. J.| Tinilniiri B. iDii Dh M oJ Btt . IL. eaerOsg tbe npBft. TtphU, OctdKT 30; CMase. IMA« >I: Wufe- dul Mt^ !■ JoHond OH ettaeHw et ffilawlU Wtet—Fames at tka Ou, at (ka IDEN PAYNE RECOVERING Augusto lorio &ScMis