The billboard (Nov 1918)

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13 Tne Billboard Ml DREAMING OF HOME SWEET HOME Thia beautiful ballad wrfttan by 5ERGT. JIMMtE HAHLEV (now o. In Camp M«lg», Washington), Ii ona that will live for many years ai CHRISTMAS IS APPROACHINa. We are all (ending our t wnybedy at home Is that the boy "over thara" is to Franse and tha one big t n the thoughts o< OREAMiNG OF HOME SWEET HOME THIS aOM SHOUUl HaOUITCLY BK III YOOR B tP WfOIW SHAPIRO, BERNSTEIN & CO.,224West47tl9nrt.llawTHtCitr. CHICAGO, Grand Opera House BIdg. MlimeAPOLIG;Suites, LyrieTbaatraBtdg. TABLOIDS r Is n™ plajliis- e. Tex,, atwt e lajtiff ol MR. VAN 0. BROWN PIANIST. SINGER, READER and COMPOSER ' CHAUTAUQUA, LVCBUM AND VAUDEVILLE. Now wuAliig for TTnde Sun. Opi time rAfter the mr." PwmaaMtf ai WANTED-MUSICAL COMEDY PEOPLE IN ALL LINES FOR PERMANENT STOCK AT THE VICTORY THEATRE, CAMP BEAURECJUID, LOUISIANA Cbh me an A-1 Comedian, Prima Donna and two A-1 Chorus Girla, to jcBS <Hi vire. Othera write. Salary for cbonis, $25:00. Yes, we ar« open. MAm B. BARTUn, M*n|«r Vktoy Tfentra, Ciap Bonqwi U P.S—Kh^en a' Blancea polite negative. WANTED, Mist Jma Ob Wire WtllTED FOR THE UNITED MUSICAL COMEDY GO. MUSICAL DIRECTORBnd CHORUS GIRLS, alaoGOOD SPECIALTY TEAM. Glad to IieaT from other iseful people-State alL Pay yoor wires. Ipsymice. W. F. MARTIN. Glerech Hotel, Raleigh. W. C. THEtTRES flPEIIIlie III PEIHSmAIIIA, Says ROYEB WMTEINH nniEDilW AMD SPECIALTIES Kimi.. ID Ti>—'« nail ^ rump tfe. ,Ta.. OctotoM b ptyiBg (be pvrfRiB«r« b « «C Burr B. Bne, «•« n Bin Uitrnt oB a l.«&€L BBsonstbsttl M ic a na. V«tk«r b Launt ud M (ri>K). I Pnnn ocsm D. Bail. ex. a, IM Wi. SItb Dmt B¥Ici4e. Camy Cw«ia, Va." WRAKTOX IL W1UCIE. wdl-KHim MHlnl ag g er prwiiaamg attalsht baa. bu E«tBTBf4 na Lssdoa. OaL. Caa.. nRw a BHCHtal