The billboard (Nov 1918)

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NOVEMBER W^mB ~ED tt. SALTER IN NEW ROLE The Btlll>oap<l iStnla wd^^ilr w*>f«'«bn* tb* alined REUNITED A FTER FOUR YEARS MemlMi and Zlnnay Qit Togather a Aonai 12, 1S15. ii N>S FIREWORKS hm TMn. kit BI« OH (Ml laettrf ban b« fniu HruiM wHk linnnaM work •-- wu* eatm ud AUMaarasBMBt —^_ — luor cuuttmoiii UNITED BALLOON CO. ChangcB [ta Winter Quartir* |>!ff ^nil'^mf^twrftiS^t^^ 'Si' l£*nffiw SHEBSLEW ZOO (ObUiiiim ttnrn vt* W DrkiDr to tht ibannDdi who m c bnridliv dorliii tbc dai. II piprr. vUrli li qalK laiM Mptr, u "if it lAlrli lliitiai bM tin pniriMn «f ftr tba awMif; kal owIbi la tka italij st » l^^nmna -mn-bsm niiiiwBca bun tatn to I, ■M rnuun (b* ^nn MiulH tttk mum. »M> IM MBlHtdb^ 0.9. AIR CALLIOPES WRKUEVS Amouncemettt:, To help meet ibe needs of the government, Wrigley's has discontumed the use of tm foil as a vnappiag far BaBMHaii Hereafter all three WRIGLEY flavors will be sealed in aii>ti^lii« tifaik-eiid packages. . So took far WRIGLEYS in the pink sealed wrapper and take your dudce of fla- vor. Thice kbids to salt an tastes. Be SURE yon set WRIGLEVS— The Flavor Lasts! Pain's Manhattan Beach Fireworks DISPLAYS AND lUUHIflAnOES U. S. eOVERRHERT COIiniAeTORS BATTLE EFFECTS FOR RiOVIHa PICTURES A SPECIALir 18 Park Place, - - New York WOOLWORTH BUILDING HSmOH US. PLEASE—TEE BILLBOABD. PARK NEWS BIG SEASON COMINQ Uml BimctllBL B H PlbtlB ■ MlB of Tjiten optiiDiiBi - min i to b* pwaliflL IB muT tb» ''■i"'^ " n JtMT la apt to pmU « t plartblBl tbit pltaaid It UfBteBl natun. For foalBjica. then li mtlB doDlit tbat iBteRfC In alr]i1BqP4 and MPaflBB wBI be RMUr inemicd tai tliii rub au- Bcna vtti ma (i]mita«e or taia uw iDiarnt '"^"""^^I^^Pb^ anjaltr In GRAF AT CONEY IN 191fl WAR RELIC MUSEUM OAPT. LA TUP^ SHOWS an. W. Tl- » LaWv abon HbkB «■ ■