Billboard advertising (Nov 1918)

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■yisTS'WT'irrs^Brrai' OVERPRAISED FILMS DO NOT HELP THE SCREEN Features Making Special Claim on Ediibitors^ F<ivor bvite Cai«fiil and Fearieo Critidsn— INiinttnc Old bMn Workman- r i|Mt tm MM wr 1w« iliTtr a»d u- tlblMtsc Icnft imt Jd«i- own. I tmu t kuir bow ™ n-iitwi. Tl»7 nud an r ir« ctad (a ■«[ tli* apIaLou la bi> IMMn n ikMrT Dm U h la li itmiHir ba« (ftr t «» HI Ma to Mr I l> Ikii). bat kman H la Ilk* atan* uu» kai 4re^ «r bUifr tatona. wtafe^ tlieflili aatria ■nltt It tba hlibtat ti tM w. ft» luk ■ M tta MM «C ■ Ma ttt yW "wrtir wU •MM M* kk MUleei IMMIHtemMMl M nplt. Fnai UabjioB I Boat BTdtUTT peoptfl. . Wkn* ttakniB k iBita bitorpTctatlDD ' itorx and ciHiIlD Htgiaa aU InSnlU Imdamri U^ana at tba Utllac.'kH I K »tUr, ud adttlta al u aair nrlaw. tai Mr aatnliM an* t al i^^i^'m £lMHB>^n^MM^■ lladU MMttt WOM It Im m i J, Mt 1 ^tuna, * (r<nidi7. but mad Tlttwat qsftU^ la opportDitltLaB and b WAR SCREEN CENSORSHIP OVER IntMMtlng Strntamant of William D. - irou™ of National I of Raviaw social aUUnRDt tmtaallic a SacRUiT WllUan D. Uitoln I mrjuMm aa a emla an- ■ Mb tta watt, na ^ ■t |k* BmN aa «tli«d froa (ha a •fMw af <ka Mrtav Gamna mm i»r tmum w*—» MkatMSMMlai 'BELGIAN OFFICIAL WAR PICTURES" I Vf*TII OFDQ — Tbere ia no more live topic in the world today than that ■abwiun^n^ ot B6tpi>m. U you want to dcoD up big moDey. Bend r' 30 for W. Liod-ssy Gordau's graat faaturs bctun, "Rufaud Bo^ium." SO wondei colored didea, lobby disptaya and motfaa piotunrU jna want tfaam. W. LIHDlWf awwoH. W W. Mai W. Y. c. SPECIAL PRINTED ROLL TICKETS Q Five Thousand, Ten Thousand, - - - Fifteen Thousand, Twenty-Fin Thouswidi Fifty Thouujid, - One Hundred Thousand, THE BIO TICKET AT THE SMAU. $1.50 3.00 4.00 • 6.00 S.00 12.00 Quill- uIsnllT I S Is Ik* tollaat wr AHHOUHCB RKLCASI NIW PICTURE HOUM la poller at tba beaaa win ba Wm, tt, LOS AHQBLCS NOTU IT B, WaMian h*a antni turn a wban ka airsnd a ditana ttta Via. Ii a (teUna « aa « [HM^Man^ iiciD* ama to b* pKdnta at Uack SauHtt uaM Untmt bai utlnd m tba Eaat. viatiark baa uarlad pndactloD itlcr ■ i icata; MM* Mm» tta Hnian a NATIONAL TICKKT COk,