The billboard (Nov 1918)

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TtiO Btllteoaira WANTED WANTED Ciraas » , eai Ml joHw HOBii nu w I cmcw. NOTICE! JOHNNY J. JONES EXPOSITION for Season 1919: I will be at Knickerbocker Hotd, Nor. 24 to 29; week of Nov. 30, Auditorium Hotel, Chicago. Nothing too big or salary too hi^ if you can earn it. Address JOHNNY J. JONES, Can. Mgr. ■ad OrkHk. MeJ mt ba l» CMWI Mil itm dIT fmUr- Bt n« B >ian aid. PUniLBE—IMH7 nimil«, •rtdelj. tun IN MEMORY OF MMKIL MLMI, mu, IMDIANA VICTORY SHOWS Victory Shows openiDK for Winter tour through Florida December th. Wanted shows of all kinds, three abreast canyusall, riding de- ices. All coacesdotts open. Address MOBBIt MILLEt Mo^. tow W Clirk MMg, HAmtO*, fh. Kdtta'8, Cincinnati Wanted for the Brown & Dyer Shows l»n > , «.t.f*.W«t Woi^ like to bear from colored muscisit—baas. Can IMnll. tmtMt «t ABmt GEORGE PIANTA008I 1 omnuTaTi' S'ptu ■ IMS Uaea. DmiM *w . Ucmtfe* O*leA0 ItKkcr. 8S, 1 FUli<*tplili Initial Octobtr 25 of In- 'FtbtnU. muufer of Ibr rVt /MCMwai Ea aa to fl< Iba alavar pcTfvcUj, uO WILL REBUILD THEATER TMUna. Pi.. NoiTis.—nijMwfi ivltat h* 111 I III M Kiin'l Ua IkM 1 M -mmu am, , Dor. '■mo-c ™ wim wnrH fear paru. Tbla wu !ii biu. Disi Ok*.— man. WRITERS FORM PARTNERSHIP Hew Talk. Nn. 3L~-Pklllp 1. Lawt*. ■