Billboard advertising (Nov 1918)

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-The Billboard WANTED FOR CLARK & CONKLIN'S ALL FEATURE SHOWS , r. 2G. Gnnalsoii m . _ . Cook Bouse. Pitch Till Too Win. Ball Goma, ICnUa Rank, Spot-tlie-Spot. n ~ my other Legltlmsts Cone " " — ' Friar Paint, wsak of r Concesslona. Can J. W. CONKLIN, " iQvember ZSth; Qu alBo oas" senni jniod PlBJita- —t all winter. WrUs -- LETTER LIST (Cm OiMni*. ubdt Bird. CTiDfa CniMt WANTED FOR CLARK & AUSTIN GREATER SHOWS MERRY-GO-ROUND Liberal terms for &11 wint«r South. OpeDuig December Illh, Clarksdale, Miss. Other good Delta tovms contracted. Good Shows and Conces- sions vrite or wire P. U CLARK, Hotel Aloazar, Clariisdale, Mias. ConnTrumpet Cornets Nnr. asm unp&cked, sllvn Bnd Bold/hlKta and low pitch. In. cue BCU lOr tSD.QO u the factory, while they lest fEE.OD each. WIU aend C. O. D. It 11.00 la ' mth order. CHA5. PARKER'S BAND HOUSE, EOl Franlilln St.. Waco. Taua. WANTED—M. L. CLARK &. SON'S SHOWS ' "■^■■Bij'iSiiiig jjftiijttfflrafc aMwwHf^ •' THE BBTROTHAL DollBT, Ulbt ind all drU wbMB ba II (UTS. CIiUTBCe TontnozD "Wabb; BiHT a WiMir, W. V. rwitar Mom wciiianm. Otte WSU4. Jo** ^ Tjlt^ Idufd U> UUIi u(t bind lata Iht tI» . k* frup ot DoUnr Did rb(T lUrM *W B- (■Ibtr on the Jmmf tbm III>, Bat M T»lt»l progrmad Ilie gtfantJF flffnrfl of '.Dntlaf fndO' - - in lJi»r. mj^timn u Ufbl. wu dMbid ipini ar Llfbc mens, Jsupb yiblw, P. B. Taritn. T. O.' DMIV M* MtKMBM tr a MM, iM B| —ii«xn p. ismiuiM. BrtantMl la aa WiJMWW wH t u a m (Uua, lat m ■ BtaabM." I timibil h «■■ tf fta wK MVIMIPIKO HLU « tbit H iH nlHt • (Min* art to Am blA It V>M> (OdMT Don dM UIi nWMW Ju.KnrBt Id wuIu Dan "^SfVj^'Sfi tallT«D UiatRmmallr linaonalfMM NOVELTY ACT WENT BIO bOTeltr apiB In tiiHIvvI