The billboard (Nov 1918)

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THE mLLBUAKD . LrBERATI, by i sent, and altar almost nwa •nnin xpeni In all ports ot Slates. Canada and si,ooo.oo CHALLENGE On behalf of the inventor of Hie Hand Tlw^otfilK Din, The Billboard has agreed to conduct a oampaigQj wherein he oSers S1,000 to anyone who cab sabmit a problem in musical transposition, involving aay inafaruments-from a Chinese fiddle or a ram's horn trumpet to a symphony orchestra or John PhiUp Sousa's 1,000-piece naval band, that can not be solved with^ Marvel Transposing Disc. Any expert Harmonist or Musical Doctor, who thinks he can traoBpose more quickly and more accurate than an ' amateur who is equipped with tlie Marvel Transpodng Disc, and who has Sl,ObO with which to back 1^ o ' * ahoold inite at ODoe and we may arrange for a E t eg._ Addiwg nCD H tlie loreeimi and Chautauqua DetH M rtmen^ THEBnXBOARD, ^^j?^^''... Al-BEaiT , COOK, irtio tar ■evsQ Tears was IhMm of the Band, wblob or- ablp, mUle * twentr-sevan momlltf tour of tlis world, sars: *7lM more I stodv the Muvel nawDoatnc Dliic - the more Lyon & Healy, known as one of the Wodd's greatest ndusal houses, Ifaoinugbly the Marvd Tmnsposing Vkiti fhen' imfered a hslf dozen for Oimr irada.. Snce that time they have asked to be the sole representatives and distributors for all of South America, handling the Spanish edition. For full information see.their late catalog. Circus Band AZ> SWEBfT, fbr tMt yi lie an enviable reputation In the c BOne world, visited the Ungen- raUacc circus during its recent a ene^emeat. and, while there, one of these little noDder wor&ers Betz, who, by the vay, has won j&elC n plaee of i^nowQ anions olr- tbose Marval Xcan^ioalnS'mBCB which ;oId you abovt. Yov cant go wrons !. (or they are a • wSI flnW iMs to be TheRadoIph WurBtzer Co; The Wn^tzer Co., with its iliirty-seven storea, first ordered SH^ BCuvel Tianq^ iDg Discs, then one tumdred, two hundied and fifty, and one thousand, have been ordering them hy the tlioaBand ever since. This company circulaiued'itintiiese words: "The Marvel Transpoang Disc 'is the biggest 'thiu^ ever offered to the ama- teur mi^iciana." Addjng; "Wemoommend ittoourcustometiibaBSanitciMtbleBthemto get more pleasure out ot their insbumeata" Chautauqua CLKY SMITH, til. , of ords a talte shark. No up-to-date muslcfBn OtovM be wltbont ono of these Marvel TmuposiDE Discs. T&«y are hsndy. ac- curate and concise, and wiu no doubt be baUt, aa a tori c ^«usICIi<vIvs UBKITOTC OSKKtV FOR A 'HM( THE MARVCL TRANSPOSING DISC