Billboard advertising (July 1920)

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2 The Billboard SULY 3, 1929 DOLLS wil never Biss, “Stade up with hale ote Dalaved shoes and Sin wate: 10 Jn eh Sl Compare TRICKS, JOKES, KNIVES, NOVELTIES | KNIVES can eet ee eae ee en Gold Filled Handles. SheMield Steol Blades. Popular Thin Models. Ball on one $28.50 Side. ‘The gross rrice is sy jow we cannot follow our usual willing nest to ‘send @ wial sleaem at the gross price You can Swine S"prow if’y0a"can sell a. Send for our New Catalog—in English, INDIAN BEADS to OurBest Sellers ‘The latest fad among women for making beaded. bass, beaded Grewes and neck orhameatt, Stock up and nap sour share of the harvest. SGSRBSGUSS SUESESTSSUcEESCSECE Braneh. Spantth. Mi Bead by th bts, mee tor One = 2"l]| QRIENTAL MEG, CO, |-asrazsne i CHICAGO = 8 DOLL ‘MFRS ence at asc" &: |] THE NEW SILVER KING 0. K. GUM VENDER 1922 MODEL || “Newman sec."co" HELEN BEALH BABE NO. 9, sumple. rrepald. PRICE LIsT MIDGET SALES alas U.S. TAX PAID Hewores. all clement of chance A cent Package Gf gum Is vended oat with DON'T WORRY ABOUT SUGAR Vso BB Secetenins Powder, $3.00 per ound, equals “Tees poumis of SUcer ‘xamule.” 306. ORANGEADE and Lemonade Powder PRICE $225 PER POUND Four otter Flavirs Soft Drink Concessian~ 'be the most Sep in “ane s{la|a}el|? | Nirket Machi Oe nts kine Te is’ Aled Sil ent feada, checks, 88873) gla frat Drinks, ‘not ‘colored ‘waters Write for fre particulars. sample, Ge BALL & JALAL. Sone SSE Na iearscrn, Chicase, Hil aatas ieee eae Se neccy weal ts NE ‘Rell SOREL LY ee cae MIDGET LEADER “Price i is $150.00 355.50 PER_HUNDRED "Mais roachine Lo fully guaranteed aguinst any faulty material actiines for" $75.00" cache ‘ wo. Extra Checks, $2.50 Der fo the tehesratih sdtee Skat wite Sour onder RIGHT NOW. SiLveR KING NovELty Co. NEW WILLIAMS BUILDING 611 NORTH CAPITOL AVENUE INDIANAPOLIS PLASTER VASES such as no factory has ever been able to make at any price. Roman Vase, 11 Inches, $4.00 a Doz. Cham “ 16 “ 1.20 Doz. Comus “ 20 “ 15.00 a Doz. None shipped without deposit 25 per cent, Please send for our new catalogue. OMAHA’S WELCOME! BAYLESS BROS. & CO., Inc. |2:o 325 {o27=00 AE 704-6-10-14 W. Main Street LOUISVILLE, K.Y Return Baile, $5.35 aed $3.85 poe Grn Gallosns. siyunwners. Flashy Head Cheep Jewelry anda General Lane of velo Catalomve now ready for dealers PA. bats Gotosenc JEWELRY Co. 16 Wyandotte St, Kansas City. WE ESTABLISH YOU IN BUSINESS We “vill manufacture article in demand everyichere, 3 ‘jour nate and ‘brand. for BIG FOUR DAY CELEBRATION AT FAIRMOUNT, ILLINOIS, JULY 27, 28, 29, 30, INCLUSIVE. ental Shuma Tee bond Tier mini ant Farming er nreeat limentong quarry." 10.000. drain Intlon. Heymond N. ZlerJack, Falemount, illinois ety nd. Htacine. “The ilies “i : OT ung TT KANSAS FREE FAIR, "=, The Concessionaire Who Knows Contracts for Space Now RTTENDANGE 7616] Me Devs and iets Tarnow and Running Tac. Wonbam ] Simmen, Carutier’s Acts Slane Auto Rares, Gaedoe't “Havatian =| ————— a ED: w. SMITH '& SONS. = 315,000 Sighs" Pieris PHIL EASTMAN, Seetary. FOR SALE its “Asn Sate “cuca = = Sam Francisco | FUN UEUTAUCUTUUEALEAUEAEELLEHUAEEEAALSUUELSAOESUUOEULEAONOTEOEEDEOEEOUOOERSSOEDEAOUOOUAEESOODEOUEL sei gh Le ad a a a UOT sith, te paayine The taskt Meme FAMOUS NEPTUNE BEACH BATHING GIRL PHOTOS ics of egutfuly, artiste. actuat hates inn eeUN OnE