The billboard (Jan 1921)

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oe Py RD The Bi NEW SHUBERT CIRCUIT HAS SUPPORT OF “BIG CAPITAL” About Ready To Explode First Bombshell in War Against Albee and Keith Circuit—Hart in Charge of “Booking Floor,” Assisted by Kline—Lee Shubert Chief Executive New York, Dec. 21.—With F. J. Godsol, milDenker, as their ostensible financial ‘the Shoberts are ready to explode the in the Impending Dig-time vande be waged against E. ¥. Albeo and authoritative ‘The troking system to be inaugurated by the Shuberty, ft was learned, will follow elosely that An operarica im Great Britain. and a contract ‘cinillar to that (erved the English variety artists Te fs wnderstood that will be routed into ne house or two weeks or more. Houses In thie city, Philadelphia and Chicago, it is wald, wil fall under the bi-weolly polley. ‘That E. F, Albee and the Shuberts are both ‘angling for tbe purchase of Barcus Loew's new State Theater, now under construction at the corner of Brosdway and Forty-Afth street, was ‘Me chief topic of conversation in thn. ofices of ‘the big-time agents during the post week. Errorts, Bowever, to verity this rumor have. proved futile, ‘the Shubert opposition gets under way prob Hematical. He o@cialy enlew that te 1s ta terested im the project. Yet ie te known that the Shuberts have beco carrying om negvtations ef ‘Spore or lem encjet order with the head of the Loew Greate foe ‘ane. ‘It te generally tAderstood by booking men that Loew is vot seeking “afBliations,” it. belne " ksown hat Be, ax ambitions to act Mmselt up as the fa days past. This bellef 15 somewhat strengthjed when the building activities of Marcus Loew, Inc., are reviewed for the past year: Gu’ the heels of the conjectures and rimors concerning the Shuberts and thelr invasion of the vandeville fleld comes the report that Alexander Pantages is preparing to invade the ‘wan plesty of room for first-class vantevitle ‘houses in Greater New York. “Times Square.” ‘be sald as a parting sbot, “could eupport ten first-class houses, and New York and Brootlyn ‘At least two hundred.” ‘A high official in the Kelth office confided to ‘The Billboard reporter that the “old man” was llboard “VAUDEVILLE The Latest News and This Week’s Reviews This Week Dlayee. ‘The umpaid balance, Orpbeom oflciais ‘explain, would be paid within one year. The dividend retorned on stock is eight per cent, regardless of fiuctoation. The company will charge six per cent’ foterest for carrying. the unpaid balence, so that during the: Orst year employee sbarebolders would get “a retura of {wo per cent on thelr investment. Omiciale wish ft thoroly understood that employees are in 20 sense urzed to forest in Orpheum stock, but that it ts merely set out as x good fovestment. The ‘stock must be-subscribed by January 20. DIVA REMAINS IN VAUDE, New. York, Dec. 24—Emms Trentinl, thro ‘her agent, M. 8. Bentham, announces that sbe plans to remain in vandeville. It is maid the Drima donna will probably ‘forsake the operatic stage for good. LILLIAN LEE STRICKEN ‘Lillian Lee, wite ‘of Nat Lee, prima’ doina with the Stone, Lee & Gibbs “Frolics of the ALEXANDER, “THE MAN WHO KNOWS” iad ae AVA Sad Gh antiga bts sa Was ty Fone Bice heir era Calin andl ierh Sat untae BEE GES oar is Gs Gey beached planning a drastic cleantp among the. Keith ‘agents and that a'number of suspensions might ‘be expected. Among those. who fell out of grace ‘with B. F. Albee last week and who may, ox result, Join forces with the Shuberts, are’ Rot Curtis, who, 1¢ {6 sald, committed “the unforgivable sin” of booking an act over the Loew ‘Time—Floyd Stoker and Jack Lewis, metropolis. ‘This report is given more or less _ eredence amongbooking men, as it {s generally known that Pantages has bad his eye on a Broadway site for some time, Considerable specalation binges about the exact location for the Proposed Pantages house, It was generally thought ‘that the Westem ‘enderilie man: was in the market for a° parcel Jocated at the northwest corner of Broadway and Forty-ixth street. The latter location, however, was taken over last week -by ZL Miller, the ‘theatrical shoe man, under @ long lease at an aggregate rental of $4,635,000. ‘Herry Moustford, executive secy. of the Amertcan Artistes? Asso., when interviewed, stated that he knew nothing as to the plans of the Shuberts, Marcus Loew or Pantages, He ar-° serted, bowerer, that be thought the year .of 1021 was going to be a very busy one in the ‘anderille world and that good acts, entertainers and novelty acts would come into thelr ows. And here be lghted another cigaret. ‘As the reporter was leaving Mr. Mountford stated, as a sort af afterthought, that there 4 ORPHEUM EMPLOYEES May Still Buy Stock in Circuit, New York, Dee. 22—Last October the Or “um Cirenit-Tecommended to its 2,000 employees that they become shareholders of ‘the new. Or pheum corporation, and, while the response was Sratitying, {t was learned by officials that many of the employees aid not respond elther. because they did not have the ready cath or for some other reason. ‘The Billboard was informed today thag the Orpheam Cizcuit bas now proposed 40 te exiployees that they may stil Duy stock. The Orpheunr’purchased this stock when. the market was low. This issue was oo the stock exchange and subfect to fuctuation, and, while it may drop sUghtly, the Orpheum regards it as fo 20 sense a epecsiative investment,” Employees way purchase the stock on a basis of five per cent down and'50 cents a share’ per ‘week to be pald on the anpaid balance, and to de deducted trom the weekly salary of the em Day,” was stricken very suddenly with appendie eitis upon arrival in Portsmonth, 0., Decem‘der 18, and was removed to Hempatead Hospital, of that city, where she was operated upon immediately. At this writing ahe is improvSng fast and looks to be back at work by Jant‘ary 10. In the meantime she would like to ave her friends write her. HOLIDAY FEAST u Ghieage, ‘Dec. 25.—Willlam Roche, manager of the Palace Music Hail; in response to'a tele + grapble. request from Martin Beck, head of the Orpheum -Cireult, acted an host to'all: of -the Performers playing the Palace this week ' at ‘& dinner given in the Randolph Hotel last night. Mr, Deck's telegram read: * “Christmas pretty lonely for show people; away from home, among strangers, it’s bard for them to feel Christmas giow. “Give them ebeer—and my blessing,—MARTIN” BEOK."” NEW HYMAN ACTS. New York, Dee, 27.-—Harry Weber is pretenting on Kelth ‘Time the act, “What's It AN About?”, with Howard Mack and Heniletta Lane. ‘The act was written by John H. Hyman Of the Lew Cantor offices. Mr. Hyman has aleo completed new material for the Gordon-Neviss a * JANUARY +4, 1921 NEW COUNSEL For New York City Retained \or Neve Me Arllateat Federation O™="" Charles J. Campbell and Frank A. K. Bétand, composing the firm of Campbell & New York City, fo New York City for many years; and ‘they have been geveral ‘York State Hotel Associ Association of New York ave appeared many times before committees and various officia! bodies tion with the administration of exist. AWS and proposed amendments to statutory and departmental regulations. Dave conducted many important litigs. tons, and have a wide acusintance with men iG “FEED” AT NEW ORLEANS New Orleans, Dec. 25.—Christimas. Eve was celebrated with one of the Snest wpreade io the history af the local theatrical coloay at a local restaurant, and all pald for by, the mansgeorat of the Orpbeum Cireult, following instructions from Martin Beck some time ago, Ben Vas, rd MeCoy, of the Valace, were host ioe worst ise Dresser, Jack Gardner, Ea M. Gordon Day, Harry. Hayden, Scott Moore. Livise Murray, Virgioia. Marselliue,. George Ford, Flo Cunningham, Bam Dody, .Heary Barman. Rutd Howell, Rove Clare, Mile, Theo “and Compan; Bob and Pegey: Valentine, Mile. -Loeile, A: Butler, Hal Parker, Anthony Hughes and Ollie Dodrew. ‘Ail the principal Xmas alabes, side distfes 124 then some were spread before the visiting vande ‘Mesars. Plaza and McCoy acted a toostimasters, and at the close tree cheers were given for Mr. Beck. MARTIN BECK WEDS Head of Orpheum Circuit Married to Louise Peyton Heims New York, Dec 23.—Martin Bock, presidént of the Orpheum’ Circuit, was married this week im Philadelphia to Loulse Feyton Helms, in the ‘Tabernacle Presbyterian Chureb, by Rev, Joke Alls r. D. D. Only immediate relatives of the bride and groom attended. Josephine Beck ‘was mald of honor and Mort Siuger,.of Obiesge, acted as, Dest. man. Mr. and Mrs, Beck will pend “thetr, boneymoca tn the South. Mrw’ Beck is a graduate of the Coelton Hille Scboo!, ‘the Library Scboo! of the Drexel Institute, and Decame @ member of the faculty and lecturer at the University. of Pennsylvania’s Summer Library School... She is a devotes of art and music. Mr, Beck: has two daughters by & former marriage. DON GORDON LEAVES HOSPITAL Don Gorden, well-known cfelist, of she team ‘of Don ana Miy Gordes. recently confined ta the ‘Wise Memotial’ Hospital, Omaha, Neb... from * ‘Biafor’ operation cnnsed” by strangled, hernis. lived upto hie reputation of a. well-preserved atdlete ‘and took the doctors by eurprise 7 Teaving the hoopttal at least two weeks befere they expected him to-depart. Tome, Gor ~ Mr, Gordon is resting easy at don Apartments, Omaha. ‘Mr, Gordon has been visited by many friends rotession, Who bave paseed thro Omabs Goring inews, ‘and thavks the good Creator ‘that bo fs allve to wish all jp the profession & Happy, New Year. |. 4 * IRENE/ PRANKLIN IN SOUTH of Now York, Bec! 24.—Irene Franklin and ber husband, Ebert Green, have left New York for # ‘vane of the South, opening in Saran nah ‘next Brcek. Miss Franklin's bookings {s lode Potffl Rico end Havana.