Billboard advertising (Jan 1921)

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10 The Billboard JANUARY 1,°1921 PRESENT-DAY VAUDEVILLE js Lauded in Editorial in The New York ‘Sun-Herald » New York, Dec. 23.—Bdltarlally speaking, the urrent edition of The New York Sun-Herald ag thi to aay about vandevile: &M largely an American development in amusement. It is free now from the practices which fm an eatller phase of our circulation smizched Mts alms. Unlike the similar diversion offered £, dm Burope, it is not dependent on the support of @ lounge or bar or any of the objectionable incldentels which are familiar in Europe, The muse TRUNK: DEALERS ‘IN ALL MAKES OF THEATRICAL TRUNKS ‘Mail Orders Filled. SAMUEL-NATHANS SOLE AGENT FOR H. & M. IN EAST. Trunks, AU Makes, AM Bisa, ‘Hartman, todestracto, Belber, Oshkosh, ‘Taylot, Murphy, Bal, Neverbeeak, Likty, ets, "S31 Serenth Avenue, NEW YORK CITY,.Bat, 36th and 30th Sts, PLAYS, SKETCHES AND ACTS CAN NOW BE BOUGHT; IN NEW YORK CITY . 0. B. New York Oy. SUITS AGAINST: REMICK New York, Dec. 26—Two sults havo been ied against Jerome H. Retalck & Oo.; musle ‘publlahers, in connection with the song “AvaYon,” issued ‘by ‘that house. @, Bicordi & Oo, have applied ‘for am infanction restratning Remiick from continulag to tasue the song, on the ‘opera, ‘for*which Ricordi holds the Amerjean righte,~ ‘The other sult instituted against Remick is Drought by T."B, Harms & Francis, Day & lun & ter to restrain Remick trom twsulng, “Avalon on the ground that George Card De Milva and Al Jolson, named as part writers of the song, are both under contract to them to publish aod cell all thelr songs thra Harms, Harms asks mint jriginal and Exclusive Material. Write for Ldéberal Forms Now, Our Material Will Assure Bookings.” Ol Acts Made: New, ‘Weak Acts Made Strong. We also have « number of Sketches and Acts ‘to lease yalty basis. Sark If in the elty, call _W. E. NELSON PLAYWRITING CO. Suite 232, 1400 Broadway, Knickerbocker Theatre Bldg, New York Clty. Phone: Fitzroy 6176. for-an accounting of the profits of the song. ‘The-latter euit’ was fled in ‘Chicago. CHARLIE’S UNIGUE CARDS New York, Dec. 25—Charles B, McDoosld, ‘who was recently ‘appointed’: to do publicity stunts for the B.S. Moss iaterests, is sending around ‘unique Christmas cards’ ti’ his friends. It 4 2 quarter sheet upright printed in two colors and with the words: “With the best ‘wishes for a Merry Christmas and a prosperous ‘It ts no longer true that tho theater tn this ‘country ts censored by the young person feminine fm sex. The course of our drama {s more_gensgrally directed by (he family. “The dest of the talent available for vande f) Hille finde its way into our theaters not oaly ‘from other stages, Dut from Europe. ‘The reeat popularity of the-rerne.has made, wide Dreaches in the lists of its artists, Vandeville (Ras had to straggle to retain the services of its own creations and discoveries, All Kinds of 4aforme) musical. entertainment are reaching ut for them. Even the motion pictures have ‘ot stayed their hand. But the same average Of excellence which satisfies ‘its patrons has deen maintained. “Experts have learned, however, that the success. of a vaudeville enterprise does not depend om: the fame ‘and number of acts en mared. Nor qo the number and character of the available thedters determine the fate of such an undertaking. ‘The experienced manager may ‘atake a list of comparative medicerities provide ‘& highly diverting program, while the director ‘without this talent will be unable to make good. ‘use of the most popular players.” : -$300,000 PLAYHOUSE ‘Chicago, “Dec.°22.—A dig West Side project bas deen’ atmounced’ in’ the form of a new ¢ $300,000 piaybouse on Roosevelt Boed (Twelfth street), Detween Ashland Boulevard aid MarahId avenue. ‘The owners are sald to be project titled “Make Believe.” Natalie Kessler, “25Yearold daughter of the late David Kessler, fa‘mous Jewish actor, supported the Roth children, SINGS OVER RADIOPHONE BEN and JOHN FULLER’ AUSTRALIAN VAUDEVILLE TOUR ALSO MELODRAMA STOCK. Always ready to negotiate Attraction: : BEN FULLER, Room 408, Delger Bidg., 1005 Market St, San Francisco, Calif. ICELAND "iGi’SKATING” MIDNIGHT SKATING CLUB, MISS KATIE SCHMIDT, Hostess. ‘Meets every Thursday night, 11:30 to 1:30. ‘Supper 12:00 to 1:00. ‘Temporary address Exhibitions, Contests, Fun. the show, which the police described as “in decent.” Michael Lavollo was charged with Girecting the performance, AWARDED JUDGMENT New Year.” They say ad men are nolsy and Profane & nation’s peace, br do the squeaking are the grease." ‘Charley Se a regule:-showmnan. JUDGMENT AGAINST CARTER, Ban Francisco, Dec, 22.—Word comes bere from-New, Zealand that a \Jodgmant’ for $500 ‘was recently rendered in the Auckland Cou against Carter the Great for alleged: wroo Gimmimal of Edward O'Hara, an Americ electrician, who bad been in’ bis employ. ‘Ben and Joba Fuller are organizing a permaNew Zealand, ‘sccording to the Falters’ local ice. . LAW TITLE CHANGES: “Chicagoy: Dec. 26.—The title of the famous theatrical law firm of 8. I, and Fred Lowenthal bas been changed to read 8: L. aud Fred wry P, Munpe. In reality the inge io ‘name.only, Mr. Munge New ‘York, Dec. 24.—Vaughn De Leath, who recently toured ‘the Kelth Oirealt with Marie Cahill, this week gave her second concert of Popular songs orer the De Forest Radlophone Dec, 23.—Arthur William Walker Chicage, EVELYN NESBIT COMPLAINS _ New York, Dee. 22—Evetyn Nesbit Cuiter?, former wite of Harry Thaw, complained in ‘from the World Tower Bullding. Miss De Leath {a anid to be the fret singer of popular songs to demonstrate her voice over this new transmitting device, and after her first conce $a oh om Ob me tie tree marten miata aka Sera es eke tong ee meyer ei en cetyed from one of ber rings that he pawned. tho entertainmes She was assisted by Mario be maid the ring was worth $2,500, ‘The PeFY, accordionist, who is now being featured Brother said, in reply, that he apd his wife ‘*t the Cafe de cs Sees a oa ee fF New York, Dec, 24.—8.: B, Noble has been + Sppolnted theatrical passenger agent of the Canadian Pacise Rallway with headquarters in the Galety ‘Theater Bullding. He. succeeds Harry J. Dosringwho recently rerlgned. LA VAILS COMING OVER New York, Dee. 24—Warry La Vali and ale ter ealled from Antwerp. for New York -yesterday, ‘according to word received. today. « They ave been appearing in Europe for the past two years, ‘They return on October 21 neat to ‘faith a Paris engagement. HUMAN FLY BUSY MISS GORDON AT SING SING ‘New ‘York, Dec, 21—Vera Gordon, ster of salaries alleged to bave been due them. Dolly Murray bas brought sult against Harry Rogers, tablold producer, for one week's salary ‘and on week's notice, ‘alleging that she was closed without notice. Byrdine Zuber has brought walt against Lester: Bryant, Jobin Pillsbory .and the Standard Atfractions, for, $200, alleged to be due for back salaries while employed in the “ ‘Bed Company. : Deea awarded a. Judgment agilnst Fairs Booking Association, for $385.13, which she plaiatit? claimed for alleged back.stlaty and reach of contract, Hic SPECIAL ELKS8 EVENTS ~ New’ York, Dec: '23.—The entertainment come mittee of the New’ York Lodge No.1, B.P.'0. Eiks, anpounces that January 2 will: be PollDanlels Night, ‘Aaron Kessler Nigbt ‘will be celebrated the evening of January 16, and Egdar Allen, Night takes place February 2. Jack Lewis Might will be the apecal entertainment event DRAWBACKS IN WET CUBA New York, Dec. 23.—A few drawbacks that ‘are encountered by the dourlat who Viaits Cuba rates oo the leland-are very expensive and trip from Santiago. to Havana sbguld. take, ours, but % fifteen-bour delay is not uncs0s For the trip) from Havana to. Guantanamo Bay, ‘counting the unal delays and: one night’ in Santiago, three days are. necessary. SENT TO CHICAGO the Boarding ‘operated -by the: Wilkie strinded ia, Newark, N. ‘Joj some daze ago, arrangements were made to wend the act back to Chicago, thru the efforts ‘of Harry Mountford, executive, secretary of the American ‘Artistes’ Federation, < ‘While playing the Palace Theater, New Or Jeans, “last week, Mrs. Leoné Earle, of the Aerial. aries, hed the misfortuse to‘ fafi trot ‘the rigging, a-distance of Sfteen feet... She re“ceived a badly wrenched kaee, besides severe Dralses, ‘The act was forced to cancel New OPEN NEW ACT ew York, Dec. 24.—At the Coliseum Thea ter this week ‘Wilner and Romberg presented ‘Lillian Both, who was seen last season in “Ghavings,”* and Ansa Roth, formerly of the “Magle Melody” Company, in'a new sketch, en STRAND THEATER ‘Good, "roomy Located tn the Beart of te clay, For ace wire fe ae write 3. D. AMMOND, Mansge, ‘Strand. Theater,’ Norton, Vireiota. B.F. (PAT) BRENNAN PATSCAREY. OF THE SOUTH. CLOG SHOES Mata and whgtette. Sood for pice tt Minato ‘Costume ‘Supplion. we we coeruMe COMPANY. eae HOOKER-HON LARGE STAMP PHOTOS "Waris, 8. New York, Dec. 23.—George Palley, known throont the show world as “The Homan Fry," Se appearing in New Jeréey towns and will later make his appearance tu New York, City. Tt is reported that be will do stunts ou, the new Loew State Theater LOEW GETS IRON JAW. ACT New York, Dec. 25.—The Stanley, Brothers, Bimer and Clarence, wolriwind {rou have been booked over the Loew Time. The'ack ‘te Booked thru tie, Abe Feinberg ofices. , ARNOLD A VISITOR is Chicago, Dec. 24.—Araold, ‘of the team of Arpold and Stampane, the “Tweotleth Century Escape Artists,” a handeuff exhibition, was @ Chicago visitor this week, POLICE RAID:“SMOKER” New York, Dec. 24.—Five girls and one man were arrested Inst night, following « raid of the Police upon Geneva Hall, where an alleged ‘“emoker* was in progress. Ove bundred apd ‘fifty men who comprised the audience were al Deld, charged, with dleorderly conduct, Ida Cotlize, Minote Schweizer, Elsie Harris, Frances Bell end Mey Collius: were the participants in wr acty. \RITA WINTER RECOVERING : Orleans and Mobile, but expected to. open sania at Montgomery, Als, December 20, ‘Ohiengo, Dec,, 24.—~The, Billboard is informed injured in a local Wil be able torersoc iu about two weeks, oxo GFOSSMAN Gourley ill arta beri ber work o¢ twenty-two weeks Ropresantig ONTARIO BOOKING OFFIC! Room $6 Yonge Street Toronto, Cansde, TO ‘TOUR. ANTIPODES bat np San Francisco, Dee, 28.—Meatrice McKenslo ‘and Company, receatly here over Loew Tim Rave. been booked by the Fuller tateresis for ‘4 vaudeville tour of Australia and New Zealand, ‘The act ie‘ scheduled to“ sail, from Vancouver, ‘B.C. May’ 4, 1921, LEAVES OMALL. ESTATE New York, Dec. 20—Actording’ to. the tne asp ‘ventory of the estate of the late Bonnle Thornton, ‘led by. James “Thornton, the net: esta ‘amounts to $7,536. ‘The gross estate 1s given THEATRICAL SHOES © | Agia Pars Eo ete fittonao ; ) THEATRICAL SHOE CO. SPCIAL SCORE FOR CLAYTON New York, Dec.” 20.-Mystic Clayton is have ing some special musics! score written for his ‘act by Al Vou Tilzer,