Billboard advertising (Jan 1921)

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6 The Bi llboard JANUARY. 8, 1921 M. GASTON AKOUN RE-ENTERS AMUSEMENT FIELD IN FRANCE Frenchman Who Produced Spectacles at Various American Expositions Acquires All Concessions for Marseilles Exposition—Harry F.McGarvie May Be American Representative New York, Dec. 30.—M. Gaston Akoun, does not seem to value the importance of the French impresari®, and who will be recalled by expositions dea, as I should think it would.”* stowmen in this country for Mls “Streets of — Mr. McGarvie indicated that he might accede Cairo” at the Chicago Exposition in 1803, “Tho to Mr. Akoun's invitation and go to France Beantifol Orlent” at the Buffalo Exposition, . later. When Mr. Akoun retorned to France “Asia” and various other spectacular produc| be went immediately to Paris, where he started Hons at other great American expositions, bas operitions on a grand scale,” He built. the obtained from the coming exposition of ‘MarParisian Luna’ Park, which was a: big undersellles, France, the entire concession for all taking for eren that pleasure-loving center, Tho. Amusements and sales concessions for the ex-park was built on the site of Fort Millott, and Boaltioa-fwhich will be held in 1922. ‘one of the clauses in the Government contract Ine communieation to Harry F. McGarvie which Mr. Akoun sigved was {hat the Govern ‘Mr. Akoun states that be has obtained from the ment, could, oa twenty-four hours’ notice, Te ‘exposition about 100,000 square metres, right gain’possession of the grounds with any imin the heart of the exposition grounds, with provements thereoo, ‘With the war the French the priviloge of installing any sbow he desires. Gorertiment did this very thing; and Mr, Akoun ‘Maneeilles ts a city of about 2,000,000, with a then entered commercial pursuits, ils brother, suburby population of an additicaal 3,000,009 Ferdinand, who owns one of the largest dance people.” It is the iargest port in France, and resorts in France, entered the auto repatr Dusl4 tn estimated that 200,000 strangers from all ness, and both have prospered. It ie Dot con‘over the world pass thra Marseilles daily. sidered that Ferdinand will re-enter the amuse ‘Mr, Akoun states that the French Governmest game. ment is taking great interest In the exposition ao the city of Marselice and the site. NINE MET, HOUSES Brumelp and other Important cities ix Baope. FOR NEW ALLIANCE ‘Many demands bave already been made for concemsions, and Mr. McGarvie, who is & recog aiboser cas ser: ‘Be Hopkins and Selwyn & Company, wilt book the Ge Ameritas representatives 7 "°° Hieaaoa’ and Cott theatere nezt season, it bas ‘Mr. MeGarvle is also carcestly invited > Deen announced. ~ te jarueilles Exposition Play congestion-of the Dresent season, will acStine rence Gevesmment 10 wie ‘awake ao cidlorly besia operattins next ocemsa with ine appears to Dave'a Keener realization of the metropolitan houses elther directly or indi Mr. Akoun states that extensive advertising has started, offices having been opened in Lmdon, ized expert n expositions, is invited by Me. _ New York, Jan. 1—A newly formed theatric‘Anoum to go te Marucilon with goa or ever al alilance, embracing Sam’ H. Harris, Arthar notify Mr. Akoun of any device which he con, Tuese three producers, who are taking steps sider available and whlch would be eultable t Pool thelr theatrica} resources, owing to the j Forty-second street, and the theater whlch Mare es Riv in tow Dulldig 0x Forty etret I" ‘The Hudson and Cort theaters bare not been + EASSES (WHITE ‘TROUPE ‘leased, but will be booked on sharing terms ‘with the present lemeen, ‘The new combiaation, jinstrel it is announced, will also have the Park Square _ ‘Theater in Boston, and will acquire a number fof botses in other large cltien. "They will ort Streator; ML, Dec, 30.—1¢ i» doubtful 4 mere produce. Jolatiy, bat Dave simply entered lato ever wan witseoved in old Riverview Ostetery an agreement to give precedence 1a booking to a eceze more iopressive then that enacted there members of the afllation, ara mbortly before night fall Christmas Eve. Lasees ‘Waite was in the ety with hie minvtret troope GERMAN TOYS AGAIN to play at the Plumb Theater that night. Mr, Waite, wil be recalled, war the wnterstedy of the late George Evans and, especially few mont preceling the deeth of tha “Honey before Germany had a-unpertuaty to "come Bay." wan Me: Rvans when he, weakened by the aliment the Bench market. Altho the treaty prevesta Droved fatal; was unable to\go on, Germans from stalling themecives to France cola Bo an, bat for the vert ten years Germans have orgtaized ented French toy Srmin, "and have acat tay materiale ‘of his one-time to them by way of England. the toys then being mercury should assembled in Rrench factorien. PLAN “RAILROAD MOVIES” z “1—Some of ‘the raflroad heads Pays Homage to Deceased Mi Star g ter very § and arriving at the grave they sang “Nearer, My God, to Thee™ In a most affecting ‘manner; one verse at a time, with then an intermission. One of the members of the company who had ‘once attended college and bad made some prena they sre whisked acrors the country. Recently ‘exhibition was given on the Sante Fe crack train, the California Limited, and the passengers were pleased with the Snnovation. HI HENRY’S MINSTRELS left ‘a wreath at the grave’ as 2 materis! re-' excellent stands in New York State. “When they minder of their visit to the last resting place ployed Leyden, N. ¥., recently Dr. Morgan, ap of the Streator man who, during the more than oldtime showman of that town, renewed ac twenty years he was on the American stage, quaintances among ,the minstrels and enferdia 20 much to chase away gloom and send home tained “LeRoy Williams, contortjonist with the Lappy the thousands who patronized his enter show, at bis home. Williams worked with Dr. ‘tainment. F RICE CHANGES HOUSES x. ‘week of December 27, laid of New Year's Eve at the Adams Opera. House. on account ofthe Ohicago, Dec. 31.—Darid B, Rice, for years minstrels belng booked. for that date. All. mem: manager of Ascher’s Columbus Theater, will be bers of the company were gueste of the Fi managing director of Ascher's West Englewood Henty Minstrels. Several members of the com‘Theater, which opened its doors yesterdsy. Mr. pany met old friends and renewed acquaintRice has secured for this house Leon Strickler ances. ‘and bis orchestra of fifteen. A $20,000 pipe orReeve Williams, of -Hi Henry's Harmony an bas been installed, Four, was obliged to leave the company at Low. ‘frequently called to take the part of ack” have failed. German toys already Sood’ 6 account of the serious Iness of is brotber:fred at Scranton, Pa., but, re Joined the show at Gouverneur oo New Years’ Day. NEW. TRAFFIC RULES: New York, Jan. 1.—At @ meeting of theater owners and ‘police oficials this week 2 new" ct of rules regulating trafic in the theater dis. trict between the’ Bourg of 1 and 6° in the afternoon and 7 and 12 fn ving was passed. | ‘The'tdea 1s to make Forty-second and all other streets from Fifty-third to Thirty-sixth streets, between Eighth avenve and Broadway. one-way ‘streete, The new system will become effective” ‘on Wednesday afternoon of next week. _ SIX MUSICIANS KILLED. When Automobile Is Struck by Flyer Gloveland, 0., Jan, 2—An automobile con: talniog 2 party of elght musicians, all members of an orchestra, was, struck by the Twentieth Century Limited of the New York Central Ti early Saturday imofning, and six of the party were killed. ‘The other two recelved serious $5 Sarles. : ‘The men were returaing from a New Year's party at Euclid Village, near bere, CHALIF REFUSES RUSSIAN. POST New York; Jan. 2.—Louis H. Coslif, head of ‘& fashionable dancing school, bas refused’ thi post of director of the Russian National Th ter at Petrograd, it became known today. ‘Tho ‘offer came’ from M. ‘Tchernoff, under secretary of public instruction .in Rossla. Chalif. was EMIL CASPER HALED.To COURT" ‘Detroit, Mich., Jan, 1.—Emil Casper; = favorite burlesque comedisa, known as “Shimmying Sambo,” was baled tat Judge Mandell's Ovurt hilo berewith Davo’ Marion's company, oa complaint of is wifey Lacie Clayton, sfeo a Derformer, that be had not pald S05 a weet ‘Hemporery slimosy, and owes her $1,780. "Ta ‘alimony was granted on the showing that Gasper earns S140 a, week “ARKANSAS THEATERS BURN “Memp’is, ‘Tenn., Dec. 26.—Word bas been recelved here of a fire at Newport, Atk., which destroyed. the Newport Opera. House Building, ‘causing 2 loss of more than $125,000, to. tho ‘theater owners. The Strand Theater and.several other buildings were destroyed .at the same, time. . DIVA LEAVES JANUARY 4 | New York, Dec. 30.—Tetrazzial leaves January. 4 tn her private car, “Mayfower,” for the Pa lfc Const, She will go by. way of ihe Canading “CAMPUS DAYS” BY: MICH. COLLEGE Lansing, Mich., Jan. 8.—Rehearmals have been. started for “Campus Days," which will be the firat “annual revue to be given by the students of the Michigan Agricultural College at the Gindmer Theater March 3 and 4, The produetion will be in two acts and thirteen scenes, a1 §s an original one, especially written by Henry ‘T. DeHiart, of Lansing, including the book; Jyrics and music. . He 19 also ausisting in the rebearsals and direction of the offering. T! Production wil be directed by George A. Beane, ‘well-known actor and theatrical man. He was He bas directed student productone at Purdue, Wisconsin and other universites, : ‘There will be twenty pritcipals in the cast aan ensemble of 90, with 200 applicants from ‘whom to select tho cast. The scenery will be . Bainted and provided by Sosman & Landis, of Chicago, and will portray actual scenes on the campus, Mr. Beane will amame charge of the Airection the first of Febrasry. i ~The revue will be given: to ratso funds for memorial batlding to be erected in hovor of the 'M. A. C. students who lost thelr lives in ‘the werld ‘war. 3 DANCING MASTER’ DIES New York, Dec. 30,—Mose, Christensen, prez. / dent of the Oregon Dancin: tion, Al occasions of the American National. Danciog. ‘Masters’ Aasociatlon, died-at the Good Samarltan Hospital, Portland, Ore.. of heart disease. ‘He was 40 years of age, and for the-past three years was in charge of the Normal School held’ in New York by the Natioasl Dancing Masters’, Association. NO MORE SHOWS AtGrand Central Palace, N.Y, Building To Be Converted Into Offices After April 1—Flower Show February'14-19, +> Final Show’ New: York, “Dec. 30.—Theré will be no shows of exhibits of. any ‘Kind at the Grast Geotral Palace Bullding,. corner’ Forty-sixts street and Lexington avenve, after Apri 1. The Billboard: was. given: this information ‘today by S.-H, MacSherry, ‘vicepresidest of ‘the “Mer. chanje apd Manutacturers’ Exchange of New ‘York. “The Grand Central Palace wilt be com Yerted into a modern alee bullding, work to start immediately after the Soai how, which ‘Wall probably be the: Flower Show, to be beid Ferumry1419, 9.) Mr, MacSherry says hat the Nemours ‘Trad. ing Corporation bas Bold {ta stock to the Cattus Realty Corporation;-and this. stock carries. the ‘control of the Merchants and Manufacturers" Exebange of: New York. The bollding steele ts the: property of the Grand Central Ratlro ‘There: are twelve floors, in’ the Grand Central Palace’ Baitdin ‘and converted into Base Hospital No. 6, it belng returned to the owners the following year, The Dullding 1s assessed at $3,580,000. The AutomoDile’Show wil de held at the Pulace January 8:18, the Maritinie: Show from January 2229, the SOx Show, Febroery 7-12, and the Flower Show, February 14-19, es TEXAN THEATER BURNS. Gado,” Tex:, Dec. 28.—The Texan Theater and Hotel here was completely destroyed by fire, upposedly of incendiary. origin, December 22." Members of the Ferguson Bros.’ Musical Revue bad ‘maby narrow escapes. Every mem: Der of ‘the company lost sll of bla or ber beTongings, and the towa folks raised a fond to provide clothing for those who needed it: The Ferguson Bros. Jost alt their personal effects and show properties and wardrobe. Thé build. tog was.ot rough pioe, walled with beaver-board and’ covered: on the ‘ontelde with sheet’ i103. Gado is an off town 19miles from the Failroad. BUSINESS DULL IN‘LANSING Lansing, Mich.,” Dee.‘ 31:—Lanstog theaters Rave Deen feeling the ‘effects of . the ‘usual Roliday doliness,” aud, while’ business has been fair; it bas not been“as large as ‘during the fall ‘and early winter woitths, ‘The-tndustrial sitoetion, with a number of factories idle, te also Daving its effect. ‘The ‘attractions are’ chiedy ‘of the motion picture andvaudeville variety. with @ stock musical comeay company at the Empress’ Theater. Few road: attractions nave Deen seen here. as yet. YOUNG. MUSICAL DIRECTOR Probably one of the youngest musical directors 4a the country is Harold F. Oxtey. musical dtrector of the Riaito Theater, Roanoke, Va. Mr. Orxtey 12 23 years old, and bis work with the Rialto Symphony Orchestra has made thet or ganization one of the best of ite size in the STANLEY JOINS HARVEY a BR. Btantey, the well-known agect of wide ‘theatrical and circus experience, Han Jolned the advance of BR. M. Harvey's Greater Minrele. With the team of Stanley and Tomes 1d one of the greatest of colored agerefEatlons oebind them to make soot al adrerting promises, the year IAZ should be & record breaker for thin mlnat?8l outfit, GOOD YEAR FOR N. O. THEATERS New Ortetns, Jan, 1.—With the parsing of 1920 all theaters report a tremendous Socreste receipts over any previous years in thelr history and are looking forward to even a better ‘eeasoo this year. ‘Several new motion picture ‘houses will to all probability be erected this year, plans havfog already been drawn, but active construction Gelayed on account of the scarcity of labor tn the batlding Haes, 1g fe sald chat the Brennéa soterests are cone of ‘an uptown vanderile the dense poputation 10!