Billboard advertising (Jan 1921)

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10 ‘The Bi llboard JANUARY 8, 1821 NEW VAUDEVILLE CIRCUIT PROPOSED BY B. F. BRENNEN Will Be Known as The Brennen Circuit and Cover Several Southern States—Thos. R. Vaughn To Act as Personal Representative— Headquarters in New Orleans = ~~~ ‘New Orieany, Dec. 31.—A vaudeville eircult, «1 to cover the States of Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiann and Mistissippl, is deine proposed by B. F. Brennen, of this city, who has commissioned ‘Thos. B. Vaughn to act as personal representative of the new venture. Mr. Vaughn will leave shortly after the first of the year to make the necessary arrangements. It is ‘pro(Posed to mecure the majority of the recognized ‘vaudeville houses in these States and the Picture houses that may desire to play one or two acts of vaudeville 2 week in an organizaHon which will give the performer short Jumps ‘and practically an-entire year’s work, FOR BREACH OF CONTRACT Bove! THOMAS DANCING SCHOBL prdtndeal foStuctos for es, Woaes asd'Chi HARVEY THOMAS ‘DANCE INSTRUCTOR. ae etyoune of od lara to ance Sere ieibticen ie BE metoot ‘CHICAGO, ILL. der consideration is a-plan also: to-handle the various “rep” organizations |which hare prévi. ously wildcatted this territory, and give them & solid season's bookings in houses “and alr domes, : NEW IDEA PLAYWRITING AND PRODUCING SERVICE ‘The new Idea Playwriting and. Producing, Service announces thru its president, Sid Singer, ‘that it is trying to uplift the stage and spread fraternalism among professionals and others. ‘The service is cated’ at 123. B. . Baltiizore ‘Mr. Stager states that he expects in the near magazine to be known at ALBEE GIVES BONUSES: New York, Dee. 30.—Forty-nine ex of the B. F. Keith office have been presented with cash bounses by EF. Albee. Assembled in Albee’s office on the sixth floor of the Palace “ ‘Theater Building they were informed that & permanent trast fund had been established, the ‘earning power of which will be distributed each yenr at Christmas thme to ‘tthose executives who have earned recognition and reward for thelr work.” ‘The Kelth press department quotes Atbee as having told the assembled agents the following: “Everything we have done in bettering condi tons and fa elevating vandevillo generally will lost unless those to whom the texk of carrythese policies is entrusted are in hearty ‘with and have foil knowledze of the +H a8 = policies wlll under ‘no circumstances. be coun’ tenanced. . We cannot successfully. Qfrry ‘ott the many Iniprorenieste started. and .contemplated unless every person in the organization 18 Smbued with the proper spirit and “falthfully: ‘and conscientiously dore bis or her-part. One’of the Founders ‘of the White Rats in June, 1900 ‘Tue funeral of James H. Dolan was held at want tokeep 16 there, This cannot be done’ the, National Casket Company's Barlal Parlore, usless the conditions vbler: which. we ‘operate at 14 East 30th street, New York Oity, oa are molually satisfactory. to. all concerted. It’ Thursday afternoou, December 30, at one o'ciock, is as much your duty to'see that the artist. gets before'a crowded gatheriog, ‘4 aquare deal as it Is'mine, Bnipty promiecs Amongst those precent were Mrs. Doin, Mr, that were never intendéd to’ ba*kept must be. Lenhart, Mrs. Leubart, Mra, Dolan’s mother, Mr eliminated." We must do/business on a straight-; Dolan's ‘brother from ‘Bay City, Michigan, an are not going to-get. We must not misrepresent. ‘Theuter,. New York; Mesara,. Frank North, J. We mutt not create false hopes. There must’ Mac Nemee, Ernest Carr, George B. ‘Delmore, be ro stalling. << Gam J, Ryan, George O'Brien,” Henry: Chester. ‘In short, it 1s you to sée' that every. deld, Clif Desh, Barney Ferguson, Tom Ripley ose gets a square desi, You who hate worked and between forty and fifty members of the ‘faithfully during ‘the past year to carry ou American Artistes’ Federation. these policies on behalf of, the organization are The palibearera were: President James WiBeing rewarded and this form of reward will liam FitzPatrick, "A: A. F.: Charles "T. Aldrich, ‘be perpetoal, trust fond having een created Robert’ £. O'Cahaoe, Jack Quins, “Witlam . for that Conley, John P.. Hill, commander of the Grand The pres of the borus in each case was determined by Killott, A.A. Albeo and is. amoclates after a-carefal ‘Prayers’ for tho ‘immaiy of the: loyalty and accomplishment of Aastaglio of St. Mal feach individual wader costiderstion... The small-prayers, President fest bonte,-3t 1s sald, >was $100, while the Tarser Moustfords, and al Gace ran up to several thousind dollars each. Doten's ‘surviving relatives, Mr, ‘Mountford will hey ‘i be tager next yest, according to 180 aeiver th funeral oto. head of the: Keith. office, 2 “elit; Mosatford eal, tm part “That aftr ai, when a man bad died, there was left but the MISS GORDON AT SING SING _expty envelope, but-f, when existig, the mess age within ‘the envelope’ Bid been 8° holy and Now York, Dee, 20 Vera Gordon, who played ‘Bigh one, then the merase woold coatiwy fm ‘the mother role in “Hurioresque” ‘and ‘is nqw ever. Sorrow, pain. tribulation were but the touring in vaudeville), will appear at Sing Sing’ clouds across the’ sup, The ua a wotld keep in a New Year's eptertajument, under’ the, oh sbining. “And when twenty years ‘ago Mr. aumpices of -the Mutual, Welfare League. Vir. Dolin, togetlier with’ seven’ other men,'some -Ginia_ Valli and Edith Stockton bave also signified ‘wham are dend, and ‘one of © ‘was present Their intention of taking part in the: talnment. Spree KRAYAK, SENDS GREETINGS, renters in the ‘room, ‘bad formed ‘an flea, had ‘set op ‘an Seal, George Faller Golden, Jamies F. Doles New York, Dee ‘grayak, eminent sllasion‘tat, working a long season at Ridley Park, Pa., member of ‘the White Rats ‘of “Aimeric sends'New York's greetings to The Bilboard and) twenty years he had been true to. his, trost, ‘Ail Bis friends of the show world, Ho bills falthful'to bis bond, honest to his oblfgation. Rimself’as “Krayak, European Wonder Worker, And i was thru bls original ideas _ th presenting Lee Chong.” ° eondition of his brothers and sisters . ORPHANS GIVEN. TREAT ‘The children of the: two orphan homes in’ Saginaw, Qich., were guests at the Jeffers ‘Strand on December 22. “After the performance ‘@ large treo was erected onthe -stage. and presents, candy, outs and ‘frat -were given to ‘the children: Between 800 ‘and 1,000, orphans ‘wer present at the entertalnment. Foanders, taken up. and AARON J. JON Chicago Vaudeville Magnate Sees No. Reason for « Discouragement—American Amusement Industries Twenty Years Ahead ; . .-of Europe, ‘hteago, Dee. StH look forward with great ‘satisfaction to 2 most, prosperous yetr “for the American stage and screen,” said Aaron J. Jones, of the Jones, Linck & Schaefer string eat OO ss “During my recent sojourn in Bngland weace T bectme coovineed that’ the. Amertoan ‘amusement industries are twenty years ahead of Europe.” Se “"In both McVicker’s andthe Rialto thesters,”" resumed. Mr. Jones, “we have established ‘Green Rooms,’ where lounging facilities are found 20d where. on the opening day of the ‘week, breakfast is served. ‘The coming) year ‘will see a readjustment in the boilding trades ‘which will permit the erection of numerous new thesters. Our firm will have one new theater Chicago and within two years will also.come into control of the Garrick,. which wo, have leased. for 2 long term. We will also rebuild, on the Dresent site of McVicker’s a mew ,$1,000,000 theatae.”* Referring to the film outlook Mr, Jouce said: “atrendy the motion picture dustry hos 4nd to (Contintied on ‘page~11) ES OPTIMISTIC = WANTED FRONT CURTAIN 28 feet wide by 18:feet high. Good condition and cheap for cash. -. GART. -BAcel EMERSON, He Figs a ; ard, Ginginnati, Ohio. aerate Be BREAK YOUR JUMP Sf them back to vauderille. tm fact, eannet Vaudeville Acts coming through ‘eo a single argumenet in favor of the bowlers.” Cincinnati, call Manager Geo. MANY NEW HOUSES TO \ "Talbot, People’s ‘Theater, Canal PLAY KEITH VAUDEVILLE: 2704. Week’s work. Mo act too big. seater 7 GET ON THE STAGE Fordham Theater, at Fortham Road and ValenSea Tet Yon Mow, Stage Wor, tine-avenue, has been completed, and will open early in the new year, it was announced this ‘week by BLP. Albeo. It will play a family” time policy with aix acts of vaudeville and a feature picture. Over in Brooklyn work’ hap Personality, ca, Salt ad tld Pope cece cnraee sues Deen started on the new elth Orpheus. It et ee ‘will play the same bill as the Palace. FP. ernie, TAN Atsut Waders Mons io completing the Aan, 08 Prompt *EXSEELE™ woe Sei USS ANSE, OL avenue and 16ist street, and the Grant ‘repont and Webster avenues, ‘These poled wall play Kelth vaudeville. CLOG SHOES AND BALLET. SLIPPERS Real and wholes. Send for price Ust ‘Costumes Supplies. z »ANY. (HOOKER HOWE costume “gour, VAUDE. PLAYERS ENTERTAINED = TSALE—Pure Dec, 28.—Vanderille artists Ear ak ae AND KISTEN| FOR” GALE. Pure felt tho spirit of readjostment. The day of shoddy goods fs past. ‘The demand now 1s for foor or more stars in a picture, produced by an artist who understan: scarcity of vandeville materia Jear, owing to the many teams separated bY army requirements and. the demand of. war adustries. ‘These teams and acts have begun to reappear rapidly and the supply 1s now ade OPERA HOUSE... . Gribler, manager of the theater ‘and bie wife: Following @ luncheon the art surprised Mr. -Gribler by presenting: him with 4 s0ld penell. Toes who endered the Demptality of Mr..and Mrs. Griblor were George, Hussey, Norman, tho Joseph Riley trio, and Rose Kress; Leona Briggs, tho theater casbler, and her mother, Mra. Briggs. Pate ale ciie "Ga, go. ait Se SPM a Pcie Houses, 1 = ACIS in ae TEEPAPATORY, hee roe janneer “Rictor'e” Furnished West _Gereuth ‘Street, —<————— SrTenES Bite WRITTEN. ‘Auth. ane 0 Taine inatanepeity tndlase.