The billboard (Jan 1921)

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JANUARY & 1821 ‘The Billboard THREATENS DAMAGE SUIT AGAINST KEITH OFFICES Evelyn Blanchard May Ask for $100,000 Because. of Disbarment—Mental Agony and Damage . Are Charged cause his elient mental agony and annayance ‘The attorney claims also that the disbermeht fend coosequent rumors are ruining’ Miss Blan clard’s reputation and theatrical career. He fates that a number of acts have been warned tira the Kelth ofices that no material written by Miss Blanchard will recetve booking time fa the Kelth offices, ‘ta reply to inquiries at the Blanchard ofices ‘moe illboard reporter was referred to Miss — “LONG GEORGE” FRANCIS DEAD tal Suicide After Tragic Glant Plaineman « Suicide After Trag! From Havre, Mont., comes word on the tragic’ death of “Long, George” Francis, expert roper ‘and star performer in rough riding and steer Palldoguing contests of the Northwest. The eo came by his own band on Christmas Ere following an accident, He was motoring from Hayte to the home of ‘8 young woman frien in the north. part of the Hilt County in a 20-below-sero temperature, When tome 20 miles from the town and at's point three ries from habitation, ‘Long George” ‘war caught in a blinding biimard and his mahise tumbled from a high Bank to the ice covered Milk River. In tho crash he was buried fn the debeis but, with the super strength for which be was famops, Francis ‘extrieated himsit. One of his lege was broken and from @ ‘wound the blood flowed in a stendy stream, ‘The plainsmen managed to craw! and drag bimweif for-aimost s mile when, it 1s evident, pain and knowinige that ‘Mf would soon part from Ms body, caused bim to use his knife to cheat ‘the grim reaper. His body was.found two days slater, Across "the » throat was a deep cot. ‘Among the wreckage of the automobile was ‘andy, apples, mute and small personal ettects which were Intinded as’ presents and to make the Christman’a merry one for “Long George” tnd the woman friend. “He camo by ‘the ‘name of “Loag George” becaute of hie giant statere. His elght war six and a Daf feet, His age was about 60 ears, * “Long George” was bors in Nevada and went to Montana io the "60's with a big cow outfit. He was a well-known roping and riding con‘Yestant at the frontier sports contests at WinntPet, Calgary, Pendleton, Glasgow and Havre, ‘and was president of the “stampedes” held at ( act, bowever,, main intérest. was centered on ‘Patricola, who this afternoon stemed to forget there was am audience snd worked “downright” hard, as if for bis very own’ pleasure and entertainment. His wooden shoe dancing was excellent and the varlety and amount of bis clever ‘‘nuttiness” provoked almost continuous laugh. ter." He cleverly interspersed’ hit lines of preceding acts {o-good advantage. . His “falls” ‘were great, ° Twenty minutes, in‘ one; stopped to Reputation Bianchard’s attorney, who admits the foregoing ‘statements are correct but refuses to make er; tensive comment, Miss Blanchani’s disbarment from the Kelth offices. follows similiar action @gainst other ofices, HALES LANDLADY INTO COURT New York, Jan. 1.—In the Yorkville Municl. ‘pal Court this week France Ingram, Metropoli MUMMERS -Stage ‘Their Annual Pageant Unique Philadelphia Organiza ‘the: sitow comptetely. ~ Great Koban and Company, athletes from the tion Puts on the Great“Land of Chetry Blossoms,” closed the chow est Event in Its i consisted mostly-of foot balancing and Jorslins, History i aot. “miss” being made in the mumeroos bass = ~ eS ‘utes; cherry-blossom drop, in three-fourths in the history of this unique organization. tage; one curtala,—CHAS. ‘With « bright smn and 2 warm, spring like day the weather was ideal for the event. ‘The parade required two bours to pass a given point, and Keeney’s Theater, Newark ‘oct 10,000 were to ine. Ray (eviewed Tussdsy, December ‘Mayor Moore and the judges ‘viewed sg » pageant from the Mayor's reception room. cortumes ‘snd floats, of every imast tan Opera contralto, appeared, against Mrs, up’ at tonight's performance at Keency’s Newin'the bright sunlight, ‘The Charles Klein Club Beatrice -Leventritt, owner of the dwelling ark Theater, They are the hif-of the nine-act was-the first prise winner this year, as {t was | ‘where the singer ‘resides. ‘The owner was ‘vaudeville bill. Manager Pred Heuboer bis decast. Tts new and novel costumes were most / charged with violating the penal law tm failing rated the lobby with a Uberalassortment of pages, | to’ provide adequate heating and Dot water Dolly and hemlock, giving it ‘a cheerful. apthers. series. 2 Deagance. Business wes. very good tonight, comic #ec) A” the "house fitting ‘MagisCARUSO WILL RECOVER ture comedy el for at “—™ cS ‘and was a big hit. It depleted the ‘Bey Fryan and Howerd, in No. 1.epot o@ the Dilly trials of persons on the float—a girl going to a poe aro man and woman working in'one. ‘The M88 boxers sed $200 women whd'played the plane, New York, Jan. 8.—Enrico Caruso will be appears to be an oldtimer, and defore be met Sy moathss man who Kissed bis wife, two years ‘unable to sing for at least a year to come. This with some misfortune that stiffened one knee Sng ‘other Todicrously handled subjects. was tho conseosus of opinion of six physicians he must have been a fast ateoper. Talk and Toe goat bore a placard, reading: “Biest came, . #0 attendance on the tenor when asked how long. dance turn that brought fair returns, war, thea probitition, now bine laws. Waat = aextr” ; ‘There were many antmale—horses, dogs, ; i ‘miles and fowis of all kinds—in the parade, and / ‘they were a big laughing hit. ‘The many string | A A and jazs bands were beautifully costumed and | . Grew generous applause. _ } after the! clubs Journesed a d > HAS — £ nwitica, . NOW ‘patties, ana event was voted the finest and greatest Mum-~| mers’ parade in the history of the city. Over | d twenty-five clubs were in line, anf\ the turn| (out of spectators was the largest ever soon are. 4 THOSE INTERESTED WILL FIND FULL PARTICULARS ON THE BACK COVER OF THIS ISSUE. ‘works at plano, and the man is a remarkably clever contortionist.” Patter is inane and the ) aCABIRIA”” ‘To Be Revised and Reissued—Wa First Two-Dollar Picture CHRISTMAS EVE,PARTY Staged for Keith Vaudevillians at lumbus by Manager Prosse: ‘the latter town, ‘ WOULD DIVORCE “FOLLIES” ACTOR ‘Tathrine Gault, a nurse, of Cincinnat!, bas Mea suit for divorces from Warner Gault, ‘actor connected with the “Greenwich V! Fetties.” Before the wer Gault resided in Cincfanath. His entrance into the army interrupted TO APPEAR IN NEW ACT New York, Jun, 8,—Mildred: Pettenkoter, op (calle soprano, bas deen engaged by John Grieves ‘ih vauderilie in a singing dood fn a comedy act appeared at Proctor's 8th Street Theater, New \Yock, December 2326, They are very good, and Uttle work will ‘undoubtedly make thelr sketch one of the best laughing acts in vaterille, Keith’s, Cincinnati (Continued from page 9) © chorean loterpretation, The single, double and triple numbers each drew applause. Fifteen minutes; spbcial drapes om full stage; two cur talon : ‘Tom Patrlcol, assisted by,trene Delroy. ‘The personality of Sfise Delray went nicely with the GERMANS PROTEST FILM New York, Dec. 30.—Official protest against ‘We exbibition of a motion picture film portray. ‘bs the execution of Edith Cavell by the Ger mine wes made by the German minister to iba when : ——. count New York, Jan. 3.—Iurry B, Raver, who What produced the first two-dollar motion picture, Gleascas and Neabiria,”” is revising the pleture and will. ine again book it, It is probable that because the *ppear Italian -poet-fighter, D’Annunsio, wrote the pltno ‘the news. tnterest: would ‘the Women doing fi Slecare over again. bodice ‘They els do * CRANE WILBUR ‘Raver denies that Re intends 04 bring the SE. The ai — 1 poet to this country to star im vauderille. Alt Rippoa, ‘To Appear in Vaudeville, Co-Starrii tam, bringing: With Suzanne Caubert THEY LIKE GOWBOYS Lfesiee dummy u — wen" ‘ged New York, Jan, Loraieny ‘Wilbur, ar ‘New York, Dec. 30.—Reports from Germany 7° = star, is to mai appearance a state that Wild West films are prime favorites make 2is dummy. qville sketch, “'So' This Is Paris.” So. 4m grovinelal motion pleture houses, An Ari. “tlisht of the at zanné Caubert, Parisian star, a relative and oon picture, with an army of cowpunchers, — TO® protege.of Sarah Bernhardt, will co-star with cowsisls and Tadians, to one of the: fins ex£ite tat Oe San Soe, soe ‘tenair advertised «it the y week, is. being booked on the od pave oon hua iia eam ata — HI oe act rod KELLERD TO PRESENT i Patsy Doyle and Mages ack, policeman and wa SHAKESPEARE IN VAUDEVILLE :: the : — ‘Green ‘and. New York, Jan. 3.—John E. Kellerd. who hss ‘opinion “are the hit of the big BI, are on next, OeeD presenting Shakespearean repertoire at the cheerfol comedian, the Manhattan Opera House, will shortly do the trial scene from ‘The Merchant of Venice” in vauderille, it {s reported. The sct will be Booked by H..B. Marinelli, according to re¥ APPEARING AT MOTOR SHOW ‘who Ras been seen bere before, makes his usoil sce York, Jan, $.—Gertrode Van Delnse, opBg Bit. Am acrobatic torn closes the BIL— org : q eratic singer, is appearing at the ‘Twelfth i $ Bo sure to look they the Latter List this Regiment Armory in this city tm comnection | with the auto show and highway treaspertation | motor show.