Billboard advertising (Jan 1921)

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\ JANUARY 8, 1921 * The Bi liboard ARTHUR HAYES Man of Lavern New Leading, Ma hak aw sioox Olty, Ia., Dec, 80—The Dorothy Lavern sicck Compsny, ‘at the Bivoll: Theater here, is Stock CoDMelfth week, with the patrennee easing each week, The current offering is aay Loog Legs.” “whst’s Your Husband Doing” fs the next im, with “Forever After” and the “Thirteen Chair” underlined. Mribor Hayes opens January 2 as the pew eating m2 Frederick Wagner ssvmes the direction. ‘The ‘balance of the cast remaing nee, 6." Yohastone, of the American Theatrical Ageocy, epent the bolldaye with bis nlece, Mise Tavern. . MOVEMENTS OF ACTORS Culcago, Dee. 28—Charles A. Jackson, former wellknown Chicago actor, has written. Chicago fdends that De is Bow with the Robertson de ole Film Compeny fa Minnespolis, bis third yeat with these people. ‘Tbe management of the Family Theater, Iatezette, Ind., ie putting tm @.etock company to open in Jancary. George Weston, manager of the La Selle Musical Stocy Company, “is in (cuarantert, Charles MchI's) musical comedy company, ‘wpich be recently organiced ta Cbleage, opened last Sunday, Cart Bunge will take a mosical cmety company” to’ the Grand Opera House, ‘Jollet, TL, which wil open ‘Jancary 30 for ‘t rtock ron. ‘Norton & Kitmt's “Tbe ‘Gumps,”* opteed again for the Dew season Saturday even tng. Frank Rich's “Temptation” Company opened fee the new season Christmas day. JACK X. LEWIS PLAYERS: In Ninth Week at Roanoke, Va. OPENING OF 8TOCK At Troy, N. ¥., Postponed New York, Dee, 27.—Monte Crane commun}. ‘Monte says that Seow has deca ‘Teewing olf acquaintances bypersonal calls, ‘viooe and mail, and Mortimer’s oldtime admin: 2 wre making reservations for the big openiag of “Way Down East,’ with a cast that inclotes Dorothy Beardsly, Iva Edmundson, Guy B. Gib bee, Frederick Knight, Loole Heron, Wiliam Bur, 3, Monte Crane and others. FINANCIAL ANALYS! OF THE:PAST WEEK Prestige and will bave to spend mach mouay fo win back old customers and make new ots, much bas been clatmed regarding an toeuared volume ‘of buylog due to, Doliéey. Fe fact remains tat demand bas “THe cost of ttving In Great Britain is reach‘96 « high altitode.. Tt 1s statlatielane to have tocreased om-November 1 178 per cent figures of July, 1014, the increase for October alone belag 12 per cent. France Is at present passing thra 2 period of ferromic adfuntment wach an has been manifest f tho United States and other countries. Tt EE “nm” SARDOU’S? LITHOGRAPH PAPER For All Classes of Attractions: Dramatic, Musical Comedy, Minstrel and Uncle Tom Carried in Stock Ready for Immediate Shipment. WRITE FOR PRICES ON ENGRAVED BLOCK, TYPE WORK, CARDS, DATES, ETC. Gatalog and Date Books Mailed Fres of _ ACKERMANN-QUIGLEY LITHO CO. ‘ 118-17-119-121 WEST FIFTH STREET 40 thee are antares eattatit"es Vase Beorwont 1498 BROADWAY, near. To good Tabs or Dramatic Stock we oil town. ma4>mr4 THEATRICAL WARDROBE TRUNK ‘Steamer Size fo: Gowns, Full Stas forto tet Gomme WANTED FOR HOMER, LA, WANTED WoOODBINE BEST OIL TOWN IN THE SOUTH Finest and best equipt theatre in the city. ‘Twenty, People, to draw from. AL fer, Cleve. & Co. packed the house all last week E. H. DAVIS, Box 723, Homer, La. KANSAS CITY, MO. ‘SPECIAL ‘OFFER : = "= 72 "40:00 Rope 70.00 AMERICAN LUGGAGE SHOP est Dealers tn the Unittes Staten, Larnat Ousar to REW YORK CITv can offer inducements in a real thousand Pullen, write. The Great MI4>mM=I4 STOCK COMPANY WANTED One capable of producing first-class successes. No Sunday shows. | Stage Address SAUL S. enough for any production. . Seating capacity, 1,350. HARRIS, Little Rock, Ark. Irish Comedian Wanted Reemben gi aire et a a seo abs mouse eine eee ons EVANS, Olrapia. Theatre, sing tenor im quartette. If you misrepresent you will e ey Sides Fall, Sout Dakota SomeDayYou Will Want a Good Tab. Show fo Stock Our stress ts Orpheum Theatre, South Omahs, Nebraska. JACK ALFRED'S JOY GIRLS. AT LIBERTY RENE ST. CLAIRE Second Business No An ementisin Bwity contract. Salary your Bmtt CHAS. 8. LELAND CHAS, LELAND, to walt ES Aarville, N.C. AT LIBERTY, JACK ALBRIGHT 402 Maple Street, + _HEAVIES, All requisites. TEXARKANA, TEXAS. ‘as, resulted in a slackening of industry be‘of the refusal of the public to bay at BUSINESS PICKS UP *Miaml, Fia,, Dec, 80—The~ Pickert Stock ~ ‘weeks owing to Palm Fete week and the holldays. After the performance Christmas eve every eoe connected with the thester, from the manager Fe to the prop boy, joined the company and motored to Ar. and Mra. Dodson's bungalow oa the Beach, ‘here Ralph Chambers, leading man, conducted stairs, SHUBERT PLAYERS **. IN “WEDDING BELL6” Bella.” Instead of altuations, most of the com‘edgy Io the reult of, the brilliant diatog. It is cleverly? written ard the players do not seem to wiles a point, A word of appreciation must go jer Niggemeser end Director O'Shea tor a artistic and livable settiog. It ts truly one of the prettiest the writer-has seen divorcees, who still loved each otner. an truth tt de taid, Miss McHenry's einging volce-will never place ber in grand Opera. John Marston was ver good aa the {o appear at changeable, one ae ‘Evans are Bert moa to 1 ‘since ‘Milwaukee was~incorporated. as .@ village, ie again on. the gob: 85.5 i : play era during that time. Bot, inquiry develops the fact that they have given excellent Next week, “Peg o’ My. Heart" B, JACK ELLIS.IN STOCK ‘Jack Bilis, well known ’on the dramatic stage, 4s playing character, parts and fs. also -stage @irector. with the Plaza Stock Company. at the Plasa ‘Theater, Supertor, Wis. WEHNES HAVE DAUGHTER * Mr, and Mrs, Rossel F. Webnew are’ the proud parents of a Tépoun4 girl, bom December 26 at thelr home in Youngstown, 0. The proud father is widely Known as a atock lend fog man, oe ‘The American Play Company, Inc, Das Just Feleased the comedy, “Wedding stock in restricted territory. ARTISTS Entertained at Winnipeg Winnipeg, Can, Dec, 28—The second annual banquet of" the Orpheam management to the artiste playing its theaters Christmas week was beld at the Fort Garry Hotel on Friday. December 24, At the head of the table ext Manaer George O. Sackett, urbane and smiling, while, at the other end ant Joe Lawrle, dressed tn the costume of the Cout of Monts Cristo, acting ‘and representatives of ‘other allied countries. His dancing was one of the sensations of the. ‘Performance, It was, while dancing in Paria ‘that be met Joan Sawyer, and she immediately offered him 2 contract, which he accepted. ‘The. -POLICE RAID AGENCY Detroit, Jan. 1—Central Station detectives iit i f WESTERN UNION SHOW “MARTIN HARVEY KNIGHTED + New-York, “Jin, S—Aartin Harvey, 2 Lon ee Noe ‘Wardrobe ‘and Can join wire, Address WER CANE Goo chandler St. "hrowswoot Te OU MAN ee aS =e SS eS ee x "Ziarees OE'T, care