Billboard advertising (Jan 1921)

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ae te REESE PY 7 JANUARY &, 1921 CASINO NUT CLUB ¢ Philadelphi Porgives Annual Christmas Party ‘An event Jong 6 bo remembered in burlesque Philadelphia took place on the s ut of WednesGay, December 29, when the active members of {be Casino Nut Club entertained thely tamil and members of the “Girls of the U. S.A.’ Siow, which was playing the Route the week of the 278 Before the orchestra played the exit number. at the close of the performance the long banquet {able was set and the happy party sat down at about 11 pm, to & twelre-course banquet prepared under the supervision of President Harry Spillman of the club and his able corpa of assistants, ‘Following the dinner the Christmas tree was rerenled to view heavily loaded. with gifts, tucfal ax well as amusing, and everybody present ‘wus remembered in a substantial way. ‘President Spillman in afew well-chosen remarks voiced bis pleasure and the pleasure of ‘Bs brother clob members at being the hosts on wo plessang an occasion, and Jobn Boblman, of the “Girls of the U. 8. A.” Company, re‘piled in & speech of thanks, his remarks provfog him an orator of ablitty. “A take dance thra ‘the. theater followed the speechmaking and then to'the musle of the Casino Orchestra dancing was indulged in un-" ‘tian early hoor ‘gf the morning... ‘Muoager Walter Leslie, of the Casino, was uuble to be present on account of the conthued illness of his wife, and it was the hope of all present that ale may speedily recover er oroal health and strength. ‘The Casino Nut Club now numbers among ite Harry Pyle’s NEW “BAGS Mary gets a Ring on the Phone every night. Yes, but she never gets one on her finger. What do you attribute Caruso’s wonderful success to? Why that man sings “Bank Notes.” MONEY To THIS MONOLOGUE REAL MATERIAL WITH REAL PUNCH MEANS MORE. 16 TUG! REST LINE OF TALE YOU CAN BUENO MATTER HOW Mocs YOU Fat” A New Monologue for $5.00 and I Keep It New for a Year, FREE Here ts “Dabe’® Rothe oa “Ty” Cobb, St ub atc a, tae Cbs soe te aed EB ie te with ute tb en Dine’ Sunday, Politica “High Cos.” Women’s Clothes Detrecy i i's not 9 riot Free. oon Ee Soe ‘Darody oo i ahaa ieipeanks ‘Theatre. WARRY ©. PYLE, IR, 1060 Bt. Nicholas Avenve, New York Clty. ‘Take Advantage of This Exceptional Offer FUTURISTIC PICTURE HAT Of solid LESTER BRILLIANT. 21 to 25 inches from $15.00 point to point With or without crown of silver lace. State-Lake Bldg., CHICAGO “ace at sae soe WANTED -GIRL FOR FEATURE 04 dluners are given once monthly by the IN ESTABLISHED VAUDEVILLE ACT fwaatySre active Philadelphia members during Mu be youn. ood Jonting, well formed. pot ove: $ ft. 3 fo. tall wotehe rua Sinices woe On 8 Savoia fae HES Sick ae ma Ga oa Geass Ne Meee HAPPENINGS VI/ VIA HASTINGS See To, De. Sue zamars, act SHOW MANAGERS! PRODUCERS! | NOTICE! (Gus Spziptted riers Bre, Pradoced Now sasstre of the Hany Hastings "attractions THE quit Ob te wilseeding PINGR TA hentia! Cameras rand maifer’ island agricalturiets, ou (: Sis goed up Lew Ledeser, eeccntne coe, GE SEAMVILLES & Metsramate Fasalt hay a, three act, ac a cat tenia i Wie Winer! PIMATEX, BEWARE Boe tess and restcied and the “Musital ‘Bells for Hastings’ “‘Kewpl Ssaess the: Authoe, PIBATFSUERMAN L. JONES. 1005 Salty’ ‘St. Finding, Obie: Doll” on the American Clrealt. ie ae Charlie rays that Doly Rayfeld, the bina WANTED TO OPEN Fee es AL A ee rat te mee Yerutfol piima’ doting of the “Razzle Dem," (Eachulre Pictures), Seat-clase Le pt ‘was formerly a featured vocalist at the shel. Ti ab rernoes. Ce x ee Pipe burne Hotel, Atlentle City, where she was Snows as the “Duchess,"* and that-the Jerseyyearg ang who calls the owner of every empty fies bave arranged several theater parties in org by bls Arve aaime, is atl the adverteing dover of the “Duchess” when’ she plays the arent, Chick bas several men in his crew, a8 Trecidero, Philadelphia: ho is the general advertising agent for the HAPPENINGS NOTED BY HERON fi" fois SMe Those are sxverl ol Te American Buvlestwe Clrcult ts playing timers who have Deen at the Actdemy for New Belford, Mave, three days each week. to JER". 2 ‘tat © 3 Ted baie, conniving tat 8 eye DANCING DAN DODY apletly or working on part tine. A real ne ‘staff of execotives is in this theater, incloding a Producing ! Manager Waren O'Tlara, the manager of the New Bede New York, Dec, Bo—Davclag Dan Dots, who ford Theater, Bill Hinkley, the advertising has demonstrated remarkable ability in proagest, Bill is one of the oldtimers in the ducing dance numbers‘and ensembles for numerfree, having Deen for years advertising agent ons eeleotoe, movies] comedy and. cabaret dor sme of the largest theaters in Jersey shows, bas closed negotiations whereby be will Giy, N. J. The last balf of the-week is played produce and manage a Columbia (Circuit sttraeat the Academy of Music, Fall River, Mass. tion_en tour next eeason. Busesgue bas played for many years off and “A romor that Irene & Clamage will fncreate 2 at the Academy, Dut ever hae sch large thelr holdings of franchises cannot be ‘vetlled crowds attended as this year. Even at present, as yet, altho the prospects are very good for ‘with the mills alt closed, ‘dusiness is larger their annexing two more franchises for next party Yroke up about 2 o'clock Christmas morning, ‘and from all accounts it was a bappy forethought that made Harcy Feinberg, the manager of the’ “Cabaret Girls,” advertise the curtain at Christmas matinee at 3 p.m, Among those present,. in addition to Mr, Boas’ employess at the. Rial, Empite, Bijod and Academy theaters, wero the entire “Cabaret Girls” Company, of which Mike Kelly is the ‘owner, and James Heros, the business manager “The: Whirl of Mirth’ Company will give = midnight perforsmance at the Academy of Mu sic, Fall River, ‘New Years Eve— JAMES HERON. ‘Masz., GARFIELD AT THE GAYETY Nomerous reports from advance agents and company managers indicate that B, Mf, Gar fleld, manager of the Gayety, Montreal, ts one ‘of those progressive fellows that other how managers can imitate with profit to themsires un ever before. Much of this success ts due’ season, and companies, and convenience and comfort to nna, Mr verde’ ste orreal CHRISTMAS B BANQUET bet ee oes, eeey eum ee eae eae ae amber Geded ts ectty strttne For Theatrical Employees in Fall ‘theatrical River PROTECTION TO LADIES ‘Manager Garfield, of the Gaysty Theater, certainly gives all Iadies the best of protection. ‘There aro a certain class of men who seek to annoy women in public places. You find this everywhere, you, find it on the street. You it in the stores, You find it in the churches you find It-in the theaters of the highest Bost Saco meer of te BH Bvt gave a banquet to all his emlogere cod companies playing hs thetere rata Eve im Pal iver aoe, Me, Done "vanderille theater, to picture bnases ‘ia the, Sendemy, which plays American, Dor: “288 feaque. ‘The big event took place this year at 290 the Susie Hall, as the stage of any theater ‘wre not large enough to accommodate the 250 9 Seople. tbat sat down to a real turkey dinner ‘with all the ““fzin’s” after the performance Friday aight, December 24, There was dancing, with masie ‘by Joe Loudla’ picked orchestra, Before and after the dinner. The large hall 125 was besutitully decorated, and in the. cester Sas a large Chatman tree, with a present 190 from ‘Santa ‘Boss for everyone present. SEF. FR Gpecitiog wan the speccbmater of the evening: 132 Cesisted by Frank Leary im bite of song, Mr. ‘38 Boas received a Dundsome sliver clgaret caso ‘aap from Bis emplorees. Chas. Feluberg, the maz ger of the Academy, “received a Waterman fountela pen to Keep the ledger {a good shepe for the auditors, Each and every present re = elved from Santa was opened anld toad apae Ree AND any MEMGTE Gomme yg Pete, tnd mest tthe erate, ree a . comedian. No . AB Mike Kells ld after he an Gee =? ets were "toe ner Theatrical Supplies Cee Bros, viet sia, ined with ater, lett ERE quality, “Black vie wet et LENGTH ‘HOSE patrons are absolutely safe and will not be annoyed, [At every performance matinee snd night erery day in the week-he has set aside an 1. serves & certain section for ladies culy which will permit any Indy or party of tales to coms alone and be absclgrety fro from any annoyance. Of course Indies do nit have to sit In this section, they can sit anywhere, but fn case you desire a seat in this ‘section Le sure and ask for a ticket in the ladies’ section when at, the bor-ofice, LADIES’ WINDOW Ladies do not ‘have to walt w4 stand ia Moe with the men in order to eicure’ tickets at: the Gayety. AN ladies will be served at the speclal reservation ticket wiodow. ‘Ms, “Ite my move.” The happy SEATS FOR FAT PEOPLE Row H, the-eighth row at the Gayety, are. special seats for fat people, belng extra wide, #0 if you are extremely festy fost auk for 2 seat in right or left H or have it held every, ‘week for you. SUPPLEMENTAL B. M. Garfeld, the manager of the Garety ‘Theater, instituted a new idea, 1 Christ ‘Eve midnight bow, which proved to be a great success, the house belng sold ost before ten O'clock and standing capacity before "midvight. company in elaborate costumes. Mr. Rockawsy, the straight man, made the opening address and thereafter celling the names af each person Presenting the Christmas package In full view audience. Mr. Chipman was presented wien s typewster-by' the princes Sve cad = leader, and a shaving set by the chorus. Mr. Garfield, the manager of the theater, every emplozee of the house, inclading the orchestra, with a Christmas package, No one ‘Of the house or company was forgotten. The. aie il sated proprietar-of the Leslle Apartments; Mrs, Pred Royee, Dorothy Dare, Bila Browne, Pay James, Madigan Pearson, Virginia Dean, Dorothy Wrisht and. ‘Vivian Waclereg, Jobnaie Testle, Harry Appling, Jobuny Ziegier, Harry Lewis, Sydney ‘Wire, C. EB, Browne, W. A. McEntree, George ‘Sbeldon, O, Pappa, Joba Newingham, “Lightning” John O°Consell, Fred Royce, J. Fanning | and s number of theatrical folks from the local theaters whose names ‘The Billboard man was” unable to obtain, The Leslie Apartments is 2 local theatrical rendervous particolarly popular with Durlesgoers. fore your cue and your dry throat is moistened, your eased. Buy only the cough kind that has menthol to > heal, horehound to soothe. BUNTE BROTHERS, CHICAGO