Billboard advertising (Jan 1921)

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[rene oumecepee: JANUARY 8.1921 “Fhe Biliboard 1 ORME ERT “PASSING: SHOW OF 1921" «THR PASSING SHOW OF 1021"—A masicat oroe in two acts and twenty-six scenes, ‘with dialog avd iyrica by Harold Atteridge, Basic by Jean’ Schwarts, with incidental fod added musle by-AI Goodman ana vew Polock. Presented by Lee and J. J. Shubert at the Winter Garden, New York, December 1nd. Some jocose Jape uttered. H i } : Sy § ? feptlon of the giris’ clothes, very genty. Bare legs prevail and sometimes the pest is bare, a far ae the laws permit under ‘Willie ond Eugene Howard contribute some very foony moments and an imitation of Frank Bac, by the Srut-named Howard, is astonish~ ferly iifelike. Marie Dressler plays tn some of ihe travesties and gets over rather well. It fs too bed that Harry Watson, one of the fuanlet men in musical comedy, is not given more to do. He only appeats in two. “bits,” but fgets al the dase is 2 ‘he miracle stindable 12 smart ee tere anced andieoce and etree” “The second uct of cena %@ Ballet produced by Cleveland fe modeled rather iclosety after his other offerings of 2 similar natur eng. Semimiy and Cortes and Peesy mambers, Tals “Passing Show" last few 2 is beh ‘who should be given more to do. leaqoe of the Rigoletto stopped ‘fan once ow, the Doubtless, ‘with farther Bite—20 EXCERPTS FROM THE NEW ‘Times: “ . . , the best looking of all the ‘tis new one—not #0 good as some, not 80 ‘tu offers, bat striking, as you might sy, & ‘mem average."* “HER FAMILY TREE” ‘mutic by Seymour Weeks and “Bugs! Baer. Nora Bays at the Iyrlc Theater, New York, December 27. j THE CAST—Nora Bayes, Al Roberts, Floren ‘Toeima Carlton, Jerome Braver, Rane {al Sisters, Marguerite Deciels, Cecil Harring. feo, ‘Helen’ MeCarty, Millie “Oertel. . Evelya Sintec, Grace Russell, ‘Jail Tn the several scenes you see the claricters go Dack'tn time and show themselves With Geir origioal pasts, an it were. fesately for the audience the -night tl Sewer saw the show the players thought Bley +0 excraciatingly fonny that st it themectves and left Yevteriog whetber it was or aot. y the g langhed e NEW PLAYS ‘Usual: musics stow ditties, and the staging is ‘Nora Bayes te at ber best when ehe fs sfogtog: There are few who can heave a song over the footlight trough as sho can. But asa co‘mediense, and an actrese generally, Misa Bayes lacks a lot. She has not yet learned that burJesque must be played seriously. In tact/ Mise Bayes. was the chief offender in “kidding” with her associates on the stage. At one time she completely broke up Florence Morrison with ‘ence to catch. too low for the andl announcement: by contractors that: the theaters now-under coustruction will be completed early inthe sew year. ~The housed, seating 2,000 persons each, .will be at Buclid.arenue and Bast ‘Foorteenth, street aod Detroit’ avenue and West 65th street. “Dedaite opening date has not yet been decided. Cleveland willbe: the frst city fa the United States for theAllens to open 18, tho they bave « house ia coastractioa in. Detrolt: ‘Their ‘activities. have been confined to Canadian cities, where they have a big'chata of houses with © wide following. PHYLLIS CARLYLE ILL at the new Hotel Cadifiac’s “Merrie Palm Garden” recently and .was taken, to the Providence Hospital suffering from a nervous breakdown. ANDERSON REVUE SET ‘New York, Jan, 1.—Accordingto “eabii ‘vices from London John Murray Anderson's new Anglo-American revue, “The League of .Notions,” which be is producing far Charles B. Qochran, will open there at.the New Oxford ‘Theater January 7. z GOES ZIEGFELD ONE BETTER ‘New Orleans, Dec, S1—A beanty chorus of eleven debutantes in “Zeandals of 1921,"" which {a eaid to rush in where Ziegfeld fears to tread, cassie dancing which would make Isadora Dun ean turn green from envy, a one-act play from the Players’ Workshop, and various masical nom HARTZELU’S NOVELTY FIVE Qfall: “It is another of those ‘As You Were’ fantasies, staged with the John Murray AnGerson idea without the Anderson imagination,” IG BEAUTY CHORUS : WITH COLORED SHOW New Orleans, Dec.” 2%—One of the features ‘Theater this week is the thirty-fre girls, considered the colored stage today, a8 as the handsomest. ‘The opening Sunday brought forth the Jargest audience in the history of that popular HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF New York, Jan. 1.—Seventeen zears ago today Pat Rooney and Marion Bent made thelr de‘Dut as a vaudeville team in Reading, Pa. ‘To‘ight, in that city, they begin their out-of-town engagement in .“‘Love. Birds,” the sew Wilner & Rotibers musieal show which will‘ sbortly de seen on Broadway. 5 ALLEN ENTERPRISES Soon To Open Their Firet American Houses Clevelend, O., Jan. 1.—Plane for the opening of two more new picture bowses for Cleveland tre ‘being completed by Pred Zartmen, reideat ranger’ for the Allen Baterprises, following i | “| Denver, Col. Dec. 90.—News recelved bere from Spokane, Wash., states that incorporation papers have deen sled there dy 0. D. Woodward, theater manager, and & group of as0clates for the organization of the Woodward Enterprises, Ine., capitalized at $1,000,000, to It was announced the company would take orer the Enwood Motion Picture Company of Denver and General Film Company of Portland, and has rented a studlo here for the produeton of pietures. : TO ENTERTAIN. SOLDIERS New York, Dee. 20.—Selwyn & Oo., Arthur Hammerstels and,Sam Harris have jolted in 1a ¥iting a umber. of crippled soldiers to the Wednesday matinee performances of “Tickle Me," at the Selwyn; “Jimmie” “at the Apollo 0d “Welcome, Stranger," at the Gotan & Harris Theater, NEW GARDEN CITY THEATER A new theater will be erected at Garden City, Kan. Work bas already started on the bulldng. The theater will be modern throcat. ‘The ‘Very latest equipment will be installed. A large stage will be erected to take care of traveling attractions. i ing the Eq contracts, but, if city on business for the & Hl Fe past two weeks necessitat i take aii i i 2 f i i ‘But the orgaization has grown far deyoud the possibility of personal lettera—DOBO ‘THY BRYANT, Executive Secretary. CAPT. DAVIS LEE & a etter i HH Hi k al SRF BE a