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The billboard (Jan 1921)

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The Bi llboard “JANUARY 8, 1921 Louisville, Ky., Dec, 28.—The Zoeller Go, Louis B. Zoeller, general manager, ave goue over the 10,000 mark. ‘Dee Muse Co. is reconling the number player rolls at once, also several of the ‘ent phonogragh companies have requested sample copy. ‘There has been a certain publisher inquiring if the nomber was for sale, Mr. Zoeller states. @s @ song, their other numbers erable favorable comment, ‘the Roseland are being markable orchestra. . SUES EMERSON COMPANY ‘New York, Jan. 3.—Eva Leonf, coloratura oprano, appearing at the Manhattan Opera House, has brought sult against the Emerson Phono “ROUMANIA” ‘Chicago, Dec. 20.—"Roumanis,” leader wit the music publishing howe of Williams & Piroo, was featured this week at the Zoyal Gardens’ by Henrietta Wiliams, Glen Honze and Clarence Williams, the singers taking six encores. This wumber 1s an especial favorite fm the musical comedy, “Over the Top,” and 4 Deing played at Terrace Garten, the Grand ‘Theater and will be pat on with special fea tures at Harmon's Dreamland New Years Eve. ELIZA DOYLE SMITH. song by the mosie publishing house of Eliza Doylo Smith, Is being ‘most effectively pushed by the publisher and fs paying for the pushing. ‘Mrs, Smith writes both music and Tyrics to all of her songs. Orchestra leaders and proferelonals by the score have ~written complinientary letters to ber about “Candyland.” Another song. “Sweet Nora Daly,” also “Dance Me on, ‘Your Knee,” are both showing excellent form! ‘and undoubtedly have futures. “LOVELESS LOVE” New York, Dec. 30—One of the most m‘Braal ideas “in vongs is the latest anngunce‘ment from the house of Pace & Handy. “LoveSis Jess Love Bioes" ts the title of the number, and MELODY MART THE POPULAR SONG BOURSE COMMUNICATIONS TO OUR MEW YORK OFFICES it ts written by W. C. Handy in a style all his own. This is the frst number trom Mr. Handy's pen since his well-known “Beale Street ‘Blues, which was introduced by Gilda Grey the im Shubert’s Gaieties. “Loveless Lore! bas been received with the Company. It looks like a big number and orders for this song are coming in from all over fhe country. It looks as i€ this will be one of ‘McKinley firm's features for 1021, together With the balance of its splendid catalog: “Sleepy Hollow," “Do You?" “Play Me a Dixie Melody," “Everything About You Tells Me ‘That most favorable comment ty vanderile ana “$2.” pe £ phonograph artists and orchestra lenders. tz XeU're,Irlab.”” “The Ghost of Mr. Jaxs'. and cae ee ee as eee ‘Yoo Get amay, with Tt Once Youll the professional offices of the’ eomthe big cities filled with acts dally. WRITING DIXIE SONGS ‘Jack Mellotoue, of Council Biufts, In., ts writing Dixie songs and says he has bopes of mak ‘The 0. 0. Onsley Hasle House, of Amite, 0, mgeeeton pablishers. soon, Ja negotiating with a large publisher to take (Sf #2 Smpression with the ret ite 1009 cal. Outer ssaoenes that RIVIERA NOTES METROPOLITAN MIRTH—MELODY—MUSIC COLUMBIA BURLESQUE CIRCUIT “ED LEE WROTHE AND HIS BEST SHOW?” GRACE FLETCHER—“Shimmy Moon,” “Pretty Kitty. Kelly,” ‘Bool. Boo,” “Aust renesa, naa, ADAMS" jrictaninay Blues," “Football Days" “Whispering,” “Anna Bell DOLLY SWEET—"Bum Tiddely Um Bum,” “Dasigerous Eyes."* AMERICAN BURLESQUE CIRCUIT “Mars.” ‘Sasx Band Mad." “Stop, Lock and, tdsten;" “Ont Bean. ‘Apple’ Blossom Time,” “Beather Your sat “Afr You Se Hs in MARGARET FB MeQONMICK™—"Palention,” speeet Dadi,” “Broadway Rose," “Sweet ‘Coola; gap BeNGibir mney Re 010." “3fomahine” “EIA From Made" “Full of Jas" “SOME LITTLE BIRD” | Chicago, Dec. 20—Billy Thompson, now in ‘oe Angeles ‘for the musle publishing house ‘Van Alstyne &.Curtis,. writes that. Kitty Bordon is singing “Some Little Bird” with great. success, A few of. the other acts using the number are: Stella Mayhew, Patricols, Harry & “SAVE THEE ALONE, SWEET _ HEART" : ‘Tue song, entitled “Save Thee Alone, Sweet ‘beart,"" which Frank J, Marowski published, ‘bas been taken over by the Paramount Song ‘Publishers, Inc., 246 West Forty-sixth street, New York, which will make a little change end publish = new version. AN OVERNIGHT HIT Loe, Angeles, Dec. 28.—Te local song that ‘ons 5 Became am overnight Me, “Do You Ever Think gui Na toe gaan wy, of Me?” by Harry Kerr and Johnny Cooper, 18 showing wonderfal popolerity,-it i sald, Kerr ‘wrote the Iyrice for “Kisses,” “Meow,” “Taxi,” “My Paradise and other popular songa, McKINLEY NOTES ‘man departed with the $2,000. “cThere’s Only One Pal After AM” ts a new that he had noconnection with Punch ballad ised by the McKinley Music ganization: : oie ow “Ho, "tode 0 wari Baar ES PROFESSIONAL SONG WRITERS. HAVE DONE RIGHT, SO PUBLISHERS WILL RECOGNI ANSEL McMURTRY Has Promising Waltz Song 0d Sam ‘Speck, also well known: in general favorite, according waits balled, Dreams (Dwell: in YX ‘meritorious lyric and a should make {t popular. It has a rangement for orchestra by Lampe. ‘This belied fe to be published dy Speck, CHRISTMAS ENJOYED By Keith Artists in Cleveland party held at the Hippodrome Theater Christmas Day. There was a tree with presents, and, Rew wonder, a lady Santa Cla motion pictures were taker -which made an ‘added laugh for the “members” after the show. In the eventog B. ©, Albee, head of the Keith Snterests, was host to all Kelth actors at diner in Hotel Cleveland. ‘There were specches by everybody, but the one that won was by Vers Gordon, winding up to the effect that Slanager Jack Royal's name is just that because he io a prince. CANTON KIDDIES ENTERTAINED Oanton, O., Dee. 23. —Fred BR. Witter, mans. ger of the Igceum Theater, turned ovér his play. ‘house to the Kiwanis Club of Canton last Tharsday afternoon for the club's annaal Opristmes Barty’ to 350 orphans from the Loalsville and Fairmount children's homes. The . were’ ‘auled to the theater by members of thé club fm automobiles. “A section ‘of seats was reserved for them and Kelth performers who entertained the party included Baroness De Fiollup, ese Roberts Reroe, Earl Foster ind ‘Etbél Rae, Lenter and Moore, Lew Hoffman, ‘and Lyan end Howland. Following the tandeville offering’ the ‘idaies were entertained with a special olm Yoaned for the occasion by John Kessler, mantSer. of the-Strand Theater. A large Christmas tree--attractively decorated graced the stage JACK MILLS NOTES Jack Ecol, representing the Jack Mulls sater “Sweet Mama (Papa's Getting Mad). “MAMMY’S DREAMY MELODY” Sam, Erlich and Bity Baskette have bad two offers for ““Mfammy's Dreamy Melody" and have ““HITLAND”. CONTEST: ‘WINNERS During the engagement of the ‘Hitland” act at Keith's Theater, Cincinnati, last week, over four hundred songs were ‘entered in the contest conducted man won submitted Kissed the Rose That You Gave Me. men's class William Schmitt anf Tom Parker ‘won with ‘WORKING WITH WEHNER Sol Holdengrabber advises that he is workiog ‘WALKER IN CHICAGO New York, Dec. 90.—Ray Walker, who wat formerly in New York, a member of the Thomas & Walker music publishing frm. is reported to tbe doing well in position with:the Irving Berlin Chicago branch.