Billboard advertising (Jan 1921)

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tone, busbar, layed the teat Ba White ‘a e Bee bom ved by her ‘who is. a JANUARY 16, 1921 at i Agnes, who for years ‘a boar M. B. CURTIS The OBITUARY ma Hf 953 i a Hata ye nia ‘7 ‘small ‘parts and nally iis to lay toe pet company for two Years. t's g z i ss (4 5 a that Curtis discovered for what type of ebaracter it was not until Milton Nobles engaged ‘Me. DeBar.’ Corti went to Wood's Theater. in Clncionatt, LES LONG—FAREW) After three years with owner and manager of McVicker’s Theater, Chicago, went on in attracted the attestion of Ben DeBar, who employed bim as general utility man. any me three years ago, Curtis, theo a bellboy in the employ of Moses Solomon fn “The Phoenl: aa iat Satan with Brandt, oe H. W., Ged at his iii Hi ae plane br ‘Tiptoavilte. , was also killed. ‘The when oe, Friend, “Senator” Charles Williams THOMAS J. HUGHES. River. ear” In Fond Memory of My Old His kindly deeds will survive him. ‘years olf, fon, parents, two brothera a0d one sister. ‘was eo route to Florida, and was doing pas seaiprt Flaner, mechaniclan, His passing’ are tncladed A kied and loving can fi jong whom Be an 0d bis place no other a matter of sincere regret and genuine sorrow to his friends, am: ‘the editors of The Billboard, in whose hearts his memory will long remain green. E. EDMUNDS FOSTER ‘Those near and dear to bim will feel tho Joss most “keenly: saphe most distinctive trait_of Mr. Cary could not wither nor custom stale Mr, Oary's “The late Samuel Fenton ho was & “cub.” “A good. story of Cincinnati. father and busband has gone to bis rest ‘stories in Cincimmat!, and was, a | — Star eaye most ubiquitous of men, aaa le 1 RUTH. 1907. rt iMaess, Fraccis, Died January 17, Sr, is a well-known stock actor. , In Loving Remembrance of WILEY J. HAMILTON 'HERBLIN— Francis, Francia and Erma He in New York City, after ee a