Billboard advertising (Jan 1921)

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JANUARY 22, 1921 “The Bi lliboard 13 —eeeeeee ea | TAGE HANDS ATE ante PM 0.) Dig—with the quaint, realistic “Irish” comedy ‘of Sam Morton us the irresistible laugh-productng feature, almost tells the complete story, except that each danced, talked and greatly aided the veteran im putting it over, and that Mr. and Mra, Morton do not fail to. register just pride in their “youngsters,"* Clara being brought Ano the line-up for the Gaale. The act worked ‘one, and was the big ‘Tweaty-fve minutes; bows galore. ‘Loveting Sisters and Slme Neary, who closed the show, bare 2 combination act, consisting of ‘accomplished terpalchore by the sisters, a) ome dancing and clever lariat manipulations by Neary, Some pretty wardfobe was also intro. duced, A “clown horse” number, with tho Girls doing the “horse,” was neat and unique, ‘Dut did not add much to the offering, which was raher Win, Lodge, press secretary of Local Tt Ottawa, Oat reports that the members aay that province have been ‘Compensation ct, protection for which the brothers Save persistentlf fought. Ottawa is gettlog to _Loew’s American, N. Y. (Continued from page 9) @ clever comedian and is capably supported b7 {ii the folks to Koow that an eflicient organiza ‘toa now exists in bis city, Tbe local was or ‘The company manager tried to get ‘Withdraw the claim. Upon his refusal foe by te, fa ‘worked “with = company ‘which insisted ot "on. sts athe oftce to get ‘requisements.. ‘unsecessary to paint out that amoont to more than six or seven doring the Fear. “I haven's the time to bother with complaints of $80-a-week chorus girls; all my time is taken Jp "with big contracts, so you sce if any mis takes ‘been made inadvertently by = comDany manager, it would not likely come to my sonal attention. But if such mistakes have een made T am willing to have them corrected.” "Me, “Shubert then turned to several other nd ssid: “Dome quite mona “high in the ‘profennoa® apd Yerlor motive. Debind. the Equlty"s {fe Sysbert ne expec from te te A. ity wants the closed’shop.” ‘ie’ tho ‘charges against me,” he concinded. are. sustained, aod we are expelled from the it Of the theaters ‘shop. That means Equity’ can then enforce the employment of eee Digit winiee ws eee at Set AY Sa T Lav 2 P, M, A. -HEARS CHARGES z New York, Jan. 14.—Behing closed doors of‘Managers’ Association it by the Actors* je. Shuberta, Jake ‘February 20, 1020, and bas a large mex ae aie . uslsed Febraary 20, 1020, and bas 8 IA5$0 TODS ig partner. Tals act took a big had. 300 per cent union. ‘Deaicn, ‘Tho new trerease for stage was pre Say treed increase ‘toly Sosa: w ad EQUITY HURLS_ DEFI AT SyaSeace aa tage em, Re ae ‘pias te tae rs 3 pare ive a categorical answer to the cbarges DIUught Tae contacts at Richmond, Va Local 36% peetormancen, Breaches of the batle Sesinat them aad preseat the snme at have. Deen very successfully” algzed. ‘Bese ta tostviauet cases may ‘be comprethded =e fone tine next week. prob ‘Weston ts the new secretary there. Ualer the following general headings: 2, Fesrenay snd, that, tn, them s Gaiseevile, Tex, Local 613, reporta that alt EQUI members. open stating that they wero ‘Sroula meet with the, Stesers. gales OU Sagi uo AR A, Uae AE Sesame fae ood site Dal Ger ‘ig matter in detail” SatAnes wes Loage there. AIL the brothers are busy and Test. =) STUY Members were Suietu ead Peat Sera working. ‘While the exact details ‘Thote in charge of the projection in the new Ihind the closed doors are not Basford Theater at Newark, N. J. are Gersidod that Paul ‘Purper and Brtten H. Debus, 3 Corbett and. Sums, Bong, otter things, da ‘Thess men are real projectionists handling the ‘bers away from their organization by ‘Yer latest of equipment and are putting on en of subtle discrimination. 41 pletore. “Atl have bed ten to fourteen ge Shubert, told, newzoapermen: Jean of projection experience. fan Tclecriniants neti ‘Toe prejectioalst at the Washington ‘Theadoes an injury to the “aoe ter at Dallas, Tex., {s Brother John Hardin, who _ Bae cause, 1m the opinion ie ali business agent of the local there. =e Totuignesy herite pools SaaS AND FT HAPPENED | toe We never Bave discriminated against Eaalty hates nd eae > we ammete 0. ‘Sere ‘girs SULANORE INTERESTS ‘TED AGAINST ‘Can you recalls wild night im the N. V. A. Sad net “appeared at reberre Seth _ New York, Jan, 15.—Vwhile Danity seeks the Ge cme owes oar SEssons, why, ther. -coold_ be, levitimately Ga. of ihe ‘Shuberta trom ‘the Produclag sss tty ont unt have een erent One eet Eadie We Soa ae o£. Oe romreratative acto tn vender, that t0 Ties 2° Thoueand actors Sgt they must pick member of the team, imbibed a little — Dasis wes iding co tte freely with the prohibition atu. ‘This guy ou that chargp we are avoiding our conSef. ‘Wis St to be tied. Remember, the hotel manaways paid Equity girls extra for addiSite Toe cety Catered wae calle tte icolece “Surinentey niged a, aéer of Ae, Then cory Chesterdeld was called into Sitch Tlearacd. today, by which “they were Sb Mites at Honey cnsid go voting wien iven a, aut rate of fo extra Yor soch pert Eade Bothered “to. Sgare cout ow Much extra was ee irae a Wolte fat etently coming, to thee ot, the costenth rate. sstlam a Waite Rat. Woat of it? Do zou get Derformances paid pro’ tata, for art a oe fellow pulled that speech right ceases, ite Rats’ old club house, now being (ERSON ‘Ten by the Managers’ Association. He's @ game SOROT SAMBRAOS (SF! ‘Ge, bore, but it was in him and it had to come ies ‘Out. Sure they called bim up on the carpet over e fe Ketth Booking Ofce. Sure De appeared matory tavties before bie Royal Majesty F. F., but this fellow ey Qi not weaken. When ther, the powers that is landling ‘airs “Scan= Smee Nhe ther. ove severe at Thru His Skilled Hi of Aff: of ‘Ete be called a halt and anid: “Walt a mioute. ‘Yes, I Grank a little too much and I was T sald erersthing credited to me. Xow I suppore you are golog to take all my Sie tony hee ae See ped ele a TNS oe he Bhuate ace ot he Aetee? Baal ae ‘gale, my boy. sociation, bas scored several ways in the past etka his thined tenting oi tae ees id Apne the George White “Scandals” com ‘the management of the Sampter. shoals and that its macagement was bebind in salaries, Acting under the orders of the Equity ‘headquarters in New York, Mr. Keyes joined the company at Keokuk, 12. ter investigating conditions and consulting with Manager Kaliski ‘and the people employed, took charge of the om ganization. ‘The company members chose to go’on the com~ monwealth plas, and good fortune eetmed to manifest Iteclf at once. One-night stands were made and the patronage quickly pald all back salaries god roping expenses, When the Champaign (IN) date was played tb good busizess Friday night, differences arose between Mr. Keyes ‘and Mr. Kallski, which, it ts sald, left Mr. Keges no alteruative sare to close the show, which was done. ‘The people, thirty-five fa numBer, all’ had sufficlent money to nay thelr own wap back to New York. The Billioand was taformed in the Equity office in Chicago that Mr. Kallekl preceded Mr. Keyes to Chicago after ‘Ne other thought in bia head than a route— (Glged) THOMAS PATRICK. Keith’s, Cincinnati (Continved from page 9) ‘FIL atop-time danciog. Her “Blue Laws"? for pulled beavily. Her “Dippygrams” drow Hroghe, Seventeen minttes, fn one, to three, to Tre re the show closed, aed notified raliroad oGictale gat? Zour Mortons, Sato, itty, Martha and that ia case of any ticket refund the money ‘To aay that this act went big—yen, very should be paid to him as manager of the com dals” Company for Equity pany, ‘This ts sald td have occurred after the actors had Dougbt tickets with thelr own money. When Mr, Keyes arrived in Chicago and Iearmed the circumstances, he got busy again adjested the matter so that the refmds to the parties busing the tickets. Randling of the matter is deemed na big plume in Equity’s cap by ‘New York, it would have been to Mr, Keyes" sound management and unfalling diplomacy fa bis handling of a dificult ease, E ALBERT COATES, British Conductor, Engaged ae Associate Conductor of New York symphony, Ore! a ‘Next Season New York, Jan. 17.—Announcement bas “Just been made by Harry Harkness Flagler, preslGent of the Sympboay Society of New York, of the engagement of Afbert Coates, noted British conductor, for the post of asinclate conductor for the New York Symphony Orchestra for next season. Walter Damrosch, after careful cvnelderation during bis stay in Burope, decided to sive the appointment to Mr. Coates, Actors here also pay a high the “In most cases this system of discrimination bas been worked so craftily that it has been affecting six dinky chors girls, his ge. is. quite characteristic, but woefully ‘frankaess. Mr. Shubert knows perthat the Fquliy Association Is ‘not tnded as to bring such serious charges ‘frm az to warrant our demanding: from the Producing Mana on a a RE i 2 eee et aE ‘Associa lesa we have the absolute | ‘discrimination ‘against Equity mem rt of the policy of his Grm. and that fractured, the agreement between the agers" Association and oars. Mfundred’ tren vrefore, they rentitied. to. the procection ‘whlch ‘in the Producing Managers’ Associa Pere Hee 8g id