The billboard (Jan 1921)

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JANUARY 22, 1921 MAE DESMOND Players, Make the Orpheum, ‘And Het piladelphie, « Succes Dullt ome years ago tical monager, J. Fred Zimmerman, I called fo interview for The Billboard everything and Crergbody coonected with this beautiful theater, fed found all the beralds of success exactly oetions cers. Then about three years ago aloog came Mae Desmond und Her Players, with Frank Fielder, the actor-manager, For a short time it was « struggle, But by the thoroness of the productions, clever team work of the company fod the charming personality and pronounced bility of Mao Desmond they won over the stern ind critical Quaker folks to immense success, ‘Mee Desmond and Frank Fuller are Philadelpbiaos. Miss Desmond loves ber work. I chatted with her during @nd after the shows and found ber just a human dynamo for artistic ‘eapacity. She wouldn't tall a bit about berself. {She Jost smiled and seemed so Bappy to please, be fs equally at bome in the parte of “Madame X," “Pollyanna” and “Common Clay." ‘I chat‘ted with her after the show until past midnight, midst of the next week's however, the bustling and most ind leading man, Frank eqipment, such atock house. Frank is everywhere in producing the plays that have made the Orpheum Theater for the past three.years one of the best paying propositions this theater of many ventures bas erer known, He, too, was of the non-talkative General Mid, Dat Bis work speaks for itself, which te ‘eaough, Me, Fielder does not let the Orpheum patrocs wait until the plays are given down town at bigh prices, but whenever possible gete them first. Here aro a few he has given. their Philadelphia premiere: “Yes oF No, “She Walked in Her Bleep,"" ‘What's Your Husband Doing?” ia io Room 13°” and others, all New ‘York productions. ‘Tole indeed Is & fine record, attesting the ‘wonderful magnetic and dramatle abfilty of the charming star, Mae Desmond, and her supporttag players; Iikewise the exceptional leading ‘aan ability of Frank Flelder, and bis fine direetonbip. There has never been a better paying attraction et the Orpheum than Mae Desmond and ber players, under the able management of ‘rank Fielder,—FRED ULLRICH, COMEDY Well Offered by Prospect Players ‘Cleveland, 0., Jan. 12—In reviving the wellAnorn bedroom comedy, “She Walked tn Her Seep.” this week the New Prospect Stock Co, proved that {t ie as skilifal in producing the Ughter plays as drama, “She Walked tn Her Sleep” was written by Merk Swan, and, as staged by Director J. J. ‘White of the Prospect Players, is Just ax funny ‘when it was first seen here. May Buckley is seen'as Daphne Arnold, and ‘tho Miss Buckley tn this part has not the usual ‘Wales, eles Travers, Myra Deane, Eémond . Rossell Sage and Halbert Brown all have good roles ta the play. “The Spendthritt fe the production to be ofered next week by the Prospect Stock Com pany. GONE TO COAST Goleago, Jan. 15.—Marian Weaver, wite of Xa Weaver, well koown in stock, has gore Califor," following an loess in Chicago. Mrode mother of the ‘Three Marke sister of Ed Shean, is reported to be itt in New York, The COMEDIANS BULLETIN font FREE te anzone oars ors A Postal Will Bring It YO0k Bernard Hinkle, Pub. Bax 901-8, Domrier OST. The Billboard 15 LITHOGRAPH PAPER For All Classes of-Attractions: Dramatic, Musical Comedy, Minstrel and Uncle Tom Carried in Stock Ready for Immediate Shipment. WRITE FOR PRICES ON ENGRAVED BLOCK, TYPE WORK, CARDS, DATES, ETC. Gatatog and Date Books Mailed Free of Charge ACKERMANN-QUIGLEY LITHO CO. 118-117-119-121 WEST FIFTH STREET KANSAS CITY, MO. THEATRICAL WARDROBE TRUNKS ‘rex. ‘Steamer Size for 6 1.00 $49.50 Full Sta fort0 co ta Ge . = 5 70.00 ree, 70.00 ry ‘eunaire mabe, quate aitatih We ase Duteest nd set eres ee eae wad as ee CALL!! Actors, Carpenters, Electricians, Proj en, etc., do you want to earn $50.00 to $75.00 WEEKLY in your spare time? ‘We have a brand new proposition to offer and would like to have you help us advertise it in cities, towns or villages. This is one of yu ever had to Earn Some Real Money. the greatest opportunities Write Today. | Fall Particalars Free. > CHICAGO FERROTYPE CO. 1422 RANDOLPH STREET, CHICAGO, ILL. Wanted at Once for the Maddocks-Park Players PERMANENT STOCK. ONE BILL A WEEK. sts eet Be & at Saeree.ree,eG? Pee ts ted eee et gee face tat Boutin end” Abe end a Fea vy ingen. foe egmper ow Seabees Sta a Oy ae Seats, meen WANTED FOR BERT SMITH’S BEACH PEACHES Specialty Team or Musical Act, useful as Tab. People. ‘Can always use experi enced Chorus Girls, Salary, $30.00. Show going North. Old friends, wire or write. Tickets anywhere if I know you or of you. Wire all communications, Judea Theatre, Cisco, Texas, week Jan. 16; Alhambra Theatre, Breckenridge, Texas, eek Jan, 24, Want to hear from Pete Pate, Jos Mullen, Bob, Vegan, Maybelle ler, vis. House Managers, LOOK! Baraat Diary Sak scat "Slow ow 1 oc All script. Plenty Wardrobe, Scenery. Sink Tm ‘wscks in Omali, Nob Belary o¢ ercemtage BSSVACK CHAWFORD, Manager Den Ton oven, Millard Hotel, Omaha, Ned. ° . ST. LOUIS By WILL J. FARLEY Gamble Bidg., 620 Chestnut Street. son.” He has quite a force of men ter quarters with hammers and saws, img 2,500, not including ‘the site, $500,000, ‘The theater is for the Union Station ‘District and to make place of amusement for travelers coming tnto St, Louis between trains, It will be operated for both white and colored. people, but they will use separate entrances: and ‘will be seated in different parts of the oust. ‘The. Terminal Raflroed is one of the interested ‘Pillard Burleeque Show at the Standard Theater this week. Her dancing ts easily the Dest scqa | Frank MSutton writes that be will again in some weeks and receives not only applause, ‘ater the camival field the coming sesgon anid ‘Dut much favorable comment as well. will probably be found in ‘an official capscity — with one of the old aggregations, ‘Twenty-Ove years ago January 11, at the Cea ‘tury Theater here, Frank Daniels playing “The ‘Wisard of the Nilo” was making a tremendous Dit with the topical cong, ‘Starlight, Starlight, ‘Very First Star I've Seen ToniPut.’ ‘Work on the new $1,000,000 Loow. Theater will start as soon as they cen get possession of the Dulldings on the site. One oF two leases are fatill not up, which is preventing the start. Tt fs planned to have the theater ready for next ‘and Washington avenue, and will occupy an entire half block, ‘Twenty-five years ago, January 12, while” laying in Bt. Louis at ‘the old Hagan Opera joure, Richard Mansfeld came before the curaccused Bt.. Loulsans of being thick: ment will be found in Sol's United Sbows the ‘coming season, ‘Hank Wakefield 18 2 boxy man these days 4m his capacity of assistant mantger of Doc ‘Palmer's New Stow. Hank says: “Why ain't I the adjoster?” and we say, “Of course, Hanr,* ‘and that equares everything, ‘The Lage Greet Empire Shows are making vome great progress at winter quarters in East St. Louis. They are, besides booking a number of new attractions. making almost a new show out of Inst year’s aggregation. Col. Lage ts doing the booking. Rodney @. Whitelaw has been re-elected secretary and chairman of concessions of the Cape County Fair. Associations, Rodney has become ‘ery. popular not only in his own borg, but with the show fraternity apd all will be glad to hear of his re-election. ‘The Cape Girardeau Fair ‘will be held this year on September 20 to 24, and Rodney states that it will be the biggest a history of the Cape xf he can make it 90, The Oklahoma Show Properties Co., of Okla homa City, reports that it bes every reas to delleve thet vext season will be a DIg one, as it has found a big market for sbow property. Mr, Ranney states that Dosivess hes shown & ‘steady ‘tnerease all winter, which be claims 8 2 good omen, : PLAZA PLAYERS ‘Successful in “The Chorus Lady” ‘Duloth, Mino., Jan. 12.—The Plaza Players in Superior,” which opened a dramatic stock enagement somo tlme ago, are meeting with soc‘ean this week with “The Chorus Lady."* tho play made famous by Rose Stahl. Lola May, recently with the Shubert Stock. Company, of Minneapolis, is playing feminine leads, and Wilmer ‘Walter, formérly~ot the Lexington, New York, is playing opposite leads. Donald MacMillan is comedian of the company. All these players ‘were with the Lyceum Players in Duluth for = Yong time, and Mr. MacMillan was come Gian for tho Orpheum Players. bere Jest sum met. “VERACITY” ITEM MISLEADING Accorting to officials of Loew's Vendome ‘Theater, Nashville, Tenn.. an item published in tho ‘January tesue of ‘Veracity" concerning an ofter BARLOW-WILSON SHOW “Barlow and Wilson's Musical Comedy Company fs finding it profitable tn Pennsylvania. Xt contemplates remaining in the Keystone State until spring, when it will jump into Canada. ‘The roster inclodes Lawrence Barlow, %. Barlow, Jr.; Anna Barlow, Fred Wilson. ‘Mr. ‘apd Mrs, Joe Horey, Baby Horey and Prank CONOVER-BAUER ACT Larry’ Oocover and Katherine Bauer nave deserted the dramatic field for the current sea ‘son, and are being billed in vandeville'as “The Robe Fiddler and the Gir.” ‘The team is Booked by the Carrell Agency of Chicam STORK’VISITS SPELLMANS * ‘TO TOUR ALL WINTER ‘The Bex Hallman Stock Company is doing # big business, Judging from the letter received fast week from Walter Gridley, who states that the show will be active all winter. A $1,500 WEEK REPORTED: ‘The Owen-Douglas Players, carrying six peo ple, opened January 8 in Titinols to the biggest “DANGING TEACHERS TO MEET Akrop, 0,, Jan. 14—Ohlo Association of Teache ers of Dancing will bold the fifth annus] midwinter meeting in Akron, Febraary 6 snd 7, at the Lynch Academy. Light t Comedian, Leading Man Ee ns ees aE