The billboard (Jan 1921)

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The Billboard » JANUARY: 22;'192t OPINIONS DIFFER Among Tent Show Managers Say A. E.. A. Delegates Who Offer Suggestions To Elevate Show Business South After visiting 2 number of tent dramatic shows 4m the South, interviewing managers, performers, etc, and viewing many performances, W. not ‘Frank and Ruth Delmaine, traveling representatives of the A E. A., find that opinions differ ‘as to what style and caliber of show the general public wants. They offer the following: “Manager No.1 says: ‘Give it to them quick and ‘send them home before they have time to realize that they did not get thelr money's worth.’ This class of manager has a small, inferior show and plays to generally poor business. ‘Manager No. 2 says: ‘Give "em plenty of FE 8 : i i i t Tihs & uf ‘tory for 2 number of years, has always given his Patrons a good, clean and up-to-date show: has Funs spared neither time nor money in establishing Bimself and winning the. confidence of his patrons, comes along for his annual visit.” He finds that the license has been raised, the lot man wants twice #3 much money and three ‘times as many passes as in former years. The @rayman wants bis money im advance, the elec‘trie Light company wants a deposit to corer the Bill for the week, hotels raise thelr rates and Boarding bouses refuse to take in performers, half the paper bas been torn down and the towners cast suspicious glances right and left ‘at all people who are connected with the show. It takes until about Thursday night to convince ‘the public that the show is 0. K. and worthy of thelr patronage. Then they apologize and tell this manager how their confidence has bees betrayed, ete. The real manager and his. people are the ones who suffer. “We wonder if managers Nos, 1, 2 and 3 have ever taken the time to sit down and figure )j WANTED BY PECK AMUSEMENT CO. for THE KING OF TRAMPS CO. and PECK’S BAD BOY Small Man or Clever Boy with A-1 specialty for Bad Boy, Dutch Comeand dancing specialty, frist Sister Team with feature specialty (must play parts), Man muires real actor with specialty), Union Cai ty. Ingenue, Charseter Man and Wi dian with dancing specialty, for Tramp (3 strong ter who ean act and do speci nile Man and Woman, write. of like name or character. = OPPORTUNIT @ proposition from a go04, reliable showman (not a promoter). Note—Thisis a new production and has nothing to do with any other shows “It’s a Real One.” Address ¢. H. CARLTON, Room 14, Lentz Bidg., Allentown, Pa. N REPERTOIRE Communications to Our Cincinnati Offices ‘out a good, pleasing repertoire of plays and resolve to engage real performers (not can-asmen), and give the public fall value for money received, clean up their outfits, get a good line of paper, establish a reputation and be welcomed in the towns instead of being looked dwn upos. ‘Try it, brothers. Help to raise the show Dusiness in the South. Put it on a level with other commercial lines. You can do this by organization and co-operation. We can name come managers who have been in tile tent show game for years, who play the same territory year after year, and the natives loot for the coming of that show the same as they do Xmas ‘and Thanksgiving. Every member of your com ‘not misrepresent ‘the Actors’ Equity Association. Amen.” MANDVILLE’S BIG JUMP What W, Frank Delmaine, traveling representative of the A. E. A., believes a record Jump for a repertoire company, the manager standing every cent of expense before taking in 2 dime, ‘was made by the Chas. ¢Mandville Company recently. Mr, Mandville weat to Chicago, made Dis headquarters at tho A. EA. office. engaged his compary. and tock it to Beard, Til, for re hearsals. After getting up in the repertoire Mr. Mandville jumped his company from Beard, TIL. to Mt. Pleasant, Tex., Tor opening, The company includes U. E. Ackley, CU O'Brien, Gharence Leight. Barry Lawrence, Chas. Mans sille, T. L. Nye, Rea Nye, Gladys Nye, Ora Vanning, Bemice MeColm. Ida McCotm, Aue Clark, Melita (Stevie) Lucking, Fred Monroe and LARRY POWERS WRITES. Larry Powers advises ‘The Billboard that be is his fourteenth week with L. Rufus Hil Crescent Stock Company at the Orpheum Thester, McKeesport, Pa. He also reports that buslness has been very good. ‘The company 18 playing all late royalty releases and is mounting them with details, carefully looked after by Mr. ‘Ul, The cast includes L. Rufus Hill, direct Uncas Danlel, leads; Jack Lowry, leading man; Larry Powers, comedy; L. Verne Sloat, jurenfies; Charles ‘Coone, heavies; Jessie Stewart, characters; Grace Edwards, second business; Elsie Haar, ingenue; Paddy ‘McGarlane, utility. ‘Several excellent bills are underlined for early Presentation, “including an original play by Larry Fowers, entitled “The Better Way.” WHAT CALLAHAN PROMISES ‘The Callahan Dramatic Company will open, 28 herefofore, at Chatsworth, Ill., about the middie of May, according to word from Manager Asthar Callahan, who is spending the cold .ceaon on his father's farm in Seneca, Mo., where he “fs enjoying the various winter "sports. Arthor's slater, Lulu, makes almost dally trips, ‘thru the Ozarks on horseback. ‘Mr. Callahan ts well equipped for the coming season, and promises to represent an organization of high caliber. ‘We have in the warehouse complete dramatic tent outfit, and would like to have it working next summer. ‘We are open for ‘Wil either sell outfit outright, lease it or take interest with the right party who can handle same. Other business prevents us from giving this summer show our personal attention. Let us hear your proposition. ‘Address FRANK L. MADDOCKS, care Majest Theater, Birmingham, Ala: WANTED QUICK — GLADYS KLARK COMPANY Man for Characters and General Business, to join on wire. State all in first. Address Manager GLADYS KLARK CO., Jan. 17 to 19, Rochester, N. H. Wanted To Hear from Real azz Masicians ‘proper: et im‘ Brane Cole? Meredith, other No. 3, Abliene, Tex, tals week: ee ek PAT Wanted for Jack King’s Concies ct Preerred., AKO A-1 young Taomce Woman: must do Spe“Ageot. pot atrald to ‘use brosh and jake, some tnsdrecians from "ay OUT, Booweachters loc i the ball, Eomecians, De Fosisk Springs, Fla N. Ted. tnd’ Dot Chase, can ‘Weite iebERICK en SLAYTON, Mana? anager nek ROSS B. H. NYE-GENERAL AGENTAT LIBERTY ,, Write, wire or phone Comedian with singing and rpen= joman, Juve WANTED AT ONCE, combinations that can WANTED FOR TWO-A-WEEK STOCK Band “and Orchestra Musicians; also two, three and four-people put on 45-minute shows, such as dramatic playlets, sketches with single and double turns, to play a one-night circuit of vaudeville in the small houses. None but the best wanted. Write full particulars and tell it all. Have six-wecks of good small time lined up, and if you.can change at end of route you can return, Address JACK PARSONS, Lyrie Theatre, BOSS CANVASMAN TENT SEASON OVER 4 Deming The Company Closes nuary ‘The Deming Theater Company, under the management of Deming & McCord, closed its eexsoa at Clearwater, Neb., January 9. Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Deming went to Kansas Clty, Mo.. seid to be retiting permanently trom the profession to look after other interesta, Mr. and Mrs, Clyde B, Davis left for thelr home in Omaha, Neb. Roscoe Slater and Leon Floch proceeded to the latter's home at Fort Dodge, Ia., as-he has not visited his mother in three years. Glen McCord and Donna Lee left for Sioux Palle, 8. D., to Join Harry Evans’ “Rainbow Giris.”” Mr, and Mra, Hugh McCormick Joined the GorAlster Bres.* Shows jn ows. J. T, (Dad) Beblin fe taking a rest. LIKES MOTOR TRANSPORTATION “The motor truck ta the past few years has acquired a definite and important place in the transportation feld, has kept pace with the de‘mands of industry, and hos contributed materl “One tea: Ray, “was that the troupe lost bat date during the month ‘of Maréh LUTTRINGER STOCK COMPANY In 19th Week at Quincy, Mass. ‘Each week sees an increase in business at the ‘Quiney ‘Theater, Quincy, Mass, where the Al Lottringer Stock Company ts now in its nineteenth week. This is due to splendid bills that are delng offered by the company, which is guided by AI Lattringer, one.of the most alert managers fn the business. Such plays an “Peg of My Heart,” “The Brat,” “Uncle Tom's Cabin “apd “Rebecca of ‘Sugny Brook Farm” ‘are being presented by this capable company. MAUDE HENDERSON CO: ‘In spite of this period of reaction and business Gepression, the Mande Henderson -Company i sharing profitably, according to Miss Henderson, ‘The rester includes Maude Henderson, owner and manager; N, E, Gray, director, and Percy Gray, Anna Hughes, Clara Preston, Maud Norton Cor‘ts, Kathrya “Hall, Mr, and Mrs. BOly Troot, Karl Lapham. and Jack Mansfeld. The Guay boys are ber sons. FRANK G. LONG PASSES ‘Te is with deep regret that we announce the death of Frank G. Long at Alliance, 0., December 24, following a six weeks illness, said 1 %0 be septic polsoning the results of defective dental work. His widow, Nellie Long. now re‘eperiant, tired from professional life, and three sisters, nonprofessionals, survive him. Mr, Long was ‘widely known as a leading man in stock and > repertoire circles, PUTNAM RECOVERING J. Myles Putuam, joventle man of the Hawkins Webb Stock Company, who is confined at St Anthony's Hospital, Terre Haute, Ind.. where he was taken three weeks ago, ailicted ‘with appendicitis, is very’ much improved, @ccording to attending physicians. OPENS ON BRENNEN TIME New Orteans, Jan, 15.—Preparatory to playing trele stock in’ this elty the Paul English Company opened January 12 on the Brennen Time at the Magic Theater, Bogalusa, La. The company will play about seven towns before returning to-this city to open in the local houses. PEOPLE ALL LINES Hot Springs, Ark. ‘Year-round E * FSH SSRI Join Feb, 3, Roberts, write, Address J: 8. KRITCHFIELD, P. 0. Bex 63, Blea.