Billboard advertising (Jan 1921)

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JANUARY 22, 1921 MARY GARDEN rector of Chicago Named General Direcionds Prosist illiant Success \eago, Jan. 14.—Mary Garden, one of the cate, cnpecacalar Bgsrentagrand oper, Yas ‘ndmed general director of the Chicago Opera Association Inst aight. ‘iiss Garden's appointment to the entire responsibility of the artistic and business manZement of opera in Ohicago was made at a Deetiog of the Executive Committee end the Borrd of Directors of the Opera Amociation, Following the resignation of Gino Marinuzsi, atistic director of the opera company, came ted. ‘Auditoriom Building, the home of the Yeago Opera Association, has, by the very ature of the varied temperaments it bas shelfered, been @ clearing bouse for emotions! updeavals. But the dramatle suddenness of Mise Garden's appointment as the supreme directing deed of the great organization for once left the {oluble representatives of several races stunned nd specchlens with surprise, Tt is ald that Miss Gardes's appolatment decame certain with the arrival yesterday ‘of a cablerram from Mre, Harold F, McCormick, ‘eto is io Switzerland, urging her select rg. McCormick, who, with ber husband, 1s on ef the Deavlest nancial contributors’ to the ‘opera company, ia anid to own nearly all of ‘he company properties, costing up into hun rede of thousands of dollars, ‘Mire Garden's daties wil begin at once, a ft is eald she will draw 00 extra remuneration for acting as general director for the remainder cf this season and all of next, Out of the maelfom of goulp and rumors floating around today It tn sald that the backers of the opera ‘coupiny Srmly belleve Mas Garden will ‘vastly lower the approximate annual deficit of $350,000 vorme by of Miss Garden today sald with conviction that ‘te will surround berself with a powerfal and cobesive organization of artists and made fatterlag predletlons of ber success. These frlends quoted Miss Garden as saying Ge will gather together the greatest artists od pty them thelr real value. Sho is farther ‘ooted aa saying abo is unbesltatingly for opera 42 Engllab, provided it 1s an American opera, but Freoch, German or Ttallan operas sboald be sug in thelr own tongue. Miss Garden is reported to have announced that the repertory ‘wil consist of Afty per cent Italian, thistyfiro per cent Freneh and fifteen per cent EngUsd pers, Mr, Marinusat will, tt is ald, remain under Miss Garden's menagement as ‘chief of con ductor, ‘The plans of Herbert My Jobnson, tiring director, ave not been public. Miss Garden is ald to have announced that ‘ie wishes Lociea Muratore, Galli-Curel, Titta Roffo, Baktanot, Veana Marcoux and others to remain with the organisation and to have every cnportuatty of using thelr superior talents, Mise Garden ‘bes doubtless furnished more {004 “copy” for the newspaper sleathe then any ‘other operatic artists, living of dead. WELCOME MME. DESTINN Chicago, Jan, 12.—Tho women of the Ceake Beseda, Chicago's Bohemian Club, gave a reception to Mme, Emmy Destinn, former prima oon of the Metropolitan Opera Company, on FREDERIC WARREN 349 Central Park West, New York City, Private and Pep ‘Ge Eewmag ta volce Traine, ‘Concert — LILLIAN CROXTON COLOnATURA SOPRANO, sis bans 'Hew ork Ci, porceit feo FLORENCE M. GRANDLAND SOACH, AccoMPaNtsr. Adios 31 Ha Ee Vane ra, a0 IDA KELLER Special rates to thee Sunt 2500 BL, New Work Cie Vent ena Piano tastraction. ‘ict “profenion. Sitoine Ss be fein SST AEG. Tie et om, ELIZABETH TERRELL a Ethel Clark, soPRano conan, ane, fe friends of the company. Friesids “ : The Billboard ‘er retum to Chicago Sunday after ‘ive years’ absence. A committee of twelve members met ‘Mme, Destinn and escorted her to the Congress Hotel, She gaye a concert at the Studebaker ‘Theater Sunday efterncon, DETROIT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA ‘To Be Heard in New York in February Now York, Jan. 17,—Ossip Gabrilowitsch and ‘the Detroit "Symphony Orchestra will give » concert at Carnegio Hall Wednesday evening, February 2, ‘The program will consist of the “‘Leonore Overture No. 3," by Beethoven; ‘“Seoteh Symphony,” by Mendelssohn; ‘Con certo in G Minor." by Saint Saens, for which the assisting soloist will be Mischa Levitzki, tho pianist, and the “Prelude” and “Love Death” from “Tristan and laolde,* by Wagner. REUNITED Chicago, Jan, 11.—Mime. Rosa Raise, soprano with the Chicago Grand Opera Company, was & ‘ery bappy woman yesterday because she was nited with the father whom she had not ssen for twelve years. When the world war de ‘The Pl M Jo Leay Picking tulberries. . ‘When the Les Silhouettes .. Surely the ‘Time for Making Do Not Go, My Love ... ‘The Night Winds.... Swing Along (Negro) Little Papoose (Indian). ‘Sing Me a Song of a ‘The House That Jack Built. By a Lonely Forest Pathway. AMERICAN COMPOSITIONS Used in Recitals Given in New York City During January * ‘Twenty, Eighteen (Traditional Air). Arranged ‘Trav'lin' ta de Grave (New), Negro Spiritual. Yeloped Mme. Baim, who was completely lost trace ‘of her Foland, The fatber, Hersh Burshteln, will York engagement of. the Chicago compaiy, NEW WOMEN’S CHORAL SOCIETY ‘New York, Jan, 15.—The Brahuis Ctab; ‘women's choral society, has just been founded by Leo Braun, and the frst concert will probably be gives before the close of the present musical season, Mr. Braun wai formerly coo uctor with the Metropolitan Opera Company ‘and the Soelety of American Singers. CHALIF ARTIST PUPILS * ‘To Be Presented in Recital Announcement is made of an artist pupil recital 3 bo given in Carnegio Hall, New York City, Janvary 29, at which talented artists of the Chalif School of Dancers will be presented. ‘The program will conslat of character, Orlental, {interpretative and national dances, ‘John Alden Carpenter <John Alden Carpenter +++++-Johm Alden Carpenter -Harold Osborn Smith Earl Cranston Sharp ‘Mary Turner Salter “Whiting ‘GauL-Coret will be heant in.Cumbertand, 1., the erenlag of January 24, Gchumanndfelok, celebrated contralto, will be heard in New Orleans February 5. ‘The Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra te to give © concert in New Orleans January 2%, A concert Is to be given in Halifax, N.S, on February 10 by Sclapiro, famous violinlet. Rachmantooft, world-famous planist, will give ‘en afternoon of music im Indianapolis January 38. A folnt recital is to be given in Pittsbars “Monsieur Beaucelre,* with Marion Greeo, the American Daritone, ts playing this week in Battimore, On ‘Thursday afternoon, January 27, Juan ‘Reyes will give « plano recital in Accliag Hall, New York, ~ 3 ‘Harold Bauer will give a plano recital Gat‘urday afternoon, January 29, in Aeolian Hall, ‘New York City. ‘The Phitbarmonte Society of New Orleans has engaged Eva Gauthier for a folk song recital on February 12. ‘The Edleon Symphony Orchestra, of Chicago, ‘has announced February 8 as the date of ite next concert. Joseph Harding, a violinist of Kansas City, appeared recentiy as tololst at the Kansas City Symphony Orchestra, “Margaret Romaine, soprano of the Metropolltan Opera Company, New York, made ber Grat the Metropol ‘Thoreday evening, Febrosry ‘The Western tour, consisting of etx weeks, A Joint recital wil! be given in Aeolian Hall, ‘New York, by Maurice Kantman, violinist, and ‘Marlo Mikova, planist, on February 8. =. ‘Mane. Alda, of the Metropolitan Opera Com pany, and Charles Hackett will appear ta Joint’ recttal February 10 tm Detroit, =~ plano recital in the Southern city January 22, Frauk W. Asper, planist, ‘of Denver, gave a recital on January 13 in the hall of the ‘Aser ‘the past two years instroctor in plano New Ehgiand Conservatory of Music, 1 iui 8 Fenldent manager of the Orpheum Theater, ‘New Orleans, at which Mr. Fradkin was pley-° 7 | i i Hl se F if 5 i ba |