The billboard (Jan 1921)

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e BIITS oara™ 43 Th Hickey & Hart (Loew) Toronto. Josefsscn's Ieelanders (Empress) Grand Rapids; BistSag Bie (Opueuny Deke Bin 2 ‘Cit, Omsuigre, “Or, dopene Sack eta) Clctanatls (Belt) ta‘Hilton, Dore (Orpheum) Edmonton, Cas.; (Or29, pheam) Vencourer "i Juliet (Alhambra) New York. Bilton & X ) Hartford 20-22. Julnar of the Bea (1 Seattle; (Pan Bice Se, tages) Vancouver Bis Hoye) Hictnes (Biter) ew Motnes, Serenity tasteless) Ctlengo 96:38. ie Baar Goch Manoa Sy at wor, Hikae Reser {ompbecs) neeolias (Ortho ae — ni Oy eat RA, Os, CONE) BE. Patt: (Ore icoeny ‘bale Te omeniows, OF Meera Dore, ares (American) New York Ee (ombens) Brskiya; Coy. Kano (Palace) fal) New. York 2 ‘& Herman (Empress) D Boy ik, | Boigen, &” Herron (Givp.), Terre Haute 2022; 2; (Grand) Evaugrile, Ind, Hes; (elie) (B@seum) oe Bist; Cempeene) exe Haws Brak gis Ser ‘ctasestic) Springteld, TL, 20Ears" CHemple) ‘Detroit, (eagle) Rochester ‘ elolinas, a vis) Pittsbore 2429, . Kartel (Blpay’ Battle Creek. Mich., 20.22. \Blses 2 iatere (Orpbeam) Kansas Gh 34. Bay. Dolly (Orpheus) Ottawa, Cais Gate) {dmatnee, Hurtig & Wallace (Palace) Superior, Keane, Hobert BE: (Palace) Kew York. (Benen 20s 7 Eeely! Sean & Grgbeus) "Kokomo, BT OSES Te et cae. mcepet & Huple (orpbeun) Terre Haste 2022, Fash) cn F (Orpbeam) arto Ream he) ‘a, 2 Limeick & Sarampe (Keith) Indlenapetiey Keliseamn,“Annetias & Ga, “( (ikea) ay On 2420. Tuan ante asi, Ormbenm) Rimoeton 24-08; (Or. Blea) beiver ene) ON UE iy aoe (Panga) Bela, Mont, 2022; Bone ) “Butte 24-20; Anaconde 21; Bile t E | gy forpbeum), Kanwan City Matty & Eotloct (eles Mass. Howard & Cuack Rees eset) Boece. (Keith) Lowell, Keita) ig is ‘Howard & Hoffman: Shreveport, La, 19-21; a ) fan Antonio, ‘Alexandria 22. Kelso & Wright (Miles) Detroit. (ea eae Vite ms Hees a ita, Ponies (Keith) Washington 24.29, 1) Brooklyn 20-22 ‘Houston. z. ‘(Seith) indianapolis 24.29. witetes Frank uatio (rational) New York & Sp (elt) Byracene, ¥. Hasptreys, Dancing ( ion, , Fiat, Mich, 20 ‘23; Ciegest Kalamazoo. 2¢ Lincoln 27-29. 4a De Trio (Orpheum) Peoria, Cedar Rapids, Tn. 7g Oh. James, Alfred (Bijou) 2022, | Famemis, Davey (Orphcam) Crawfordevle, Ind, [ sence o¢ Franco (Orpheum) Can. [y Grphgumy "Paonton 24-28; Orpheus) Cai: | seat, 2, eros (American) Chicao, 20:22; (Orpheum) Champaign 2420; (Empress) De 1-29, sros, (Scenic) Pawtucket, R. 1., 20.22, Scape eig (eent) Kelston,” Mich, 4 eon ‘& Albright (Loew) Humailion, Can. } Jerome & ‘Newell. (Majestic) “Muskogee 20.225 (cepatat) ‘St. Joseph, ‘27-29. | Femseh Georae, “Revue, (Qrpneum) St, oats; { Jesters, Two (Orpheum) Lincoln, Neb.; (Or 1 7spheainy Oma B49.” 7 "John Bros. & Johnson (Greeley Sa.) New York 1 sennses, Johnson (Orpheum) San Francisco; (Orpheum) Oakland 24-29. Eo ee Mon B20; (Soreliys Orabeun), South Bend Jones & Jones (Orphen) Boe Jonian cine (eben) Torvotoy Crpheua) Mone een see, “OB; tatty Se'Loule 243 Mh Regacdy & Martin (Cryeal) St. Jou, Mo Beanear, Jack, Kear & (Palace) St. Paul 20-22, « (StateLate) -Chlcago; sinters, 20-22, ito) Bt, Louls; (Palace) isl LaPine & Pantages) Los Angeles; (Ba Me on Eee, § ces) Los Angeles; Ialitiees Fred: '& Gor Goew) Pine Diu, Ark., Havre cate) Gusts, Mona S328 Hitter can "lorsheum} “Denver: (Orpheom) ‘Lineoin, Yachman Bisters (Palace) Hockford, Mit,, 20.22, _Yadetig ‘we (corms) De ane 20 Hebert Yambert canes Bros. Four, (Kelth) Ovtambue, 0.5 pt ee orphetin) Caton, Yano, & Moran (Kelth) ‘Catomboa B20. Langford & Predericks oa: scorn). dacranente ome, Corps: Larore & Adams (Orpheum) Clint 20.225 ‘Gisssciey Dee Des Somes 028; (Orpheus) Blows Latell,”altred’ (Grohe ered ire’ (Orpheum) St. Paul; (Orpheom) rate Joan oe (Orpbeam) Portland, Ore.s (Ore Lavere, P. Wy, Oph seam). Bi 2429, ected CL Pa, Lavin a xpbacs) South Bead 2022; (Redsie) SGrobs, The (Orgbeam) Montreal; “Ottaws 24:29, Cremer Te¥oloe, The (Orpheum) Memphis; (Orpheum) ‘New Orleans 24-29, Hae Guilaren (itpp.}, Youngstown, 0, Tee, Harry (Loew) Siajestic) 3 Leon's ‘Pontes (Palace) Superior, Wis,, 2022, Les" Aragon (Liberty). Olabems City 3022 Yeswer, “Great (ici) Philadelphia; (Mary Lester’ & Moore (Palace) Moline, TM, 2022; SQamecmy ee ‘Bend 24-26; (American) hicago 27. . & Sisters (Bifon) Bat "Un, Greek, es event) Season ras gree Far Lagi & Seren ‘Z. St, Louis, TL, 24 Lewis, Flo, Co. ( ) Bt Pail; (Orbe um) Miznespouis Lewis & Leonard (Grand) Atlanta 20-22, Lewis & Heodersan (Dominion) Tews, Dorotig” (Pantages) Portised, Ore, Leases’ & O'Connor (State-Lake) Chicago 24-29. Tillian’s Doge (Orpheum) Low. Angeles; (Orppenm), Salt Lake Cty 2629, Lindley Sextet (Hipp.) Portland, Ore. Lipasay, Bred (Keith Providence; (hein) Bose Lingrade, Mle. (Bijou) Tansing 24-26 (Palace) Fut 27-29. ta 27-29. nike Boxer (toad New Haven 20-22. ‘Ldoga, “Alice (Orpheum) Montreal; (Orpheum) ‘Lockwood & Hush ‘Waterco, In. 2Osz; ‘Olatestic) Cedar Rapids 24.20; (le: 4.29. Yortons, “ites (Grand) Costas, 7 Corpteum) St, Louis 26.9. . Lorraine, Oscar Lore : put poe (Colonia!) Detroit. (Keith) Syracuse, N. Y.; (Shea) ai a bali lf } & i i A fl | : i i i i it : MeCormack McCormack Wis. ulooraiex ae Lise (Orpheam) Kans City. x Md Billy fk ae, ‘Haute aon i te ‘name Futian) Brookiyn 20.22, Meperitt, Kelly & Co, (Beith) Indlanepolia Hedonoass, 1) Brooklyn 24.20. McPartand ) Cleveland; (Meith) sinters 3d ‘Stet ‘Owen os Angeles; oreo ain) Sea able 2438. J cLntonh & Malia, (Lyre) anfiton, Cans Detrol scnores, ret, Ta “Ceiatare) ‘Vaneonver, Osn't ask, io Nell (Brosdway) Springtelt, Mass, Mexagin E225 Gey reas ken, Okistome cy ie it ‘Toronto 2022, pciae & Siege “choriey Hamil Mier ie ) tan, Can. Magners & s) 2 Manietl (Lrvie) Hamilton, Can: (itop.)5 M,Z 20.22, Markley, Frank New Haven 20-22, Maratall & Rag an) New ‘York Magi Co, (Grand) Atlante 20. Jack, Tso (Liberty) Oklaboma city ‘Martin, Chas. (Hipp.) Spokane, Wash... 20.92. Marvelous ioer Stats) Mempats 2022, Mary Ame (Grand) St Lauty ville, Ii, 2426; (Erber) Be. St. Louis Kansas City, Mo., SRE: corettyy pele, Kane 2408 (Ps Wieltes Bos 2 sc hitn Sea oi aS ME See. cares) New York 24-29, ly a zd wre Meyers & Loker (Palace) New Hyer, 2022. “barne A O'Dea (Pantages) Walon, ‘Gent (Pantanes) ress) Omaha, Neb., 27-29. (Gayety) “Detroit; (Gayety) ‘© Mack (illop.) Youngstown, 0.; (Dtvis) Pituburg. Hane Go, Daakek) Brckiye, rid (Delancey BL) New ork, 2022. rion 24-28, /3 (Em. ‘Moran Busters (orpeam) Osten, Uren; ( (Orpheum) & Co. ( ‘Ore, ‘Roralty) ‘Topeka, ee Wor Corpteom) “Optra, Ota; Ear rig Gatpbell Celt) Toledo, Ous (Hen) EF serps me mo Kan,