Billboard advertising (Jan 1921)

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The Bi llboard JANUARY 29, 1921 PROFESSIONAL COPIES NOW READY. SEND PROGRAM. BURLESQUE REVIEWS: (Coatioued from page 24) ean make some of the Coney Island lecturers Yook to thelr Inurela. ‘Stenight Brad's cash register for the comic eondectors and their way of ringing up fares Leo Zorn, a9 Suvenfle cop, held a sidewalk session with = ‘pretty blond cborister, and then a burlesque @ialog with Comic Buras, until the arrival of Brad 2 la Lew Kelly. with a new line of patter. op Joint gave Leading i He ability until Dope Brad and ‘Darlesqued {t in 2 Ienghable man te i a Leo, Barry and Babe. Burns as 2 pantomimle vocalist to of Leading Lady Ger ah He i ae a i tled “The Palace of Jazz," was borate interlor set, with panels in walls for the displaying of Pasha Ted's modelesque mommies, to be dusted from 4 a.m, to 11 pm. by Comle Janitor Bert, under the euperrision of Straight Brad, who pro to eell them to Americans Comics Bert and Bursa appeared a bor. Yeaque doctors to Leading Lady Gertrafe, who ‘walked in ber sleep. Brad, with his reading agreement between parties of the first and eecond part, gave the Olympics something familiar, and they came across with thelr ‘usual applause. Straight Brad, as Mr. Ohesse, the Jealous husband of Leading Lady Gertrafe, to the Hueup for the close of the show. COMMENT ‘We have seen few shows at the Olymple ‘that can oatclass “The Tempters” for scenery, gowns and costumes. ‘The company. individually and collectively, apparently talented artists, and, tho the Olym‘les failed to come across with thelr usual Yaughs and applause, it was doubtless due to ‘the material, which ran to dialogs somewhat different from that usually found in American Cireult ebows, hy gf & x But more alap-stick or low comedy would have gone over better on Thursday.—NEISE. PICKED UP IN PHILLY Charlie Grafts, the capable agent of the “Peeka-Boo” show, was in town recently arranging for the appearance of this big Bedini attraction at the People’s Theater. Charlie's wife is = member of the “Twinkle Toes" chorus and travels right along with Chas. all the time. DRINT MUSIC boy By cy process: cesign & engrave Mlle Rages BRNOLD D. BROWN VNeCO. EE ee Mie HERES The NOW READY FOR THE MUSIC TRADE. (TO SOME ONE FEELING BLUE.) DEALERS, WRITE FOR SPECIAL OFFER TWO REAL HITS, PUBLISHED BY THE TWO GREATEST WALTZ BALLADS EVER WRITTEN “TLLGO A MILE TO CARRY A SMILE” By HERBERT B. COLLIER and EDOUARD HESSELBERG AND———— “WHEN YOU GET LONESOME FOR ME” Words and Music by HERBERT B. COLLIER THE LIBERTY MUSIC PUBLISHING CO. 1454 Monadinock Building, After several weeks of contizuous shows at ‘the Bijou the bouse dropped this policy Tanaary 10 and returned to the straight burlesque ‘with two performances dally, as defore. Joe ‘Howard, the Bijou's manager, worked bard to ‘ut over the continous show, but Eighth street ‘wants burlesque and scorns’ vaudeville, be it ever #0 good, as well as pictures, If “Peek-a-Boo's" receipts fall below those ‘of the show last season at the People's Sam indications are that he 1s due to lose the abore‘mentioned bet. ‘A banquet was tendered the “Peek-a-Boo Company by Sam Lewis following the show Tanuary 13. : On the same evening the, Boostfer Association, of Philadelphia, participated $n 8 monster theater party, a goodly block of orchestra seats having been reserved for the ‘members of this progressive organization. + At the Trocadero the wrestling bouts on Thureday nights have proven a paying policy and will Uxely be continued indefinitely. Manager Joo Howard, of the Bijot, om Bighth street, has arranged for a boring show every Tuesday night 12 conjunction with the ‘darlesque attraction playing the house. Three atar bouts are staged, and this added attraction 4s getting the house's lot of business Harz Spillman. the popular stage ma of the Casino and president of the Casivo lob, is arranging for another initiation and Danguet to be given by this popular organtzation, The affair will Ukely be held duriog the week of January 24, and the well-known ‘Bowery Burlesquers,” who play the howse that week, are slated to bo the guests of honor, ‘Barry Rose, manager of the “Tiddley Winks” stow on the American Wheel, reports delightfol weather at Atlantic City. "The alr was fine,” says Harry, “and the océan brecées in‘igorating. bat as to business for my show— well, that's another story.” Met Geo. Imber, the popular treasurer at the Boo, as. be was hurrying from the bank, with ‘the pay-roll for the house. George bas ‘been ‘under the weather, but despite that fact has remained on the Job, Hla capable assistant 1s Jules Levy, who Bas been at this Doate the ast two seasons, Xt te reported that wface the closiog of the Rolly Theater,” Washington, the American ‘Wheel shows will lay off in Philadelphia, Ed ‘A NEW WALTZ SONG “RES TO OLD RELA A Dreamy Waltz Melody—Long.To Be Remembered Orchestra Leaders Send for Orchestration £eo—— LONGMUIR PUBLISHING CO., (Not Inc.) _, HERBERT B. COLLIER, General Manager INDIANA CHICAGO, ILL. 2 Daley, with “Lena Daley and the Kandy Kids" Company, were the Srst to lay of here, and Ed saya it gives him 2 much-needed rest ‘after twenty-three weeks of strenuous travel. “fischiet t Manager Ed Sullivan, of the Makers,” {9 in town with his well-known fraction, and reports very good business ‘the oue-nighters thra Jersey, which he used to fill fn the past week. Stage Manager Dick Little, of the Bijou, while returning to bis home late on Saturday night last, was attacked at Sixth and Arch streets by four thugs, who, after beating Lim Ansensible, robbed him of $200. Dick was removed to a hospital, where his injuries were given attention and be was enabled to resume his work on Monday. Despite unsettled conditions business at Phileelphia’s five burlesque houses remains up to the usual standard.—BAUGHMAN. EXECUTIVES Of Columbia and American Circuit ‘Theaters Century Theater, Kansas City, Mo, (Ameri can Wheel)—Jos, R, Donegan, general manage: ‘Thos, L, Taaffe, manager; Fred Eader, treasure: Harry Stilts, atsistant treasurer; Fred Ie Spear, publicity director; John J. Regan, stage manager: Thos. Flahlve, prope. Gayety Theater, Kansas City, Mo, (Columbia Cireult)—Fred Waldmann, manager; Jot Zavehiia, treasurer; James Nixon, assistant treasurer; Charles Hopper, stage carpenter Farry Moody, property man; Rey Wing, el triclan. Mr. Waldmann is also publicity dlrector and stage manager. LODGE WRITES NEW ONE by Jack Robbins, the general firm, who knows a bit when he sees one. ‘The engagement of jcorge Belfrag tp Hip Hooray"? at the Olymple Theater, Cincianan Jnst week brought back memorien of the wedding of Mr. and Mra. Beltrage (Helen McLain) on ‘thelr visit to the Queen City last year, Th! year’s “Hip Hip Hoorny.” as usual, fe full Of Dep, and left the audiences highly satiated. LEADERS, SEND 15c FOR ORCHESTRATIONS “THE TRAVELING BLUES” ‘Mrs, Mary Mosby, Memphis song writer, has written a song, entitled “The Traveling Bi It ts published by the Mosby Musie Go,, 257 |. Fourth street, Memphis, Tenn, FRED STONE’S COUGAR HUNT (Continued from page 26) Mr. Rtone, who is one of the greatest big game hunters in this country, will plunge with kim. foto the mountala fastnrases of Orezm fer 3 four weeks’ cougar hunt, using 9 lariat to cxpture the big game. Stone is leaving all the preparations for the location, equipment, etc., with his friends, ‘Texas. Jack” Sullivan and Capt. Byron Bidwell. A BUST OF JENNY LIND New York, Jan. 21.—A marble bust of Jenny Lind, the wonderfol songstress, who took ‘America by storm when sbe appeared at Castle Garden (now the Aquarizm) in 1850, was pre sented at the Aquariam this week by « cor mittee headed by Dr. Jobannes Horing. The ‘bust was made in Italy and brought to America by Jenny Lind. “THE GREATEST NOVELTY FOX-TROT IN YEARS. ‘A NATURAL HIT.” ‘That is what New York is saying of our LATEST CHINESE SONG “H [-Y0” A BEAUTIFUL BALLAD— A POSITIVE DANCE SENSATION Professional, Copit id Orchestra na Ready. Now on the Press: “DON'T LEAVE ME, MOTHER MINE,” “MOONBEAMS.” TO ORCHESTRA LEADERS: JOIN OUR ORCHESTRA CLUB For $1.00 we will send you our dance numbers, as soon as they are published, for a full year. FILL IN THIS BLANK and return it to us with your dollar bi BB. GOODMAN & ROSE, Inc., 234 W. 46th St, New York City. Enclosed find $1.00 to cover subscription to your Orchestra Club for one year. ~