Billboard advertising (Jan 1921)

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JANUARY 29,1921 The Billboard @ THERE IS BIG MONEY IN A ROLLER RINK managed and squipt with ‘the Propels SESE RINK SKAT ASK US Write us for Booklet No. 6 on Suocessful ink Manazement CHICAGO ROLLER SKATE CO. 4406-58 W. Lake Street, Chicago, I BAND ORGAN OF QUALITY SEND YOUR REPAIR Free Winter Storage as Usual Good Bargains in Rebuilt Organs Skating News GION DEFEATS BEREHIMER Saturday night, January 15, before Soabiy. the largest crowd ever _asseimbled 1B Kine “iail” Rink, Olsclanatl,” Heleca Gioal aunts champion Toller skater, defeated fwilie Biunimer of Columbus, “O.y ia three straight ier, half and, one mile, fmer took to the front in the quarter, ‘a bait lap to go Clout made great By three feet. The time was $B'Skusds. “in the alte ‘event’ Clon! too foe lead aoa Berkbimer fell on the fourth lap, Sere Joning chance fo Dass, the champion. Tie wae 7 ‘the mile event Olont took @ fying start and wan never headed, breasting the tape eased tpn f0S25,, Berkbimer bela m coutendiog Prattion until the Mest lap and. be was on eves Peas with the champion at the far tum, ‘bat ATT, “ato arpole aod hie chances of victory Sect glimmering when bs fell. tole, Berkbimer, Jr, soo of the Central utes champion, fared better than bis dad wien ‘ume. He completed. the quarter: ode. ‘Berkle” ia DEPT. OF RAND CO., INC. NORTH TONAWANDA, NN. Y. ze ted the J up of and the ‘Rink, Barnesboro, January 17, andladies’ night being variations of the usual Bites Sine, east Ft pes. fostine Teed in the past week ot Bob" Newhall, sporting editor of The Comple! Mectiess ieckinw cycle comedlany Hademe two, tt vs Me Used i-the past wee of mame cklaw, in trick and fancy skating. Baby Falling when 30 feet from the wire, “Bullet” Bint Me. Lougveas of he Enquirer, red Bit torestor ef the Twin Plate skate, aad Mi ier Haggine: manager of the New York Yankees, Siied oe oda, SEW SPEED SKATERS ASSOCIATION ‘Por the mates! benefit and improvement of Gian Tost 'a hard one-mile race to John Reusing, ‘a former champion, at Musle Hall Rink, Cin Buseh ‘won a haifma, UNDER THE MARQUEE -~ ‘art Licnay, "Hoste, Jack Woodworth. racing meets, ip atfaire, 1s over. Sallaing, but the Eames ad too great'a stare. Beaten” and it onadert GRACE AYER AT WHITE CITY “Wales Gott 2, Semmes Graco Ayer midget ga comallyencceettal week's. cupagemest St sro cot gif my slave hame, and ‘ite Gey” gitiyRiny” Ohiengor i thele prove a treat, ‘60, Bolly, Greenest in every wag’ far exceeded the ‘you to dig up @ ttle io froved fterlt a. wonderft a Koen, during ‘part of her’ erudbicios micleosyy BINDER, Producer. Severe eet, of unten, the, ‘Wheels of which are Sytne a Sagi ey, senor RICHARD T. RINGLING oe strong Jew act —— Rotter, wooee weight is 110 pounds, Bpotber, whos weight pomnda ‘Spends Few Days in New York Weise i Sesaciatiaat sg aad & attested by vi oy ae they ike it i Ribeir stent attendances WHAT'S THE MATTER? writes. that Reporter asked the scion of the couple of theaters in White Bq ureplied. “I want to take ‘ve back in New ‘the show opens at te than ever before, and wherever there are inks they are drawing record cowds. ‘word from Pred M. Moore, of Lowcil, Mass.; BI Dagan, of New Bedford, and others ‘who are ‘we game anything but ‘The first Dest. shate—the dest skate today. ag would retura from. ‘shout Febre Richardson Bail Skate Co. 1009 Belmont Avenue, ‘CHICAGO. KILLING BUFFALO New York, Jan. 20.—Dr, w. 0. ‘president of the American Humane Association, Which bas its headquarters In Albany, N. Ya. faye Ghat Bis aseoclation could take no. ated to prevent Killing of buffalo on Sus Take, | Utah ie te belleved by Bu: ane Society officiais that only the older Suffalo will De killed. Be sure:to look thra the Letter List this week. Decent many friends in the skating world in offering thei slacere sympathy in his Bereavement, During Mr. Hoffmann's absence in Chicago, where went to attead bis brother's foneral, WilMam Setferino wan im chat “Business is stiit NORTH TONAWANDA MUS. INST. WKS. “2s zt FOR SALE—400 PAIR OF WALTER L. MAIN SHOWS = Someta at War Eh Bont oat USS ae ee ee SE peed Shas yaa waa a oe wate i a 32 wens to completa. ‘Superintendent ated ss eee Suir uie' ais os at Hartford, Conn. ler of the ‘Takin \dvanta, weather ones ote oe SURE Se eos SB Be Sea's Se ar ae eset Mi gat Sa titol et want Bis Seder pasted ‘tra! nd Governor’ Downle prides bimSti Gn Having ove of the Socst teuine ia the ELS Biss ‘The engaging of 3s practically come featur bed x Pgs 3, Pi an a eee MET ae aes & B., Local No. ‘Gharies Sager, secretary and’ treasurers , business Sxent; Pat Finn, sergeant-atamms; B. J. Hinton, &. D. Thatcher, Prank coat a Fr Dasket. "With best wishes to The Billboard, I ber to remain Youre respecttally, Tones. _ RICHARDSON SKATES agi ba ran’ a St eh eS as SE ‘Califoraia, pr. Chicago Fibre Roller Skates 1 Chicago Roller-Rink Band Organ ou ome rane awe 2S ae Dee eS